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TGRC tomato mutants

Arnold Kuzniar edited this page Jan 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

Data set metadata

Dataset title: TGRC tomato mutants

Dataset description: The TGRC resource contains gene-to-phenotype information on tomatoes.

Download URL:

License: ?

Release/version: ?

Release issue date: ?

Distribution format: CSV

  • Note: Exported data.csv file contains Microsoft Windows line endings \r\n. There are 9 columns (with the last column empty due to extra comma at the end of line) and 1259 rows (including header).

MD5 checksum: 7c25ffb5c316912deddb154f097b4b6e

Data record metadata


hp-2,--,high pigment-2, ,hp,"Similar to hp-1; enhances all pigments of green and mature red fruits; in presence of u^+ allele, immature fruit are completely dark green.",1,Morph,CHEM,
hp-2,dg,high pigment-2,dark green,dg,"Immature fruit color normal; darker green color appears as fruit develops, then persists until onset of ripening, high chlorophyll compared to wild type  or hp-1.",1,Morph,SPON,
hp-2,j,high pigment-2,Jones,hp,Similar to hp-2.,1,Morph,SOMA,
1	Gene *
2	Allele
3	Locus Name *
4	Allele Name
5	Synonyms of Allele
6	Phenotype *
7	Chromosome *
8	Marker Type
9	Mutant Type

Only columns indicated by '*' were found relevant. For linking to UniProt and Ensembl tomato data we used gene name (1st col) and chromosome information (7th col).