** Note this Repository is only a copy of my original work done in this Main Repository **
The Hotel Booking is hotel booking application.
- β React
- β React-Redux
- β Ruby
- β Ruby on Rails
- β Postgresql
- β Linters
- Ruby
- React
- π° Authenticate users
- π° Read all hotels
- π° Read hotel description
- π° Reserve a hotel
- π° Choose a date/city to reserve
- π° Admin can add/remove hotel
- You can signIN with email:[email protected], password: 12345678
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
- Download or clone this repostory.
- Provide a modern web browser.
API docs are created and are accessible by following steps:
Run below command in the terminal
rails s
Paste this Link below in the Browser
In order to run this project you need:
- β Ruby installed in your machine. you can download it from here
- β IDE or a code editor installed in your machine.
- β IRB.
- β Get Postgresql up and running. you can download it from here.
- β Git installed in your machine.
- β Sign in or sign up to your Github account.
- β A professional editer such as VS Code.
- β An Updated web browser such as Google Chrome, you can download it from here.
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
Run this command in your command line interface:
git https://github.com/paulshaun-kdtk/Hotel-Booking.git
cd Hotel-Booking
bundle install
code .
- Update the database.yml with your database credentials under the development section
- To run the Backend of project, execute the following command:
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails s
- In case you find any error in starting backend that might be due to credentials.yml file so delete that file and then run the commands below:
--open your gitbash terminal--
EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit
--then close your credentials file--
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails s
- To run the FrontEnd of project, execute the following command:
--open another gitbash terminal--
cd frontend-react-app
npm i
npm start
This project is deployed by the author, no permission for deployment by any other client.
- To run the tests of project, execute the following command in root folder:
--open your gitbash terminal--
rspec ./spec/integration
rspec ./spec/models
π€ Muhammad Zunair khan
- GitHub: @zunairkhan811
- Twitter: @zunairkhan811
- LinkedIn: @mzunairkhan
π€ Assem Zhorabay
π€ Shaun Kudzai
- GitHub: @githubhandle
π€ Obi Anthony
- GitHub: @megagig
- Twitter: @megagigsolution
- LinkedIn: Anthony Obi
π€ Mumbere Habert
- GitHub: @mumbereh
- Twitter: @mumberehabert1
- LinkedIn: Mumbere Habert
- Add start/end dates
- Add share the reservation button
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project, kindly drop a start βοΈ for the repository;
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Behance Design for the wonderful design which we used according to Creative Commons license of the design.
This project is MIT licensed.