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micgre edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 1 revision


The primary objective behind vaulting is to offer users a way to “lock” their funds in an account until certain conditions are met.

  • Offer a “savings account” for users
  • Offer an additional security solution for users worried about their funds.
  • Create a way for users to hold funds in a way that is not currently offered in the marketplace, build user trust, and create additional scarcity.

Background and strategic fit

Why: Divi users want a secure, trustless way to store Divi they are not staking and do not need direct access to.

Product strategy: Offers users of all ages to "vest" Divi in a way that forces fiscal responsibility

  • Great for kids (compare to an interest bearing savings account or trust fund)


  • Utilization of smart contracts to create a trustless "lock up" of funds
  • Feature will be available across all platforms
  • Private


  • Time-released Fund Storage - As a parent, I want a way to set up a trust fund for my child that releases on a specific date/time e.g. his 18th birthday.
  • Trustless Fund Storage - As a user who is paranoid about security, I want a way to store my DIVI whereby no one, even I cannot release the funds before the lock-up period has ended.
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