Releases: CellDynamics/QuimP
Releases · CellDynamics/QuimP
This release fixes:
- [B] #316 QuimP-BOA: Fixed problem with deleting cells under specific conditions.
- [B] #313 QuimP-Vectorize: Plugin fails if mask provided from file.
- [U] #315 QuimP-Q: Fixed scale window.
- [U] #314 QuimP-ANA: Better message on overriding results.
- [B] #310 QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: Fixed bug related to invalid maps causing exception.
- [B] #311 QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: Unscaled maps always returned motility map.
- [U] #312 QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: Updated logging.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release fixes:
- [B] #308 QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: Polar plots were not generated and exception was thrown.
- [F] #307 QuimP-Omero: Added basic integration with Omero.
- [B] #305 QuimP-FormatConverter: Format converter window is not added to Windows taskbar.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Added tests for new Protrusion Analysis module.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release fixes:
- [U] #306 QuimP-ECMM: Added unique names for ECMM plots for QCONF path.
- [B] #304 QuimP: Fixed bug QCONF plugins end with error if canceled at initial stage.
- [B] #302 QuimP-ANA: ANA raised an exception if there is no stat file in QCONF. Stats are necessary for AAN but now it shows an error.
- [B] #301 QuimP-FormatConverter: ECMM field was created in QCONF even if ECMM was not run. This confused other plugins in pipeline.
- [F] #300 QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: New, reworked API.
- [B] #293 QuimP-RandomWalk: QCONF created under Windows crashed the module.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Numerous updates.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release only contains updated recommended citation.
This release fixes:
- [U] # QuimP: Updated scijava.
- [U] # QuimP-RandomWalk: Added multithreading, speeds up segmentation a little.
- [B] # QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: Windows have unique names.
- [B] # QuimP-ProtrusionAnalysis: Plugin can not be started from macro.
- [B] #299 QuimP: Macros failed on Windows due to wrong interpretation of path separator.
- [B] #299 QuimP-API: Code cleaning.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release fixes:
- [U] #298 QuimP-Q: QAnalysis module can be run from Macro, it also reports to Macro Recorder (only if called from menu, not from QuimP Toolabr).
- [U] #297 QuimP-ANA: ANA module can be run from Macro, it also reports to Macro Recorder (only if called from menu, not from QuimP Toolabr).
- [U] #295 QuimP-BinarySeg: Binary Segmentation module computes also statistics.
- [B] #294 QuimP: Fixed wrong module name reported to Macro Recorder.
- [F] #292 QuimP-BinarySeg: Added new independent module that produces valid QCONF files from binary masks (also available from Macro). It allows to use any external segmentation software instead of BOA.
- [B] #291 QuimP-BOA: Wrong behavior of Snake filters if Snakes were created by Binary Segmentation plugin.
- [U] #288 QuimP-BOA: Updated descriptions for modules.
- [B] #285 QuimP-BOA: Fixed bug that caused that filters were not applied to manually edited snake.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Better and more descriptive tests, added new templates for QuimP modules, new UI controls in QWindowBuilder and more.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release fixes:
- [F] #273 QuimP: Improved support for IJ macro language for most of the modules. Check Macro Recorder for syntax. Note that syntax is different from native IJ plugins.
- [B] #279 QuimP-BOA: Fixed bug causing Exception during saving QCONF file on exit if there was ROI selected in the BOA window.
- [F] #280 QuimP-BOA: Added Save and Save As that allow to save QCONF without quitting from BOA.
- [U] # QuimP-BOA: Fixed possible bug in cells proximity detection when one cell is frozen.
- [F] # QuimP-BOA: Added option for expanding snakes from inside of the object. Disabled also previous option that seemed not working.
- [U] #239 QuimP-RandomWalk: Added non-proportional scaling of objects during automatic seed propagation between frames. Improved also handling thin objects that should not vanish after scaling.
- [F] #284 QuimP-RandomWalk: Added multi-cell segmentation.
- [F] #286 QuimP-RandomWalk: Added optional filtering of masks before their propagation to next frame (option in UI).
- [U] # QuimP-FormatConverter: Added option for exporting each frame to separate file.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Updated exceptions handling.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Added median and mean filter to PointListProcessor/OutlineProcessor.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Many substantial changes.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release fixes:
- [B] #271 QuimP-BOA: Fixed wrong frames reported in BOA ststus log on error.
- [F] #271 QuimP-BOA: New setting that allows to process only cell that is currently zoomed in. Other cells are frozen and they are not touched when either segmentation options or filters are changed.
- [F] #274 QuimP-BOA: Added Freeze Cell feature. Frozen cells are not modified when segmentation options are changed.
- [U] #278 QuimP-RandomWalk: Increased nimber of fractional places in some controls in plugins.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Added new types of controls in QWindowBuilder.
- [B] # QuimP-BOA: Fixed possible exception when Add Cell button was used without ROI. Also fixed empty error window when wrong file was loaded.
- [U] # QuimP-RandomWalk: Changed UI to horizontal.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement
This release fixes:
- [U] #275 QuimP-RandomWalk: Allow to set relative error in Random Walk plugin. This solves problem with ending iterative process too early. There is also new options for better estimation of background level in automatic seed propagation mode.
- [F] #274 QuimP-BOA: New setting that allows to process only cell that is currently zoomed in. Other cells are frozen and they are not touched when either segmentation options or filters are changed.
- [B] QuimP: Better exception handling and minor fixes.
- [U] QuimP-ANA: Changed behavior of Plot Outline check box in ANA GUI. Now, its state is propagated through all cells processed within one QCONF.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement