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Configuring the program

CutePoisonX edited this page Sep 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

You can navigate between the menus with typing the listed commands in the brackets. If you are in the main-screen, commands are written in blue, otherwise they appear in yellow. On the right side, it is explained where every command will get you. The red headline tells you in which menu you are at the moment.

The main-screen

This is the first screen you will see if you start PoisonConvert. These commands are available from the main-screen:

  • start Tipping this command will start the batch-conversion with the config-file that you specified in the settings-menu.

  • config You will get to the config-menu in which you can define and manage custom rules and targets.

  • settings This command will lead you to the settings-menu. If you start the program the first time you may want to enter some settings.

The settings-menu

In settings-menu, you will get a list of your current settings. You can change them by entering one of the yellow commands on the left.

  • config-file Enter the filename of the config-file that you want to edit in the config-menu. This file will also be used as the default-config file if you start the program with the parameter 'start'. Note: If the config-file does not exist, PoisonConvert will create it as soon as you add a new rule or target.

  • config-path Path to your config file.

  • delete This setting will tell the program to delete the original file after a successful conversion.

  • optimize You can optimize mov, mp4 and m4v files for streaming with qt-faststart. This puts the moov-atom at the front so the stream can start faster.

  • log-path Path to where the log files will be saved.

  • movies-path Path in which PoisonConvert will look for movies to process. Note: PoisonConvert also searches in subdirectories.

  • destination Path to where successful movies will be saved.

The config-menu 

In this menu, you can manage your rules and targets. If you want to create a new rule, make sure to have at least created one target. Otherwise you will get an error. Note: Every change you make in this section, will be saved in the config-file that you specified in the settings.

  • new First, select whether you want to create a new rule or a new target. Afterwards you can select between the different categories. The program will guide you through the configuration-process. 
Note: For the parameter „language“, specify a shortend form of your preferred language (e.g. english -> eng, german -> ger, etc...)

  • list The command „map“ will give you an overview of which rule will be converted to which target. The other commands will list either the rules or the targets.

  • delete To delete either a rule or a target, enter the command „delete“.