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Meeting Notes 2022 Science
- LMWG workshop Feb 6-8 2023: hybrid meeting and joint with BGCWG, registration open!
Wins, successes, and chances to try again...
LMWG workshop Feb 6-8 2023 Hybrid meeting!
- Dynamic land unit implementation on the CTSM side(see FATES discussion #943),
- Particulars of pasture implementation (see FATES discussion #936), but will work to clarify before our meeting.
- Here are the meeting Agenda and notes and
- Introductory slides
Wins, successes, and chances to try again...
LMWG workshop
- Star the CTSM repository, let's get to 200+!
- Issues with issues, please check for existing issues before opening a new one
- Linnia Hawkins, new postdoc with LEAP
Wins, successes, and chances to try again...
- Sam L. worked through some surface data issues to run CESM with unstructured grid.
- Keith L. seems close to having an N-K solver for soil BGC spinup.
- Others?
- Guoqiang Tang, new postdoc to TSS with Andy
- Yi-Shin Jang, visiting Sean
- Teagan King, joining to help with NEON
- Samar Minallah
Wins, successes, and chances to try again...:
- Baby Penelope arrived, congratulations Adrianna and Nich!
- NEON tags made, container is built, and paper submitted to GCB. Huge thanks to Negin, Erik, Brian, Jim, Danica, Gordon, & Bill.
- Another NEON tag needs to be made, the container has to be rebuild, and paper resubmitted after being desk rejected by GCB...
Discussion can be found here.
Summary slides are here.
Action items
- Spike in land C in 1940 due to lake data 1940, 1941
- Talk to Inne (Sam L)
- Total global ecosystem C seems low
- Complete LU change datasets (Peter L)
- Wetlands
- Compare GSWP3 to CRUJRA w/ modern CTSM tag
- Test new input data (TRENDY)
- Spike in land C in 1940 due to lake data 1940, 1941
Wins & successes:
- Baby Tiko arrived, congratulations Danica and Jon!
- Congratulations Dave, new interim CGD director!
- Land Model Summit was excellent, as is the CTSM + FATES science and community.
Announcement: Jackie introduces Dear Colleague Letter: Planning Proposals to Catalyze Innovative and Inclusive Wildland Fire Science through Diverse Collaborations
- Visiting Boulder from Hofstra University, shares about his N deposition work.
Welcome: Mahjabeen (Mim) Rahman, others?
Wins & successes: Peter's going to COP27 in Egypt as part of the NCAR delegation!
Wins & successes:
- Dave and Danica were able to meet with Sarah Ruth and others at NSF
- No new babies yet...
- Monthly engagement with CESM community
- short, focused trainings to compliment larger tutorials
- Brian asked if we'd like a CTSM focused session?
- Welcome:
- Many visitors!
- Wins & successes:
- CESM tutorial! Kudos to Peter and thanks to everyone who helped / presented
- Jackie's fire paper in PNAS.
- Dust updates
- CESM2 LULCC ensemble
- Welcome:
- Hyunyoung
- Others?
- Wins & successes:
- Flux Course success! Danica, Negin, Gordon, Katya, Brian and Will had 1 day tutorial at Mountain Research Station building on the CTSM-mini tutorial and NEON examples.
- NEON project receiving 1 year extension.
- Welcome:
- Finley & Donovan
- Others?
- Wins & successes:
- Adrianna's review paper submitted!
- More?
- submit_chain.sh in my git repo here
- build out for more support (e.g. Keith's Run historical .csh script)?
- Welcome:
- Wins & successes
- SE updates
- cdeps bug means that zbot is not read in for single point tower simulations that use nuopc (note, this not an issue with mct).
- June 13-16, virtual
- Register now! Presentation request due by May 23
- LMWG highlights requested for Gokhan and Will's presentations
- May 25-26, 9-12 MDT
- Familiarity with tutorial encouraged.
- Tutorial home
- Running with CESM-Lab in the cloud (Amazon Web Service)
- Hoping to build a library of tutorials for a variety of users / features.
- Presentation folder
- Discussion on FATES-sp results
- Welcome:
- Wins & successes
- CESM-Lab running in AWS.
- SE updates
- Ending support for mct within weeks to a month
- Discussion of tutorial on github workflow for project development.
- May 25-26, 9-12 MDT
- 60 participants registered
- Running with CESM-Lab in the cloud (Amazon Web Service)
- Hoping to build a library of tutorials for a variety of users / features.
- Beta-testers needed
- Agenda + presentations
- Proposing to make learning pods of students in zoom breakout rooms
Stability parameterization in roughness length PR [Keith & Gordon]
Wins & successes
- Sean made New Hillslope Hydrology PR
- Erik and Sam made first CTSM5.2 mksrfdata branch tag
- Yui Li’s paper on deforestation and climate change published
- NSF is receptive to continuing NCAR-NEON collaboration
CTSM Mini-Tutorial: Virtual May 25-26
- 55 registrants
- Tutorial materials coming together, will use CESM-Lab & Cloud
CESM Workshop: Virtual June 13-16
- Registration opens Monday
- LMWG morning of June 14
- Special format for this year's workshop?
SE updates
- Support for mct & coupler 7 will be phasing out in next months as CESM components move to nuopc (cmeps & cdeps)
- Several features like regional cases, additional datm options (CRUJRA & anomaly forcing) need to migrate to nupoc.
- Additionally workflows may need updating (.csh scripts for historical simulations)
tags should only be used for High resolution, variable grid, special use cases requiring new mksrfdata & dataset capabilities
- Support for mct & coupler 7 will be phasing out in next months as CESM components move to nuopc (cmeps & cdeps)
Emma Hauser presents on flexible stoichiometry
- New ocean model (MOM) keeps track of enthalpy fluxes, or the advective heat flux, from the heat content of water crossing ocean boundaries.
- Ideal (long term solution) all components keep track of enthalpy associated with mass exchanged across components. This seems like a big task!
- Short term could be to use an ad hoc fix for fluxes to/from the ocean.
- CTSM has no concept of enthalpy now
- Example from Marcos & Ryans 2019 ED2.2 paper,
- Add enthalpy flux from percolation, throughfall & canopy dripping, runoff, evaporation, etc to latent heat flux.
- A simpler approach must track mass and temperature of water fluxes between atmosphere and land
- CTSM currently not tracking energy associated with precipitation (currently that energy stays in the atmosphere)
- Determining temperature of water mass flux would be dependent (e.g. temperature of vegetation, soil water, snow temperature, Canopy temperature may be most difficult).
- Temperature changes associated with water movement between parts of CSTM are not accounted for (e.g., transfers of energy with soil water movement).
- A robust physical solution may be challenging. Can we find a minimal solution for what to do with enthalpy flux received from atmosphere (pass heat flux to deep soils or immediately route this the rivers / oceans)?
- CAM is ~1 year out from passing enthalpy fluxes to land.
- Current fixes proposed for MOM-CAM are a good enough start for CESM3.
- Working on this in stand-alone mode, assigning enthalpy from temperature associated with precipitation.
- Need to decide how to handle internal enthalpy fluxes (as well as water leaving leaving the land).
Note that Keith and Dave L had a followup meeting with Peter Lauritzen and others to talk about whether or not simple ways to implement enthalpy flux could be considered in land in near-term. Keith and Dave discussed afterwards and see challenges. Here is summary of our conversation:
Option 1: An energy flux term, calculated in the coupler based on TBOT and the mass of precipitation, is sent to the land model.
We were thinking about accounting for this energy flux by adding it to the ground heat flux in the land model. But, unless we are missing something, this flux would always be positive, at least for rain - whether it is warm or cold rain. So, this would always warm the top soil layer, which I don't think is what would happen in the real world. Seems like at the very least, you would need to consider the temperature of the top soil layer vs the temperature of TBOT to calculate whether or not the energy flux into the soil should be positive or negative. Not really sure how or whether it makes sense to do that, but even if you did do that we started to realize that regardless, you probably need to account for the enthalpy flux from soil layer 1 to soil layer 2. And, you would need to account for the enthalpy flux associated with plant transpiration. Presuming you could calculate the mean temperature of the water lost through transpiration, where would that flux be accounted for.
Option 2: Pass the temperature of the precipitating water to the land
In this option (ignoring challenges associated with canopy interception and surface runoff), we would update the soil temperature of layer 1 by calculating the mass-weighted average temperature of the soil/soil-water with that of the precipitating water that infiltrates into the soil. That would at least give the intuitive result that precipitation that is colder than the soil temperature would cool the soil and precipitation that is warmer than the soil would warm the soil. But, I think there is the same question about what happens with the transpiration (or soil evaporation) water. And, the fact that we aren't tracking the transfer of heat as water filters down into the soil is also likely a problem (though maybe (???) one we can live with).
If we could resolve this overarching question about how to deal with the enthalpy flux associated with evaporation, then there are a host of other challenges related to runoff (surface and subsurface), canopy interception, land surface type heterogeneity, etc, that we might be able to sort out ... but might not.
We are not really sure how to proceed. We were talking ourselves into pretzels trying to figure this out. One thing that might be a little bit helpful (not sure if it WILL be helpful or not) would be a more detailed explanation of what is or will be happening over the ocean. How exactly with the precipitation enthalpy flux and the evaporation enthalpy flux be handled for the ocean. Maybe with that information, we will have better understanding.
So, we intend to keep talking about this, maybe with a slightly larger group of land people. We are concerned that our pretzel conversation (only partially captured with the above) might have gone off the rails and that we are missing something simple. But, the outcome of our conversation is that without moving to an enthalpy-centered formulation of the model, it may be quite difficult to implement even a kludgy fix, though we are still open to more ideas coming in.
- CTSM tutorial, virtual May 25-26.
- In the cloud with CESM-Lab
- see issue 1672
- recent publication in JAMES
- Welcome:
- Emma Hauser, Univ of MT
- Wins & successes
- NSF and NCAR leadership are talking about continuing support for NCAR-NEON work.
- SE updates
- Any history on coarse root respiration fluxes as part of soil respiration, (#1676)?
- Roadmap of current and proposed data & workflow.
Identify new datasets, people involved, and github issues for CTSM5.2. This includes:
- Updating old datasets (soil properties) &
- Bringing in new ones (e.g. Urban, dust and roughness, etc)
- We'll build on this worksheet from Peter.
- Potential complications and changes related to dataset and surface data creation, especially related to mksurfdata_esmf, #1674
- Amy Liu
- Others
Wins & successes
- Big participation at LMWG.
- Congratulations to Claire and Yifan, winners of the Slater award.
SE updates
- Sam and Erik brought MIMICS onto main.
- Negin brought subset data tag to main.
- Bill's making a ton of tags today.
LMWG comments, suggestions, thoughts, issues?
- Sam started this issue #1649
- Wins & successes:
- Lots of FATES discussions following our last meeting that we'll continue today!
- SE updates?
- Negin and Adrianna are closing in on a workflow for creating single point cases... stay tuned!
- LWMG agenda, moderators, etc.
Let's remember what's ongoing in TSS
- Regional applications, Jackie
- Point simulations with NEON, Adrianna
- Hillslope - FATES integration, Jackie, Sean, Adrianna?
- Land use data sets for transient simulations, Peter.
- FATES wannabes, Katya, Will & others
New in 2022 Global FATES
Coupled Case
Marysa ran CAM6-CLM5%FATES case
Keith found Coupled FATES-SP only 5% slower than big leaf-SP (* Abby noted caveat here since it was a short run and cohorts were )
- Do we need to better understand (or improve) cost estimates with different configurations?
- Dave asked for a simulation with a spun up land state that can be used in a coupled simulation
- Rosie suggested this be done with fixed biogeography configuration (with competition).
Keith will spin up a fix biogeography FATES case to
- Qunatify timing costs, both for land only and coupled cases.
- Try this with AD spinup and then postAD to test ILAMB comparisons
- Keith asked about what variables you need to check for equilibrium?
- Polly noted that stand structure doesn't necessarily come into in equilibrium even though veg biomass does.
- Need to write out FATES_AGB, number of plants by size class and pft
- Charlie asked if this should be done coupler history, but Dave doesn't think this is needed.
Additional FATES resources from Jackie:
Land only runs
Dave ran a land only FATES SP and noComp cases
- ILAMB results
- Dave noted "this shows that we can run ILAMB on FATES, but nocomp run started from cold start and ran 3 years, so it isn't at all meaningful"
- Ryan, Adrianna noted that FATES GPP is only for natural veg land units.
- Charlie noted there are additional complexes to consider re. FATES output to HLM.
- Are there other considerations for integrating results into ILAMB or Diagnostics?
Keith ran a historical case without LULCC for CTSM5.1_SP vs. CTSM_FATES_SP
- FATES was 15% slower than big leaf
- Noted big difference in albedo, among other changes...
- Diagnostics
Rosie suggested the following differences may be responsible for FATES-SP and Bigleaf-SP cases
- Differences in Vcmax (from LUNA in CLM5.1, parameterized directly in FATES).
- Daylength adjustment (on in CLM5 off in FATES)
- Stomatal conductance ( Medlyn in CLM5, BB in FATES)
- Vcmax Acclimation (on in CLM5, not in FATES)
- TPU limitation (on in CLM5, off in FATES)
- Smoothing (on in CLM5, off in FATES)
- PHS (on in CLM5 off in FATES)
- Leaf Optical Properties (which changed in CLM5.1?), Jackie has an update for this.
- Leaf layering and level thickness in FATES
- names list controls in FATES are being over written, but this isn't reflected on lnd_in file (e.g. medlyn vs. bb conductance)
- LAI still not the same for FATES since crops aren't being considered in FATES
- Welcome Zhonghua, Danielle
- Wins & successes?
- SE updates?
- 50 talk requests, > 115 registered! (2021 meeting = 35 talks in 3 days).
- Are we offering the Slater Award (Dave)?
- Suggestions for how to increase 2-way communication?
- networking opportunities (coffee or lunch breaks),
- talk guidelines &
- discussions or breakout sessions
- Volunteers for chairs, moderators [Rosie (PM), Abby, Adrianna, Pete, Ryan, Jackie, Charlie, Polly, Negin]
- We've been talking about FATES and Hillslope being the future of CTSM for YEARS, but it's been slow going.
How do we accelerate the use of these tools & better support the community?
- Identify gaps, pinch points
- Run global coupled SP case
- Scientifically supported global SP compset
- Workflow distinct for global, regional & point cases.
- Analysis scripts needed with examples of how to get back big-leaf variables from FATES output.
- Afraid, ask Rosie, or at least see her notes
Development guides
CTSM Users:
CTSM Developer Team
Editing documentation (tech note, user's guide)