In main view you can see currencies and values for latest available day, but if you click on currency, you can see its value for the past three available days
Change database and other settings in .env.example and rename it to .env (REMEMBER THAT IT IS A HIDDEN FILE)
SQL dump file is available in project root directory, but you don't actually need it, just create empty database, register it in .env file and run migrations
- index(): calculates date of previous working day, gets currencies of last available day, paginates and opens home view
- distinctCurrency(): gets values of currency for last three available days and opens currency view
Currency model
- Fillable values defined
- scopeDate gets currencies and values of specific date
- scopeName gets values of a specific currency for all available dates
- Implements CurrenciesServiceInterface
- update(): Gets the feed data, makes asociative array out of it, puts it in database
- Bootstrap