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Command line arguments

CutePoisonX edited this page Jun 25, 2015 · 1 revision

You can set every option for the current session by providing command line arguments. For a list of all options, see: or type: poisonconvert --help.

Standard settings options

Basically, the syntax is: "setting-name "setting-argument", so if you want to change the config-file to Chromecast for the current session, invoke PoisonConvert with: poisonconvert --config-file Chromecast for example. Settings that can only be either "yes" or "no" (like e.g. the "delete" setting), don't need an extra "setting-argument", just provide the name as a switch: poisonconvert --delete.

Other options


to get the current version of PoisonConvert.


to start conversion immediately. Note: you can pass the settings options too if you want. If you want to use more than one config-file, you can provide the "--config-file" argument several times.


To display the help dialog.