Tuna is an UCI-compatible Chess Engine. It uses a search centered around the Alpha-Beta algorithm and a hand-crafted (and minimal) positional evaluation based off material balance in order to play a decent game of chess.
cmake ./CMakeLists.txt -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Move Generation:
- Magic Bitboards
- Principal Variation Search
- Iterative Deepening
- Aspiration Windows
- Null Move Pruning
- Late Move Reductions
- Check Extensions
- Quiescence Search
Move Ordering:
- Static Exchange Evaluation
- Hash moves
- Killer moves
- History heuristic
- Piece-Square tables
- Mobility
- Rudimentary King Safety
- Tapered Eval
- Transposition Table
- Opening book
- UCI Compatibility
- ~270 mb of memory
- POPCNT and LZCNT instructions
- If not, build from source
This project would not have been possible without the Chess Programming Wiki. Additional thanks to open source engines such as Crafty and Stockfish.