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Meeting Notes 2023 Science

will wieder edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 74 revisions

2023 CTSM science meeting notes

Dec 7

Updates and Announcements (5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

    • Ulises Marconato, visiting Danica at CSU
  • Wins:

    • Able to run with latest tag on Derecho
    • Sparse grid PE layout working on Derecho
  • Announcements:

    • CESM tutorial Aug 5-9 2024, registration open through Feb 15.
    • Instructions for updating tags and running on Derecho coming...
    • Not porting mksurfdata_map to Derecho now, meaning we won't be able to make surface datasets for CLM4.5-CTSM5.1
    • ESIIL Forest Carbon Codefest

Ulises presents ideas for his work

Daniel shares SSP PPE work

  • Meier roughness looks appropriate (evaporative fraction)
  • Spinning up BGC case using CRUJRA w/ LW
  • ERA5 data should be coming soon.

Nov 30

Updates and Announcements (10 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • Keith has ILAMB running on Casper (glade/campaign/cesm/community/lmwg/diag/ILAMB)
    • Erik moved datm input data moved from /glade/p onto /glade/campaign
    • Sam L updated the parameter file (turns on Meier roughness, fixes FUN bug, more- it also causes problems so now we're turning Meier2022 off).
  • Announcements:

    • Cheyenne is running in a depreciated state. CISL is encouraging move to Derecho.
      • Branches need to migrate to Derecho
      • Solution will be enabled by new externals update tag (by Friday w/ announcement Monday).
      • Supporting release version of code with Derecho move
      • Older tags dev will be vulnerable (can't easily update externals)

Sanjiv Shares (15 minutes)

  • ChatGPT experience
  • ILAMB requests

CLM6 updates (35 minutes)

  • Dead arctic vegetation: Snow albedo
  • DATM options

Nov 16

Updates and Announcements (5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

  • Announcements:

    • TSS is hiring a postdoc to work on FATES.
    • LMWG and BGCWG mailing lists migrating to Google groups

For the next agenda items see slides

Move to Derecho (10 minutes)

  • 45 days until retirement!

CESM3 / CLM6 Timeline & Discussion(20 minutes)

  • Targeting code freeze by CESM Workshop in June!

Dead Arctic Vegetation

Nov 2

Updates and Announcements (10 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • Bunch of new science tags including SNICAR, crop sowing windows, & FATES cross grid seed dispersal.
    • NEON paper led by Danica published in GMD.
    • Hillslope paper at Niwot led by Katya published in JGR-B.
    • Peter and Dave back from safari (and WCRP).
  • Announcements:

High resolution soil moisture forecasts

  • John Bradford, Daniel Schlaepfer (USGS Southwest Climate Adaptation Center); along with Imtiaz Rangwala discuss project with a goal to provide actionable science information related to soil moisture forecast and projections at a very high resolution ~ 1km for conterminous US.

Oct 19

Updates and Announcements

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

  • Announcements:

    • Tentative CESM science code freeze June 2024. Let's talk priorities over the next few weeks.

Cold arctic soil biases & snow thermal conductivity

  • Adrien Damseaux presents on observational synthesis and implementation of Sturm snow thermal conductivity
  • Look at additional runs from land-only and coupled simulations.

Oct 5

Updates and Announcements (15 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • CGD Strategy and engagement day, thanks to EC who planned and facilitated.
    • Baby Zoey. Congratulations to Guoqiang & Xiaomei!
    • Papers accepted: Danica (NEON); Katya (Hillslope @ Niwot); Emma (flexible foliar C:N)
    • PLUMBER2 capabilities being merged into supported towers infrastructure
  • Announcements:

    • LMWG winter meeting.

      • Suggested either week of Feb 12 or Feb 26.
      • Coordinate with BGCWG?
      • Seminar speaker suggestions.
    • Diagnostics activity headed by ESDS Looking for WG participants / leads

Initial FATES-sp results with 2-stream radiation (10 minutes)

DATM inputs for CLM6 calibration & simulations (20 minutes)

  • What should we be testing now?

Dead arctic vegetation continued (10 minutes):

  • Review & plan for next simulations.

Sept 21

Updates and Announcements (5 minutes)

  • Welcome:
  • Wins: Katya joining NEON at 0.5 FTE.
  • Announcements:

Discussion FATES priorities (50 minutes)

  • Infrastructure for LULCC V1: reading in LUH transition matrix V2: enable LULCC with noComp setup Aiming for full trainsient simulation
  • Calibration Adrianna will start on PPE for FATES-sp with new two-stream radiation code Katya beginning work on Alaska NEON sites, also developing LAI estimates from observations Sam R. to join USFS with aim of FATES calibration in Colorado watersheds

Sept 14

Updates and Announcements (5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • Awesome github collaboration!
  • Announcements:

    • CLM / TSS web site content [Thanks to Sam L & Monica]

Reschedule TSS meetings? [Dave] (5 minutes)

Discussion on FUN parameter bug (25 minutes)

  • See Issue #2120 and Discussion #2098
  • Background: Kudos to Elin and Rosie
  • Findings: Thanks to Linnia & PPE team
  • Next Steps:
    • Evaluate spatial implications,
    • PR with updated parameter file,
    • PPE needs?

Updates on dead Arctic vegetation (20 minutes)

  • Discussion on NCAR/LMWG_dev
  • Reviewing effects of snow conductivity change on LAI & more.
  • PR opened by Adrien!
  • Additional experiments or evaluation needed?

Sept 7

Updates and Announcements (5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • FATES BGC call sequence updated, opening the door for FATES C-N simulations.
    • FATES v1 LULCC becoming a reality
    • Meier roughness length PR merged (not on by default yet)
    • NEON overview paper accepted in GMD.
    • Andy, Danica & Will promoted to PS IV vand III's
  • Announcements:

    • Hackathon next week to add PLUMBER sites to 'supported towers' (Sept 13).

Discussion on Arctic vegetation - climate feedbacks

Aug 24

No meeting, conflict with CGD's Day of Discovery.

Aug 10

Updates and Announcements (10 minutes)

  • Welcome:

    • Monica Morrison, newly joined TSS.
  • Wins:

    • Dave's the CESM Chief Scientist!
    • NEON Tutorial at ESA was successful. Thanks Teagan, Danica, Linnia, Katya, & Brian.
    • Crop calendar PR merged. +1 for Sam R's postdoc!
    • Excess ice PR merged, thanks Sam L, Erik, & Matvey for getting this across the line.
    • FATES refactor merged, thanks Adrianna & Greg.
  • Announcements:

Anthony Zhou (Columbia)

  • ChatGPT to convert CLM photosynthesis code

July 27

Updates and Announcements (10 minutes)

  • Welcome:

    • Eleanor, Gab, Ian, Paul
  • Wins:

    • CTSM5.1 initialized with CAM7 CPL-HIST!
    • Continued NSF support for NEON-NCAR project seems likely
    • CESM Tutorial successful. Thanks Peter, Adrianna & others who helped with lectures and tutorials.
  • Announcements:

    • NEON tutorial coming to ESA short course
    • AGU abstracts are due next week. Who's planning on attending?
    • Cheyenne will be down next week.

Preliminary results from CTSM5.1 for CESM3 (10 minutes).

  • Spun up with CAM7 coupler history output, compared with results from the CESM2 PI control.

Gab Abramovitz and (40 minutes)

July 13

Sabine Egerer shares on her work.

June 29

Updates and Announcements

(10 minutes)

  • Welcome:

    • Sabine Egerer, MPL
  • Wins:

    • CESM workshop was successful! Thoughts or take-aways?
    • Marius Lambert's second paper on the frost mortality and hardening in fates-hydro was accepted.
    • Sam L is full time!
    • Adrianna and Will have received promising news on proposal to DOE with NAU using FATES & MIMICS at East River, CO.
    • Danica, Linnia, Adrianna, Katya, Gordon & Will taught at flux course.
    • Peter and Dave participated in scenarioMIP - update worthy at some point?
  • Announcements:

    • Niwot Ridge field trip, June 30.
    • CESM Tutorial July 10-14.

Multilayer canopy & FATES: Opportunities & challenges.

  • Gordon Bonan
  • Ryan Knox
  • Discussion (20 minutes)

May 18

Updates and Announcements

(5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • Jackie's moving to NASA & will be sorely missed
    • NCAR-NEON workshop / tutorial was wild success.

Guest presentation:

  • Sonia Seneviratne from ETH will present on "Land management and climate extremes in a changing climate"

May 18

Updates and Announcements

(5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • Yui Li starting faculty position in Geography at UCLA in Nov.
    • Katie R led a productive writing retreat in Estes Park.
    • John, a google developer, made a PR that's been merged into main CTSM repository.
    • Sam R offered SE II position, working through HR now.
  • Announcements:

C4 grass response to one at a time and combined forcings:

  • James King (25 minutes)

Integrating CLM and IM3

  • Ning Sun, PNNL (30 minutes)

April 20

Updates and Announcements (5 minutes)

  • Welcome:

    • Martin
  • Wins:

  • Announcements:

    • CESM Workshop June 12-14 Registration open.
      • $200 fee for in person participation, covered for staff.

Coupled model status and CESM3 timeline (Fall '24 target). Review: (35 minutes)

Tutorial needs for the NCAR-NEON workshop May 31-June 2. (20 minutes)

April 6

Updates and Announcements (15 minutes)

  • Welcome:

  • Wins:

    • Adrianna helping Katya and Will start on FATES calibration at US-NR1 tower, Niwot Ridge.
    • Sean helped Will run 'big hillslope' simulation with US-NR1 forcing across Front Range (show movie if able).
  • Announcements:

    • CESM Workshop June 12-14.
      • Request for presentation opens soon, closes May 8, agenda posted mid-late May.
      • Cross-WG sessions (Monday) on Actionable science, Intersection of CESM components (10 m atmosphere), Parameter estimation, Ultra-high resolution
      • $200 fee for in person participation, covered for staff.
    • Coupled model status and CESM3 timeline (Fall '24 target).
    • Keith suggesting CTSM6-CESM3 project board, repository (e.g. amgw_dev), or other organizational mechanism. Interested? contact Will
  • Review: CTSM6 project board

Cenlin He provides updates on snow albedo work. (40 minutes)

  • Updated slides are here
  • See also #1861
  • This work seems like a significant improvement in the physics of how we're handling snow albedo that should be brought to main.

March 23

Manoj Hari presents work comparing NEON site simulations and observations of GPP with a few different remote sensing proxies

Feb 23

Updates and Announcements (10 minutes)

  • Welcome:

    • Katie Rocci, postdoc at CU and Univ of Michigan
    • Olga Dombrowski, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
  • Wins:

    • Erik recognized with a CGD On-the-Spot Award TWICE! for: His steady leadership, dedication, and enthusiasm to the CGD DEI activities, specifically related to creation of and reporting on the 2022 CGD Culture Survey.
    • Erik was also recognized with an On-the-Spot Award for his leadership of the CTSM-SE team.
    • LMWG was a big success, thanks for your presentations
  • Announcements:

    • SE II position posted.
    • CLM-CET group starting up. Thanks, Rosie!
      • Dates and time TBD, but meeting 16:00 or 16:30 CET (8:00 or 8:30 Mountain).
    • CESM workshop
      • Jun. 12 to Jun. 15, 2023
      • Nominations for awards, plenary speakers & cross CESM sessions.
        • Linnia will contact Gokhan re. cross-WG session on parameter estimation. Katie & Yifan were also interested.
        • Peter and Will were interested in cross-WG session on novel model applications (e.g. GCR projects, Innovators projects). Will will contact Gokhan on this too.
    • TSS / LMWG community events:
      • CTSM Bug squashing party, April 3-14.
      • Similar effort to update CTSM User's Guide is TBD.

2023 LMWG reflections (15 minutes):

  • New science:
  • Hybrid format?

MizuRoute updates, issues & discussion (30 minutes):

Jan 26

Updates and Announcements

  • Welcome:

    • Zhe Zhang, new postdoc in RAL
  • Wins:

  • LMWG workshop Feb 6-8 2023. Register for the hybrid meeting

    • 52 speakers, 31 graduate students and postdocs!

    • Draft agenda here, will be posted shortly

    • Sufficient time for FATES overview (Jackie), CTSM5.2 (Sam & Peter).

    • Suggestions for hybrid meeting?

      • Dave circulated this resource
      • Virtual coffee and lunch room for on-line participants
      • contingency plan for sharing talks (google drive)
      • communicate clearly with speakers, coordinate with Elizabeth.
    • Requesting volunteers to help moderate & introduce speakers.

      • Peter, Jackie, Polly, Danica, Katie, Aleya (moderate online)
  • post-LMWG CTSM-FATES discussion (hybrid, Feb 9). Focus on LULCC.

    • Bill and Jackie are coordinating. Thank you.

Continue discussion on plans for enabling new single point simulations with NEON infrastructure:

  • Slides
  • Overview of changes & discussion on potential workflows
    • especially for PRISM, FATES
  • Tutorial opportunities & timeline
  • Timeline & priorities

Jan 12

Updates and Announcements

Updates on CTSM5.2 datasets (Sam, Erik, Peter)

  • Project Board,

  • Discussion thread,

  • Outstanding tasks and timeline

    • Peter will contribute raw LULCC data for -6000 to 2300
    • Peter will add new files for Gross Unrepresented Land Use
    • Sam will generate new surface datasets once raw data are in place
    • Peter is looking for help reading the Land Use Tech Note
  • Next steps

    • Will: ask at co-chairs re. resolution currently proposing time slices at 0.05 or 0.01 degrees.
    • Peter will work with Sam and Erik to make this in an ESCOMP repository and train them on the workflow.

Discussion on plans for enabling new single point simulations with NEON infrastructure:

  • Slides
  • Overview (Will)
  • PRISM precipitation (Teagan)
  • FATES (Adrianna)
  • MIMICS (Will)
  • Hillslope & more...
  • Overview of changes & discussion on potential workflows
    • At SE meeting we'll implement something simple for running FATES, but this will be a work in progress moving forward.
  • Tutorial opportunities & timeline
  • Timeline & priorities

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