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The VehicleConfigurations.xml file.

Tensuko edited this page Oct 17, 2024 · 12 revisions

What is this file for?

In this file we set some necessary configurations for some tools, that will otherwise not work correctly.

Wich settings are implemented right now?

  • toolOffsetX
  • noReverse
  • turnRadius
  • workingWidth
  • balerUnloadDistance
  • directionNodeOffsetZ
  • implementWheelAlwaysOnGround
  • ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded
  • baleCollectorOffset
  • disableUnfolding
  • raiseLate
  • lowerEarly
  • useVehicleSizeForMarkers
  • armMovingToolIx
  • movingToolIx
  • loadingShovelOffset
  • shovelMovingToolIx
  • modName
  • ignoreBaleCollisionForward
  • fixWheelLoaderDirectionNodeByMovingToolIx
  • articulatedAxisReverseNodeInverted
  • unloadXOffset
  • disablePipeMovingToolCorrection
  • ignorePipeMovingToolIndex
  • basePipeMovingToolIndex
  • childPipeMovingToolIndex
  • tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns
  • openPipeEarly
  • tipSideIndex

Can I set my own configurations?

Yes! Copy that code part below into a text file and save it as VehicleConfigurations.xml inside of ...\My Games\FarmingSimulator2022\modSettings\FS22_Courseplay and add your own configurations.


You can define the following custom settings:

- toolOffsetX: number
    Offset of the tool's centerline relative to the course, left +, right -.
    For example, if your tool is 2 meters right use "-2.0" here.

- noReverse: boolean
    This implement can't be reversed. Will not use any turn maneuvers which needs

- turnRadius: number
    Override the turn radius configured by the vehicle author or calculated by
    Courseplay and use this value instead, in meters.

- workingWidth: number
	Working width (in meters) to use instead of the width calculated from the vehicle/implement
	data. Courseplay uses the AI markers, or if the do not exist, the work areas to determine the
	working width. Some tools, especially folding plows also fold their markers and work areas,
	preventing us from getting the correct length.

- balerUnloadDistance: number
    Able to set the distance to the waiting point when it needs to unload. Used by bale loaders.
    Distance from trailer's turning point to the rear unloading point in meters.

- directionNodeOffsetZ:	number
	If set, then the Direction Node will be offset by this value in meters. (Only usable for Enterables)

- implementWheelAlwaysOnGround:	boolean
    Implements that have the topReferenceNode set, but still have the wheels on the ground all the time.
    In general, set this to true for implements which have a wheel and looked like any towed implement
    but are attached to the tractor with the 3 point hitch (and not the tow hitch).

- ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded: boolean
	This is for the case where the collision boxes of the vehicle are very wide, for example
    a sprayer's box is as wide as the extended sprayer arms. This works on the field but will cause conflict when
    the vehicle drives with folded sprayer for instance on an unload course.
	For this scenario the collision box is useless when folded, so when ignoreCollisionBoxesOnStreet is true,
    Courseplay will not detect collisions for this vehicle when it is folded.

- baleCollectorOffset: number
	Offset in meters to use in bale collector mode (Mode 7). This is the distance between the tractor's centerline
	and the edge of the bale when the bale grabber is right where it should be to pick up the bale.
	Courseplay will adjust this offset according to the bale's dimensions but you may want to add a little buffer.

- disableUnfolding: boolean
    Deactivates the unfolding of the implement for fieldwork or bale finder.

- raiseLate: boolean
    The default behavior is to raise the implement when the front of the work area reaches the end of the row or
    the field edge. This works great for rectangular shaped work areas but with other shapes (like a plow) it may
    lead to unworked patches. With this setting true, Courseplay will wait until the end of the work area reaches
    the field edge or row end before raising the implements.

- lowerEarly: boolean
    Similar to the above, the default behavior when starting to work is lower the implement when the back of the
    work area reaches to row start/field edge. Setting this to true will make Courseplay lower the implement as
    soon as the the front reaches the row start/field edge, avoiding unworked patches with irregular implement
    work areas such as a plow.

- useVehicleSizeForMarkers: boolean
    Some vehicles and implements, mostly used for grape harvest have no AI markers and not even a work area.
    In order for these to perform turn maneuvers correctly we still need a front and back marker, which usually
    are derived from the AI markers or from the work areas. If useVehicleSizeForMarkers is true, we simply place
    the front marker on the front of the vehicle, the back marker on the back if there is no AI marker or work area.

- armMovingToolIx: number
	Overrides the automatic selection of a moving tool for example for the shield controller of a snowcat.
	Used to control the target height.

- movingToolIx: number
	Overrides the automatic selection of a moving tool for example for the shield controller of a snowcat.
	Used to control the target tilt.

- loadingShovelOffset: number -1 : 1
	Offset to the loading and transport shovel position in meter for the height of the shovel.

- shovelMovingToolIx: number
	If the shovel is a high dump shovel then the moving tool index of the correct one is needed.
	Usually this index is 1 for the first moving tool.
- modName: Name of the .zip file (without '.zip')
    In case a Mod has the same .xml filename for the vehicle/implement, as a default giants vehicle/implement,
    add the name of the .zip file to prevent conflicts. For example: "FS22_exampleMod".
    Note: Only 2 of the same .xml files can be added.

- ignoreBaleCollisionForward: boolean
    Ignore bales detected by the forward-looking proximity controller if any implement has this set to true.
    This can be set for bale pushers to prevent the Courseplay driver stopping when a bale is blocking the way.

- fixWheelLoaderDirectionNodeByMovingToolIx
	Fixes the ai direction node for the platinum wheel loaders, as their direction is not changed based on the rotation.
	As a fix the parent node of the arm moving tool ix is used.

- articulatedAxisReverseNodeInverted: boolean
	Is the reverse node for articulated axis vehicles rotated by 180 degree?

- unloadXOffset: number
	Offset of the discharge node or a given pipe for unloading into a trailer.
	For pipes this overwrites the measured pipe offset.

- disablePipeMovingToolCorrection: boolean
	Disables the pipe height adjustment for trailers of a few pipe implements/vehicles.

- ignorePipeMovingToolIndex: int
	Ignores the given pipe moving tool by its index.
	This can be used to ignore a pipe moving part 
	and only use one part.
	An example is the premium expansion Dewulf P3K Profi.

- basePipeMovingToolIndex: int
	Moving tool index for the pipe controller to control the pipe height.
	This index is for the pipe part that is directly connected to the vehicle.

- childPipeMovingToolIndex: int
	Moving tool index for the pipe controller to control the pipe height.
	This index is for the pipe part that is directly connected to the discharge node.

- tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns: float
    "Tight turn offset" is extending the radius of turns with a towed implement, in
    order to keep the implement on the path, while the tractor is driving outside the
    generated turn course. This is usually applied to the last curvy 10-20 meters of the
    turn course. With this value you can override the default to make this section
    shorter for some implements, especially big plows turn on the spot and align
    better with the next row without tight turn offset.

- openPipeEarly: boolean
    This will open the pipe of a harvester early while approaching a trailer for self unloading.
    This is useful for combines with a pipe that folds up from below, making sure by the time the harvester
    reaches the trailer, the pipe is already open.

- tipSideIndex: int
    Forced tip side index for unloading. For now only for an auger wagon.
    As an example the Hawe SUW 5000 has two tipside, but only the one with the pipe is needed. 

    <Vehicle name="vehiclefilename.xml"
			 turnRadius = "3"
			 workingWidth = "6"
			 implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = "true"