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5 tier masternode

micgre edited this page Mar 2, 2018 · 3 revisions


Develop incentivized proof of stake (PoS) nodes that reward the user based on level of collateral staked

  • Copper: Requires 1,000 DIVI to be staked, offers the baseline staking reward

  • Silver: Requires 3,000 DIVI to be staked, offers a likelihood of solving a block 3.15x higher than copper.

  • Gold: Requires 10,000 DIVI to be staked, offers a likelihood of solving a block 11x higher than copper.

  • Platinum: Requires 30,000 DIVI to be staked, offers a likelihood of solving a block 34.5x higher than copper.

  • Diamond: Requires 100,000 DIVI to be staked, offers a likelihood of solving a block 120x higher than copper.

  • Initiate the node easily through the use of MOCCI or DOCI

  • Allow for setup on dynamic IP addresses as well as static

  • Use a see-saw algorithm to allow for balance between staking and masternode rewards

Background and strategic fit

Why: The masternode system is the backbone of the blockchain protocol and the primary method of creating scarcity within the market, securing network speeds, and offering active income to holders

Product strategy: Primary function of the Divi Project


  • Built upon PIVX blockchain
  • Using PIVX see-saw algorithm
  • Using bash script (MOCCI / DOCI) for initiation with one click
  • Minimal hardware requirements
  • 4GB available HDD / 512MB RAM
  • Support for every OS (Linux, Windows, Mac)


  • Generate new wallet As a new user, I expect a new wallet to be generated upon masternode setup - Must have
  • One click cloud installation As a basic user who wants to run a masternode remotely, I want to have an easy option for cloud deployment - Must have
  • One click desktop installation As a basic user who wants to run a masternode locally, I want to have an easy option for deployment - Must have
  • Acquire initial funding As a new user, I want an easy on-ramp for acquring enough funds to run the masternode level of my choosing - Must have
  • Receive initial funding As an early adopter, I want an easy way to get the funds I've been holding since the beginning into my new Divi masternode now that the main network is live - Must have
  • Dynamic IP As a user running a local node, my IP may not be static, therefore I want a way for my masternode to continue running regardless of changes within my local network - Must have
  • Copper node As a copper node holder, I expect the baseline staking reward for 1,000 tokens
  • Silver node As a silver holder, I expect a 3.15x higher chance at earning block rewards over the copper level based on my 3,000 tokens
  • Gold node As a gold node holder, I expect a 11x higher chance at earning block rewards over the copper level based on my 10,000 tokens
  • Platinum node As a platinum node holder, I expect a 34.5x higher chance at earning block rewards over the copper level based on my 30,000 tokens
  • Diamond node As a diamond node holder, I expect a 120x higher chance at earning block rewards over the copper level based on my 100,000 tokens
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