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Arnold Kuzniar edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Preliminary cross verification of Yeast Genes for Butanol tolerance to get a rough estimate on the number of genes present for this phenotype. Butanol tolerance is defined at various levels of sensitivity within SGD database !

Step 1 : Downloaded data had 14 columns and 140611 rows (Please see the Readme file in the link above)
Step 2 : The word "butanol" was searched in all columns and was found only in columns Chemical (11), Condition (12), Details (13)
Step 3 : In total 122 rows were identified that had this word in them. This file is Butanol Tolerance present in the code base of DSM folder.
Step 4 : Of this 122 rows:
            118 had unique SGD_ID
            107 had unique Gene_names
            118 had unique Feature_names
Step 5 : Further checks from this paper where 35 genes were observed for specific strains of yeast These 35 genes are within the subset of these 107 gene list.

Summary : This is by no means a very thorough approach but a rough estimate on the numbers we may expect. It would be interesting to see how EKP behaves based on this crude observation. We do have other relevant information associated with this phenotype.

Identifying concept id that are common in between terms "resistance to chemicals" and "butanol"

resistance to chemicals


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