Summary codes used to calculate electronic susceptibility (for phonon softening) and spectral function (for electronic gap opening) in my CDW research.
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The detailed underlying physics can be found in my publications, the related physical quantities are briefly shown below.
- Static Lindhard susceptibility
- Nesting function
- Moment-dependent electron-phonon coupling
- Generalized static electronic susceptibility
Transfer sum over
The spectral function is calculated to show the CDW gaps
- Mean-field Hamiltonian
- Retarded Green’s function
If you use these CDW codes in your work, please consider citing:
Z. Wang, J. Zhou, K. P. Loh, and Y. P. Feng, Controllable phase transitions between multiple charge density waves in monolayer 1T-VSe2 via charge doping. Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 163101 (2021)
Z. Wang, C. Chen, J. Mo, J. Zhou, K. P. Loh, and Y. P. Feng, Decisive role of electron-phonon coupling for phonon and electron instabilities in transition metal dichalcogenides. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013218 (2023)
Z. Wang, J-Y. You, C. Chen, J. Mo, J. He, L. Zhang, J. Zhou, K. P. Loh, and Y. P. Feng, Interplay of the charge density wave transition with topological and superconducting properties. Nanoscale Horizons 8, 1395 (2023)