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Black Ram edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 59 revisions

Time system

Time system is a system that allows you to manage the time of the game. The class that handles Time is TimeHandler.


INFO: For don't create problems if you not implement this in your project, the tm are not defined by default empty. BUT, if you use the dict without initializing it, the system not save the changes.

For implement this you need to add this in your project:

define timeslot_names = [
    (2, _("Night")),
    (8, _("Morning")),
    (14, _("Afternoon")),
    (20, _("Evening")),
define weekday_names = [
# ATTENTION here it is initialized
# when a save is loaded it is created with the updateTimeHandler() function
default tm = TimeHandler(
    hour_of_new_day = 5,
    hour = 8,
    weekday_weekend_begins = 6,
    day = 0,
    timeslot_names = timeslot_names,
    weekday_names = weekday_names

New Day

(code-snippets: DR_NewDay)

call new_day
call new_day(time_of_new_day = 9)


(code-snippets: DR_Wait)

call wait
call wait(wait_hour = 3)

Now is between

(code-snippets: DR_NowIsBetween)

Check if the current time is between start and end

if (now_is_between(start=routine.hour_start, end=routine.hour_stop)):
    # ...

Is Weekend

if tm.is_weekend:
    # ...

Check of the day of the week

you can use tm.weekday_number to determine what day of the week you are on.


if tm.weekday_number == 0:
    # Monday
if tm.weekday_number == 1:
    # Tuesday
if tm.weekday_number == 2:
    # Wednesday
# ...

define weekday_names = [

Defalut Value

# pressing the hold button will increase the time of:
# using the default new day function the time of the next day will be:
define DEFAULT_BLOCK_SPENDTIME_DIALOGUE = _("You can't do that now")

Not recommended functions

This functions are not recommended because not update update olther variables conditioned by time.

So is consigliabile use the label after_spending_time(is_check_event=False, is_check_routines=True) after this functions.

I left the possibility of using them for those who want to follow in a python code. Or to customize some possibilities.

New Day manualy

Procedure not recommended, use appropriate label.

Tip: use after_spending_time at the end


New Houre manualy

Procedure not recommended, use appropriate label.

Tip: use after_spending_time at the end.


Block the spending time

For block the spending time you can use the flag not_can_spend_time:

You need to add the flag in the list of Flags:

define flag_keys = [
    # Block all spend_time

For example:

# to lock
$ set_flags("not_can_spend_time", False)
# to unlock
$ set_flags("not_can_spend_time", True)

Image that changes based on the time period

You can use the tm.timeslot_number to change the image based on the time period.

tm.timeslot_number depends on the timeslot_names list. The first element of the list is 0, the second is 1, and so on.


define timeslot_names = [
    (2, _("Night")), # tm.timeslot_number = 0
    (8, _("Morning")), # tm.timeslot_number = 1
    (14, _("Afternoon")), # tm.timeslot_number = 2
    (20, _("Evening")), # tm.timeslot_number = 3

image bg annroom = "location/garden-[tm.timeslot_number].webp"

Screenshot 2023-10-21 120727

Screenshot 2023-10-21 120807