Copy the file i2c_reva.c
into the MSDK installation of your CodeFusion Studio repository.
The correct path to copy it is C:\analog\cfs\1.0.0\SDK\MAX\Libraries\PeriphDrivers\Source\I2C
. After that, you must run the clean-periph task in Code Fusion Studio to re-compile the PeriphDrivers static library. This can be done by clicking Terminal->Run Build Task->clean-periph.
This must be done at the time of writing because MSDK exists in CFS as a static release rather than a git repository, so it is not possible to switch to a specific branch containing the requisite update to the I2C HAL.
At this point, you can build and run using the Build
and Flash & Run
tasks, or simply use the buttons for these in the CodeFusion Studio extension. Check the example's README for more details. Instructions for Embedded World NA are provided in the I2C_ADXL343
example folder. An additional similar example using Zephyr with APARD32690 and PmodACL has been uploaded to the folder Zephyr_PmodACL