released this
26 Feb 13:28
113 commits
to master
since this release
This release fixes:
- [U] #298 QuimP-Q: QAnalysis module can be run from Macro, it also reports to Macro Recorder (only if called from menu, not from QuimP Toolabr).
- [U] #297 QuimP-ANA: ANA module can be run from Macro, it also reports to Macro Recorder (only if called from menu, not from QuimP Toolabr).
- [U] #295 QuimP-BinarySeg: Binary Segmentation module computes also statistics.
- [B] #294 QuimP: Fixed wrong module name reported to Macro Recorder.
- [F] #292 QuimP-BinarySeg: Added new independent module that produces valid QCONF files from binary masks (also available from Macro). It allows to use any external segmentation software instead of BOA.
- [B] #291 QuimP-BOA: Wrong behavior of Snake filters if Snakes were created by Binary Segmentation plugin.
- [U] #288 QuimP-BOA: Updated descriptions for modules.
- [B] #285 QuimP-BOA: Fixed bug that caused that filters were not applied to manually edited snake.
- [U] # QuimP-API: Better and more descriptive tests, added new templates for QuimP modules, new UI controls in QWindowBuilder and more.
Legend: [B] - bugfix, [F] - feature added, [U] - update or enhancement