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The NCalc C# library provides a way to use flexible formulas for some options instead of constant values. With Memoria, NCalc formulas can be used in various situations, for mods but also as options for regular players.

Table of Contents

Basic operations

People used to programming should find their bearings. Here are a couple of basic informations so that even people without programming knowledge can use them.

The usual arithmetical operations +, -, * (multiplication) and / can be used. The later one can be either the floating-point division or the integral division when both operands are integers (the result of the division is rounded down in order to keep it as an integer). For example, 5.0 / 2 evaluates to 2.5, in contrast with 5 / 2 that evaluates to 2.

The less-known modulo operation % can also be used. It is basically the remainder of a division.

Comparisons are done with the operations < (strictly less than), <= (less than or equal to), > (strictly greater than), >= (greater than or equal to), == (equals) and != (not equal to). The result of these operations are booleans (true or false).

Boolean operations are ! (unary negation), && (and) and || (or). Booleans can be used even for purely numerical purposes for creating discriminating formulas with the use of the conditional statement {condition} ? {formula 1} : {formula 2} that first checks the boolean condition and uses the formula 1 if the condition is satisfied or the formula 2 otherwise.
For example, the default INI option [Battle] StatusTickFormula uses a conditional statement:
StatusTickFormula = OprCnt * (IsNegativeStatus ? 4 * TargetSpirit : 4 * (60 - TargetSpirit))
For negative statuses (Poison and Venom), the tick formula is thus OprCnt * 4 * TargetSpirit while it is OprCnt * 4 * (60 - TargetSpirit) for the concerned positive status (Regen).
The syntax if({condition}, {formula 1}, {formula 2}) can also be used with the same effect.

Additionally, you can use the bitwise operations ~ (bitwise negate), & (bitwise and), | (bitwise or), ^ (bitwise xor), << (left shift) and >> (right shift). When using bitwise operations, the underlying type of the operands is 'unsigned integer on 32 bits'.

Finally, you can use string operations, in specific situations. Constant strings must be enclosed within single quotes ' (eg. 'My message') and NOT double quotes ". Strings can be compared with the operations == (equals) and != (not equal to) and they can be concatenated with the operation +.

Accessible variables and functions

Math functions

These can be used in any NCalc formula.

Function Description
Min(x, y)
Max(x, y)
The minimum or maximum between two numbers
The absolute, sign (either -1, +1 or 0), rounded, rounded down or rounded up values
Pow(base, x)
Log(x, base)
Analytic functions
Trigonometric functions
GetRandom(x, y)
A random number between x (inclusive) and y (exclusive)
Without arguments, it returns a random byte, that is the same as GetRandom(0, 256)
GetRandomBit(x) A random bit picked in a binary number

Shared informations

These can be used in any NCalc formula.


Type Examples
CharacterId CharacterId_Zidane, CharacterId_Vivi, CharacterId_Garnet, CharacterId_Steiner, CharacterId_Freya, CharacterId_Quina, CharacterId_Eiko, CharacterId_Amarant, CharacterId_Cinna, CharacterId_Marcus, CharacterId_Blank, CharacterId_Beatrix
BattleCommandId BattleCommandId_Attack, BattleCommandId_Steal, BattleCommandId_Item, BattleCommandId_SummonGarnet...
BattleAbilityId BattleAbilityId_Void, BattleAbilityId_Cure, BattleAbilityId_Cura, BattleAbilityId_Curaga...
BattleCommandMenu BattleCommandMenu_Attack, BattleCommandMenu_Defend, BattleCommandMenu_Change, BattleCommandMenu_Ability1, BattleCommandMenu_Ability2, BattleCommandMenu_Item
RegularItem RegularItem_Hammer, RegularItem_Dagger, RegularItem_MageMasher, RegularItem_MythrilDagger...
TetraMasterCardId TetraMasterCardId_Goblin, TetraMasterCardId_Fang, TetraMasterCardId_Skeleton, TetraMasterCardId_Flan...
BattleStatus BattleStatus_Petrify, BattleStatus_Venom... BattleStatus_AnyPositive, BattleStatus_DisableRewards... BattleStatus_Set_3 (Panacea), BattleStatus_Set_26 (Mighty Guard)...
EffectElement EffectElement_Fire, EffectElement_Cold, EffectElement_Thunder, EffectElement_Earth, EffectElement_Aqua, EffectElement_Wind, EffectElement_Holy, EffectElement_Darkness
CharacterCategory CharacterCategory_Male, CharacterCategory_Female, CharacterCategory_Terra, CharacterCategory_Gaia, CharacterCategory_Subpc
EnemyCategory EnemyCategory_Humanoid, EnemyCategory_Beast, EnemyCategory_Devil, EnemyCategory_Dragon, EnemyCategory_Undead, EnemyCategory_Stone, EnemyCategory_Soul, EnemyCategory_Flight
BattleCalcFlags BattleCalcFlags_Miss, BattleCalcFlags_Dodge, BattleCalcFlags_MpAttack, BattleCalcFlags_Absorb, BattleCalcFlags_TrueFB, BattleCalcFlags_FalseFB, BattleCalcFlags_Guard, BattleCalcFlags_DirectHP, BattleCalcFlags_AddStat
CalcFlag CalcFlag_HpAlteration, CalcFlag_HpRecovery, CalcFlag_Critical, CalcFlag_MpAlteration, CalcFlag_MpRecovery, CalcFlag_HpDamageOrHeal, CalcFlag_MpDamageOrHeal
EatResult EatResult_Failed, EatResult_CannotEat, EatResult_Yummy, EatResult_TasteBad

Variables and properties

Keyword Description
FrogCount The number of frogs Quina caught
StealCount The number of successful steals (whoever player character performed the steal)
EscapeCount The number of successful flees (either way)
BattleCount The number of battles started
TotalKillCount The number of enemies killed
StepCount Unused / dummied
TonberryCount The number of Tonberries killed
The different Tetra Master related stats
TreasureHunterPoints The treasure hunter points obtained by picking up items in chests etc...
BattleId The numerical ID of the current battle (*)
FieldId The numerical ID of the current field or the latest visited field
CurrentPartyAverageLevel The average level of the fighting party members
It can equally be used in or out of battles
It is a floating-point number
The total number of player characters or enemies in the battle (*)
The number of targetable player characters or enemies in the battle (*)
It rules out Freya when she's in the air or hidden characters before they show up (like Blank against Plant Brain or Magic Vice in Mimic battles)
CurrentPartyAverageLevel The total number of enemies in the battle (*)
BattleGroupIndex The group index for battles that have multiple groups (also called "formations" in some places) (*)
Check the kind of battle (friendly and Ragtime encounters are not flagged as "random battles" here, nor bosses and forced encounters) (*)
Whether the current battle started as a preemptive or a back attack (*)
IsGarnetDepressed Whether Garnet is in a depression state
BattleBonusAP The AP given by the current battle (*)
UseSFXRework Whether the SFX Rework system is activated or not
(*) Out of battles, these values are not expected to be any meaningful.


Function Description
GetAbilityUsageCount(n) The number of times an ability has been used by a player character (eg. GetAbilityUsageCount(BattleAbilityId_Cure))
GetItemCount(n) The number of items in the player's inventory (eg. GetItemCount(RegularItem_Ore))
GetPartyMemberLevel(n) The level of the n-th party member, with n between 0 and 3 inclusively
GetPartyMemberIndex(n) The character ID of the n-th party member
IsCharacterInParty(n) Check if the character ID is currently in the party
GetCategoryKillCount(n) The number of defeated enemies of a given category
Categories are Humanoid (0), Beast (1), Devil (2), Dragon (3), Undead (4), Stone (5), Soul (6) and Flight (7)
Since an enemy can be of multiple categories or of no category at all, the sum of these kill count does not represent the total number of enemies defeated
GetModelKillCount(n) The number of defeated enemies of a given model ID
Best used with arguments like TargetModelID or CasterModelID
GetEventGlobalByte(n) The value of a gEventGlobal entry (called "general variables" in Hades Workshop), which may correspond to a whole lot of different things
CheckAnyStatus(x, y) Check if two status sets share a status in common
Same as (x & y) != 0
CheckAllStatus(x, y) Check if the first status set contains all the statuses of the second status set
Same as (x & y) == y
CombineStatuses(x, y) Combine multiple status sets
Same as x | y
RemoveStatuses(x, y) Remove the second status set from the first one
Same as x & ~y
HasKilledCharacter(killer, character) Whether the battle unit is has KO'ed the character (*)
The killer is identified by its battle ID
The character is identified by its character ID
Eg. HasKilledCharacter(CommandTargetId, CharacterId_Vivi)
Cannot be used out of battles
BattleFilter(basis, playerFilter, targetableFilter, statusFilter) The list of battle units identified with basis, filtered out with different filters (*)
Eg. BattleFilter(CommandTargetId, 1, 1, BattleStatus_Zombie) represents the targets of the context's command that are targetable player characters under the status Zombie
Deprecated: prefer BattleUnitFilter instead
BattleUnitFilter(conditionFormula) The list of battle units verifying a certain condition (*)
The condition must use Battle unit informations with the prefix Candidate
Eg. GetRandomBit(BattleUnitFilter(CandidateIsPlayer && CandidateHP > 100)) picks a random unit amonst the player characters with more than 100 HP
GetItemProperty(itemId, propertyName) Retrieve a item property from an item identified by its item ID
Eg. GetItemProperty(RegularItem_Excalibur, 'WeaponPower')
GetUnitProperty(characterId, propertyName) Retrieve a unit property from a player character identified by its character ID (*)
Eg. GetUnitProperty(CharacterId_Vivi, 'CurrentStatus')
MemoriaLog(expression) Write a message in the file Memoria.log, to help testing and debugging processes
(*) Out of battles, these values are not expected to be any meaningful.

Player character informations

These can be used in NCalc formulas concerning a player character, not necessarily in battles.

Keyword Description
Name The character's name, as a string
Beware that it is language-dependant (besides it can be modified by the player): it should only be used if really the name is the relevant information
Most of the time, better use CharacterIndex
CharacterIndex The character's ID
PlayerCategory The character's player category
MPCostFactor The percentage-based multiplier for the character's MP cost, which is 100 by default and eg. 50 with "Half MP"
SerialNumber The character's serial number, which is a more precise information than the character's ID
WeaponShape The icon shape of the equipped weapon
The item ID of the character's current equipment
The HP / MP / damage limits
HasSA(n) Whether the character has a supporting ability enabled or not

Battle unit informations

These can be used in NCalc formulas concerning one or multiple units in battles. In several cases, these keywords should be prefixed in order to precise which unit exactly is concerned. For example, in the context of an ability usage, one should use CasterHP to refer to the caster's current HP and TargetHP for the target's.

Keyword Description
Same as in the player character section
Trance The trance gauge's progress, between 0 and 255
Row It is 0 for player characters in back row, 1 front row and 2 for the enemies
Position Player characters have a position between 0 and 3 from right to left, while enemies have a position between 4 and 7 (usually but not always sorted from right to left)
SummonCount The number of times the unit used a summoning command in the current battle
IsSlave For special enemies attached to a "master" enemy
By default, it only concerns the Sand Golem's core, Kraken's tentacles and the duplicated Movers.
IsOutOfReach Whether an enemy is out of reach
By default, it only concerns Ozma when the friendly monster sidequest has not been done
Category The enemy categories
Player characters are flagged as "Humanoid" only
IsAlternateStand Enemies and morphed player characters may have two battle stances
For example, Black Waltz 3 can either be on the ground or flying in the air; other bosses like Taharka or Ralvuimago have a defensive stance
CriticalRateBonus A special percentage bonus that increases the critical rate by the unit
CriticalRateWeakening A special percentage bonus that increases the critical rate for the attacks targeting the unit
ModelId The unit's model numerical ID
The rewards given by the enemy when defeated
StealableItemCount The number of remaining items that can be stolen from the enemy
CanUseAbility(n) Check if the player ability could be used by the player in the command menu, ie. it appears in some of their menu and it is not greyed (because of Silence or of its MP cost, etc...)
PropertyByName(property) Retrieve a property by name

Command informations

These can be used in NCalc formulas concerning an unit command in battles, either queued or currently performing.

Keyword Description
CommandId The command ID
AbilityId The ability ID
The ability's stats
AbilityElementForBonus Mostly the same as AbilityElement, but the ability's elemental affinity on the target can be changed independantly from the bonus it gets from caster's elemental bonuses (eg. "Mag Elem Null" removes spell elements but keeps the elemental bonus they may get)
CommandMenu The menu that the player used to send that command
ItemUseId The item used by the commands Items, Throw or AutoPotion (no item for the other commands)
WeaponThrowShape The icon shape of the item used by a Throw command (otherwise defaults to -1)
IsATBCommand Whether the command is the caster's ATB command and not a counter or any other specially triggered command
IsAbilityMultiTarget Whether the ability can be single-multi targets and is indeed casted in multi-target mode (and thus is susceptible to damage or hit rate reduction)
IsShortSummon Whether the ability is a summon and has been decided to be casted as its short version
IsSpellReflected Whether the command is currently in a reflect state, that is all its current targets are the targets on which the spell was reflected to
IsCovered Whether the attack is deflected to a party member covering their ally
IsDodged Whether the ability has been dodged (which can be known only after the ability hitted)
IsShortRanged By default, it concerns all the enemy abilities and the Attack command of player characters when they use short-ranged weapons
When using the INI option [Battle] CustomBattleFlagsMeaning = 1, it concerns abilities that are flagged as "Contact attack"
IsReflectNull Whether the command ignores Reflect
IsMeteorMiss A special flag for Vivi's Meteor that can be enabled randomly and make Meteor miss
IsCounterableCommand Whether the command is counterable by the game's default standards, ie. when the command ID is out of the "boundary check" commands: it corresponds to the commands that are declared in Commands.csv
CommandIsCounter Whether the command is a counter (according to its command ID)
CommandTargetId The command's targets as a bit-flags
CommandTargetCount The command's number of targets
CalcMainCounter The number of time the ability applied its effect already, for custom multi-hit abilities

Ability effect informations

These can be used in NCalc formulas concerning an ability at the moment its effect is applied to each of its targets. Formulas that can use these informations can also automatically access to command informations.

Keyword Description
The effect's damage and damaging flags
The effect's intermediate variables, usually computed at the start of battle scripts and used at the end in the formulas of the final HPDamage and such
EffectFlags The effect's special flags
FigureInfo The target's figure infos, which determines what kind of message will appear at the "figure point" (some kind of damage number and/or other messages)
IsDrain Whether the effect is flagged as a drain, and thus will transfer the HP/MP to the caster (or from the caster if the effect actually heals the target)
ReflectFactor The number of reflecting occurrences on the current target, when a spell was reflected by multiple characters on the same unit (0 if the current target was part of the initial target group)
DamageModifierCount The counter of damage modifiers applied to the effect, for scripts that use damage modifiers
It is a positive number when there are more bonuses than penalties; it is a negative number when there are more penalties than bonuses
StatusesInflicted The statuses inflicted by the effect so far
TranceIncrease The increase of target's trance ifever it is applicable (when it is not - because the target doesn't have trance, or it is blocked or the caster is an ally of the target... -, this value may still be positive but it is ignored anyway)
ItemSteal The item that has been stolen
EatResult The result of an eating command that can be checked after the battle script ends

Battle bonus informations

These can be used in NCalc formulas concerning battle rewards.

When modifying all the rewards by using [code=EachBonusItem] ... [/code] and [code=EachBonusItemCount] ... [/code], both of these EachBonusItem and EachBonusItemCount can be accessed. For exemple, that ability feature transforms all the Potions obtained into Hi-Potions but don't modify the other rewards:

[code=EachBonusItem] EachBonusItem == RegularItem_Potion ? RegularItem_HiPotion : EachBonusItem [/code]
Keyword Description
... up to 6 items
The different battle rewards

World Map informations

These can be used in NCalc formulas used in the context of a World Map, which are only the formulas in StreamingAssets/Data/World/Environment.txt.

Keyword Description
WorldDisc Either 1 or 4 depending on the current World Map's prototype (WorldDisc is normally 1 until the end of the Terra events, after which it is 4)

Properties by name

On top of all these, the functions GetItemProperty and GetUnitProperty can retrieve these properties in a generic situation by specifying which item or unit must be considered.

Item property names

Item section Accessible informations
Any kind 'Price', 'Shape', 'Color', 'EquipLevel', 'SortOrder', 'Type'
'Ability SLOTNO' (retrieve the ability, active or supporting, taught by the item in one of its ability slots)
'HasActiveAbility ABILID' (whether the item teaches an active ability; the ID must be numerical there)
'HasSupportAbility SUPPORTID' (whether the item teaches an supporting ability; the ID must be numerical there)
Weapon 'WeaponCategory', 'WeaponStatus', 'WeaponModelId', 'WeaponScriptId', 'WeaponPower', 'WeaponElement', 'WeaponStatusRate', 'WeaponOffset1', 'WeaponOffset2', 'WeaponHitSfx'
Armor 'ArmorDefence', 'ArmorEvade', 'ArmorMagicDefence', 'ArmorMagicEvade'
Effect 'EffectTargetType', 'EffectDefaultAlly', 'EffectDisplayStats', 'EffectVfxIndex', 'EffectForDead', 'EffectDefaultCamera', 'EffectDefaultOnDead', 'EffectScriptId', 'EffectPower', 'EffectElement', 'EffectRate', 'EffectStatus'

Unit property names

Unit property names are the same as in the section Battle unit informations. For example, CasterPropertyByName('MaxHP') is an alias for CasterMaxHP.

However, you can also access to specific informations concerning statuses the unit that the has thanks to the property 'StatusProperty STATUS FIELD'. STATUS there must be a unique status ID. FIELD must be the C# code name of a public field in the status's code.

By default, the concerned public fields are these:

Status Field Description
BattleStatus_AutoLife HPRestore The HP amount with which the unit will be revived
BattleStatus_Doom and
The current and initial counter of the countdown
BattleStatus_Float CurrentlyDodging Whether the enemy unit is currently displaced higher up because of float's special dodging
BattleStatus_Jump SpearCommandId
The different parameters for the upcoming spear attack
BattleStatus_Trance PhantomAbility
The different parameters for the upcoming Eidolon echo for Garnet's trance

You can also use those that you have in custom C# scripts.

Specific usage

INI options

NCalc formulas can be used for stat progressions, some status effect formulas and custom battle message formatting in Memoria.ini.

Section Options Accessible informations
[Battle] SpeedStatFormula Player character informations, SpeedBonus and SpeedBase
[Battle] StrengthStatFormula Player character informations, StrengthBonus and StrengthBase
[Battle] MagicStatFormula Player character informations, MagicBonus and MagicBase
[Battle] SpiritStatFormula Player character informations, SpiritBonus and SpiritBase
[Battle] MagicStoneStockFormula Player character informations, MagicStoneBonus and MagicStoneBase
[Battle] StatusDurationFormula
Battle unit informations (with prefix Target or Inflicter), StatusIndex, IsPositiveStatus, IsNegativeStatus, ContiCnt and OprCnt
[Battle] TranceDecreaseFormula Command informations and Battle unit informations (with no prefix)
[Interface] BattleCommandTitleFormat Command informations, Battle unit informations (with prefix Caster) and CommandTitle
[Interface] BattleDamageTextFormat
Battle unit informations (with prefix Target), BaseText, DamageValue and HealValue

Ability features

NCalc formulas are the basis of supporting ability features and active ability features in StreamingAssets/Data/Characters/Abilities/AbilityFeatures.txt.

Section Type Accessible informations
SA Permanent Player character informations
SA BattleStart Only shared informations
SA BattleResult Player character informations, Battle bonus informations, Status, IsFlee, IsFleeByLuck and FleeGil
SA StatusInit Battle unit informations (with no prefix)
SA Command Command informations, Battle unit informations (with no prefix),
Possibly Battle unit informations with prefix Caster but not in conditions and only if IsCasterWellDefined is true,
possibly Battle unit informations with prefix Target but not in conditions and only if IsSingleTarget is true,
IsCasterWellDefined, IsSingleTarget, IsTargeted, IsTheCaster, IsSelfTarget, IsAllyOfTarget, IsAllyOfCaster, IsEnemyOfTarget, IsEnemyOfCaster, AreCasterAndTargetEnemies and AreCasterAndTargetAllies
SA Ability Ability effect informations, Command informations and Battle unit informations (with prefix Caster or Target)
AA Patch Player character informations
AA Priority
Command informations, Battle unit informations (with prefix Caster), IsSingleTarget, IsSelfTarget, AreCasterAndTargetEnemies and AreCasterAndTargetAllies

SFX Sequence

NCalc formulas can be used in different arguments of custom battle SFX sequences in .seq files.

Context Accessible informations
Condition of RunThread Command informations, Battle unit informations (with prefix Caster or Target), IsSingleTarget, AreCasterAndTargetsEnemies, AreCasterAndTargetsAllies, IsSingleSelectedTarget, AreCasterAndSelectedTargetsEnemies, AreCasterAndSelectedTargetsAllies, SFXUseCamera, IsAttackHeal, IsAttackCritical, IsAttackMiss, IsAttackKill, IsAttackGuard, AttackDamage and AttackMPDamage
MatchingCondition({formula}) of a character argument Battle unit informations (with prefix Caster or with no prefix), IsTargeted and IsTheCaster

Battle voice

NCalc formulas can be used for ambiant voice acting in BattleVoiceEffects.txt.

Type Accessible informations
BattleInOut Battle unit informations (with no prefix)
Act Command informations, Battle unit informations (with no prefix) and possibly Ability effect informations (only in WhenHitEffect moment)
Hitted Command informations, Battle unit informations (with no prefix) and Ability effect informations
StatusChange Battle unit informations (with no prefix)

Other usage

Context Accessible informations
Entry BattleParameterFormula of CharacterParameters.csv Player character informations
Activation condition of a World Map effect in Environment.txt World Map informations
In parametric movements of custom SFX models .sfxmodel Coordinates CasterPositionX, CasterRootX, CasterMainX, CasterWeaponX, CasterAngleX (+ the same for the coordinates Y and Z), CasterRadius, CasterIsPlayer (+ the same for Target), TargetAveragePositionX, TargetAveragePositionY, TargetAveragePositionZ and Parameter0, Parameter1... (depending on the configured emission parameters)