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Utilizing the configuration system

FH-Inway edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 1 revision

The module is built upon the foundation of the PSFramework, which enables a full blown configuration store for PowerShell modules and scripts.

A very important note is that everything is being stored on user as default. If you want to store the different configuration on a system wide fashion that option exists, but is beyond this guide. We will create a new guide to explain how to utilize the system wide feature.

We have several configuration sub sections:

  • Environment
  • Azure Storage Account
  • Azure Logic App

Environment Configuration Store

The environment configuration store is a multi array store, that can store different environment details, per environment, for your convenience.

The SqlUser & SqlPwd parameters are designed to support you when working on a Tier 2 environment and you don't want to have to either save your scripts containing your Sql credentials or you don't want to look these things up over and over logging into LCS.

The TfsUri parameter is designed to support a developer working with hotfixes and installation, that needs to check in code against VSTS / Azure DevOps.

The Url parameter is designed to support you on a workstation that wants to execute table browser and runnable classes against any D365 environment where you're credentials have access.

Available cmdlets / functions

  • Add-D365EnvironmentConfig
  • Get-D365EnvironmentConfig
  • Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig
  • Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig


Add-D365EnvironmentConfig is used to register a new environment and all its details. Please read more about the details of the cmdlet in the docs or Get-Help Add-D365EnvironmentConfig

It is not necessary to fill in all the details when using the Add-D365EnvironmentConfig

Example on how to fill out the details for every parameter. This will create a environment configuration that is stored with the name "TEST"

$params = @{}
$params.URL = (Get-D365Url).Url
$params.SqlUser = "sqladmin"
$params.SqlPwd = "afafKHkhke"
$params.Company = "DAT"
$params.TfsUri = (Get-D365TfsUri).TfsUri
Add-D365EnvironmentConfig -Name TEST @params


Get-D365EnvironmentConfig is used to show all the registered environments and their details. Please read more about the details of the cmdlet in the docs or Get-Help Get-D365EnvironmentConfig

Example on how to list all environments


Name    : TEST
TfsUri  :
URL     :
Company : DAT
SqlUser : sqladmin
SqlPwd  : afafKHkhke


Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig is used to register some of the in-memory variables that the module relies on, by promoting an environment configuration to the status active. It is simply done by using the name that you gave it while working with Add-D365EnvironmentConfig and all details will be copied over to a new set that is only used with the active environment logic. Please read more about the details of the cmdlet in the docs or Get-Help Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig

Example on how to set a given environment af the active environment configuration

Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig -Name TEST


Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig is used to show the environment details that are registered as the active environment. Please read more about the details of the cmdlet in the docs or Get-Help Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig

Example on how to see the current active environment and its details


Name                           Value
----                           -----
Company                        DAT
SqlUser                        sqladmin
SqlPwd                         afafKHkhke
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