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PromptResponseListener Priority

Ethan Bacurio edited this page Jul 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

Available on versions 0.1.28+ of CommandPrompter

This feature is mainly to accommodate other chat plugins that have a higher event listener priority that breaks CommandPrompter's PromptResponseListener.

You can set the priority inside prompt-config.yml under TextPrompt.Response-Listener-Priority. By default it's set to DEFAULT, this just means that it's going to use whatever priority I've given to it in code (LOWEST). But you can change this value to [LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST].

# Text Prompt Config
# Clickable-Cancel - Enable clickable cancel
# Cancel-Message - Clickable text message
# Cancel-Hover-Message - Message to show when
#                        a player hovers over
#                        the clickable cancel message.
# Response-Listener-Priority - Change the priority of
#                              the response listener
# Available Priority - DEFAULT, LOW, LOWEST, NORMAL, HIGH
#                      HIGHEST
  Clickable-Cancel: true
  Cancel-Message: '&7[&c&l✘&7]'
  Cancel-Hover-Message: '&7Click here to cancel command completion'
  Response-Listener-Priority: DEFAULT