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North Testing Examples

MeganCrowthers edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 10 revisions

Testing Emails/URL's

MailBot Testing Scenarios:

Testing Norberts Ability to place a query with Jadu CXM and forward to sovereign council (End Status = Case Closed)

  1. Using gmail, iCloud, hotmail, yahoo etc send an email to the Testing Enviroment outlining one of the West Northants Mail Bot Enquiry Types.
  2. Await for auto response to be receiving confirming your query has been passed to an agent

n.b if at this point you get an email asking for you location, this means that Norbert has not been able to ascertain a location within your email. You will need to reply with an address, area, town or postcode to receive an SLA Response. If you have still not got a confirmation email after providing the location to Norbert, this means he has passed your query onto a human.

3. Open the UAT system and search for the reference number received on your Auto Response

Has the First and Surname pulled over (Taken from the email account)

Has the email address pulled over?

Has the email subject pulled over?

Have the enquiry details pulled over correctly? (Sent an email trail? This will be included in the original email field)

Has Norbert ascertained "The Guildhalls" Service Area (Based on the NBC MailBot QnA)

Has Norbert ascertained the customers Sentiment?

Has Norbert provided a suggestion response (Based on NBC MailBot QnA)

Has Norbert started the first trances of ascertaining the location

Has Norbert defined the service area?