Move Generation:
- Magic Bitboards
- Quiescence search
- Iterative deepening
- Aspiration Windows
- Null move pruning
Move Ordering:
- Hash move
Piece-Square tables
Rudimentary king safety
Tapered evaluation
Transposition Table
Rudimentary Opening book
- ~270 mb of memory
- POPCNT and LZCNT instructions
- If your processor is from Intel or AMD and less than a decade old, you should be fine
- Otherwise, build from source (unfortunately, there isn't a build system in place, so you'll need to find a way to compile SFML)
Future changes:
- Graphical interface will be removed and engine will be converted to follow UCI protocol
- Compiling cross platform and building from source with SFML is a tedious (although I could use CMake or something)
- UCI needs to be implemented for engine vs engine testing anyway
- I don't want to keep adding features to the GUI (i.e. time control)
- The GUI code is objectively bad and I am not particularly proud of it
- PV search
- Pawn structure
- Futility pruning
- More move ordering heuristics