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Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm

GOCART-2G beta

18 Feb 21:13
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GOCART-2G beta Pre-release

Zero-diff to Previous Release: NO

Restart Changes: YES

Major Non-Zero-Diff Changes:

  • GOCART has been refactored into GOCART-2G by @amdasilva in #347
  • Several new restarts have been added since the gridded components of GOCART-2G have been split out

Full Changelog: v10.21.1...v10.22.0-rc1

Release v10.21.1 on 2022-02-14

14 Feb 17:41
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Zero-diff to Previous Release: YES

Restart Changes: NO

Major Zero-Diff Changes:

  1. Add CLDXXSW diagnostics and many cosmetic changes to Solar GC by @dr0cloud in #510
  2. Add additional radiation RRTMG tau and water path diagnostics by @dr0cloud in #519
  3. Simple fix to prevent negative tauaer in RRTMG LW by @dr0cloud in #521
  4. Add RRTMGP as a fork in GEOS by @mathomp4 in #528
  5. Update RRTMGP file locations and half gpoints by @mathomp4 in #294
  6. Cleanup of Catchment model constants by @gmao-rreichle in #525
  7. Removed redundant code: DQS calc, QC constraint, RA calc by @gmao-rreichle in #518
  8. Fix mk_GEOSldasRestart for catchcnclm45 by @weiyuan-jiang in #516
  9. make_bcs clarification of options by @biljanaorescanin in #517
  10. Bug fix for RUNSRF units in Catchment by @gmao-rreichle in #535
  11. Cleanup of gndtmp[_cn]() by @gmao-jkolassa in #536
  12. New peat hydrology (PEATCLSM) by @biljanaorescanin in #524
  13. Add LDAS_INCR to AGCM.rc.tmpl for land-atmos coupled das by @saraqzhang in #288
  14. Fixes for C12 MOM6 by @mathomp4 in #
  15. Updates for handling CS ocean by @mathomp4 in #287
  16. Update for NAS Runs by @mathomp4 in #291
  17. Compress CircleCI Artifacts by @mathomp4 in #513
  18. Use circleci-tools orb for CI by @mathomp4 in #242

Release v10.21.0 on 2021-12-21

21 Dec 21:06
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Zero-diff to Previous Release: NO

Restart Changes: YES (see below)

Major Non-Zero-Diff Changes:

  1. Changed the default config to use new orbit parameters by @sdrabenh in #277
  2. Refactored RRTMG long-wave and short-wave radiation by @dr0cloud in #492
  3. Adding SHOC+EDMF updates by @narnold1 in #479.
    All restarts and variables within remain 0-diff except for the following:
    1. moist_import
      • added: EDMF_FRC, HL2, HL3, HLQT, QT2, QT3, W2, W3, WHL, WQT
    2. moist_internal
      • added: PDF_A
    3. turb_import
      • added: PHIS, SH, WTHV2
    4. turb_internal
      • added: QT2, QT3
      • changed: TKH "lev" coordinate to "edge" coordinate

Release v10.20.0 on 2021-12-17

17 Dec 17:46
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Zero-diff to previous release: NO

Restart Changes: YES for TR

Major Non-Zero-Diff Changes:

  1. Uptick to GEOSchem_GridComp v1.7.0
    • Wet deposition for CO, CO2 and CH4 is disabled, while a bug-fix is developed.
    • GMI and TR have cleaner units handling.
  2. make_bcs fixes issues with "old land" choices by @smahanam in #438
    • Old land BCS files have the same science but won't be binary-equivalent due to bug fixes (e.g., "Mali bug")
  3. Adds code to Satsim to choose subcolumns based on horizontal resolution by @mathomp4 in #459
    • This is zero-diff for resolutions C720 and coarser but not for higher resolutions
  4. Uptick to ESMA_env v3.8.0 to use Intel 2021.3 which helps alleviate issues with LDAS amd NAS.
  5. Uptick to ESMA_cmake v3.8.0 to change default vectorization flag for Intel Fortran.

Major Zero-Diff Changes:

  1. Updated for GOCART-2G by @bena-nasa in #231
  2. Plot Updates from L. Takacs by @sdrabenh in #235
    • Added supports to plot aerosols from GOCART-2G.
    • Three-Corner-Hat (3CH) analysis tools were added.
    • Enhancements and bugfixes to quickplot and quickstat utilities.
  3. Lightning module has been re-located and revamped. #451 #212 #141
  4. HEMCO config files for GOCART and GMI have been updated for v2.2 GEOSchem_GridComp v1.7.0
  5. Uptick to MAPL v2.14.0
  6. Refactoring of interp_restart code necessitated an uptick to fvdycore geos/v1.3.0
  7. Regridding fix and read_topo fix code necessitated an uptick to FVdycoreCubed_GridComp v1.4.1

Release v10.19.6 on 2021-12-09

09 Dec 21:18
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Zero-diff to previous release: YES

Restart Changes: NO

Major 0-diff changes:

  1. 5deg ocean (MOM6) configuration by @sanAkel in #488
  2. Fixed missing verify status of iDUAL_OCEAN in GEOS_OceanGridComp.F90 by @sanAkel in #491
  3. Cleaned up CircleCI by @mathomp4 in #493
  4. Make big 5-d buffer in Moist optional by @mathomp4 in #496
  5. The script was updated for changes in SemperPy by @gmao-jstassi in #233
  6. Update for Ocean Model Questions by @mathomp4 in #222
  7. Added HISTORY_GEOSIT.rc.tmpl by @rtodling in #273
  8. Uptick to MAPL v2.13.0 full list of changes

Updates 2021-11-30

30 Nov 20:37
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Zero-diff to previous release: YES (except for comparing some HISTORY output)

Restart Changes: NO

Possible History changes:

  1. Bug fix for MAPL wherein non-default duration in HISTORY.rc was not being correctly handled. For example, if a collection has a duration of 24 hours and a frequency of 12 hours, MAPL now correctly writes a file with two timesteps in it. Before, MAPL was handling this incorrectly. Note that the data is still the same as 10.19.4, but now is contained within one file.

Major 0-diff changes:

  1. Fix mom5 mom6 for das by @mathomp4 in #270
  2. Allow gcm_setup to run anywhere by @mathomp4 in #261
  3. WSUB fix in gmichem_setup by @mmanyin in #263
  4. Make runtime and setup variable consistent for GCM by @rtodling in #265
  5. Add code to install source tarfile by @mathomp4 in #262
  6. Replace _RETURN(_SUCCESS) by @weiyuan-jiang in #484
  7. Add error checking in mk_restarts executables by @weiyuan-jiang in #467
  8. Support update for MOM6 by @sanAkel in #468
  9. Add logic to allow guest oceans to be stubbed by @tclune in #474
  10. Add ability to get timing from MOM6 modules by @sanAkel in #477
  11. Add in support of quarter degree MOM6 to ADAS by @rtodling in #478
  12. Updated pyrob to work with GEOS-IT files by @mathomp4 in #224
  13. Add Cascade knob to and; revised dyn_blob; make sure echorc.x exits with success code when applicable; by @rtodling in #226
  14. Add OpenMP support for fvdycore by @mathomp4 in #44
  15. ESMA_env: Update to Baselibs 6.2.8 needed for MAPL and move to use MPT 2.25 at NAS. full list of changes
  16. ESMA_cmake: Add ability to create source tarball after install, various cleanup and fixes. full list of changes
  17. MAPL: Requires gFTL 1.5.1 (Baselibs 6.2.8), added option to flip vertical orientation of checkpoints, various 0-diff bug fixes for compilers, refactored code. full list of changes

Updates 2021-10-07

07 Oct 19:57
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Zero-diff to previous release: YES for default AGCM, YES for OGCM with single moment MP

Restart Changes: NO

Major 0-diff Changes:

  1. Restructuring under GEOSocean_GridComp by @yvikhlya in #448
  2. Updates to support two versions of Catchment-CN: Catchment-CN.4.0 and Catchment-CN.4.5 by @gmao-jkolassa in #368
  3. Compile time choice of CN model by @weiyuan-jiang in #370
  4. Runtime choice for clm4.0 and clm4.5 by @weiyuan-jiang in #373
  5. mk_GEOSldasRestart can now take restart hour and restart name by @weiyuan-jiang in #449
  6. Fixes to enable mepo variant styles by @tclune in #334
  7. Updates needed for Cascade Lake at NCCS by @mathomp4 in #335
  8. Updates and corrections for the trajectory file created for JEDI. Variables for proper diurnal layer, TS, and CO2 have been added by @rtodling in #257
  9. Null out WSUB_NATURE for 1MOM and GFDL physics by @mathomp4 in #251
  10. Cleanup gcm_run and sync forecast scripts by @sdrabenh in #256
  11. Fixes for SCM Setup on macOS by @mathomp4 in #253
  12. Updated suite of PRs for GEOSadas by @mathomp4 in v1.4.10
  13. Bug fix for CICE4 segfault by @mathomp4 in #215
  14. Add pyrob_CF script by @mathomp4 in #208

Full Changelog: v10.19.3...v10.19.4

Updates 2021-07-21

21 Jul 20:58
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Zero-diff to previous release: MOSTLY

Restart Changes: NO

Potential Non-0-diff Change:

  1. Upgrade to MAPL v2.8.0. For the MERRA2 GOCART Emissions, all testing shows it is zero-diff. But for the Ops GOCART Emissions, it there are very small roundoff differences. The results are non-zero-diff due to a bug fix (to a race condition) in this version of MAPL on how grids are handled.

Major 0-diff Changes:

  1. Detect MERRA2OX date violation during setup.
  2. Make species consistent with emissions choice.
  3. Only allow Rome nodes at NAS if built on Rome.
  4. Updates for MVAPICH2, enable multigroup by default.
  5. Bugfix for correct day when running EMIPs.
  6. Update ldas increment alarm setting in CatchGC.
  7. Updates to plots package.
  8. Update to fvdycore v1.1.7.

Updates 2021-06-14

14 Jun 13:08
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Zero-diff to previous release: YES

Restart Changes: NO

Major changes include:

  1. Upgrade to Baselibs 6.2.4 and cmake v3.5.0.
  2. Update parallel_build to use GMAO_Shared main if develop.
  3. Created a new grid comp GEOS_SeaiceGridComp as a top level container component serving sea ice sub-components to OGCM. This new structure mirrors the existing GuestOcean/MOMPlug relationship for the ocean model hierarchy.
  4. Bug fix that makes sure that diagnostics CNV_MFC still works when the UW shallow convection code is disabled.
  5. Add changes consistent with what is in GEOSadas 5.28.
  6. Addition of variables for analysis in two RC files and correction in IAU reftime consistent with GEOSadas.
  7. Fixes for IOSERVER on Rome.

Updates 2021-05-25

25 May 17:32
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Zero-diff to previous release: YES

Restart Changes: NO

History Changes: YES

Major changes include:

  1. Upgrade to MAPL v2.7.0 which changes how programs set up command line options.
  2. Update to FVdycoreCubed_GridComp v1.2.15 and GEOSgcm_App v1.5.1 for compatibility with MAPL v2.7.0.
  3. Clean up of land-related, hard-wired MAPL_GetResource() defaults for consistency with GEOS_SurfaceGridComp.rc, GEOSgcm, and GEOSgcm_App using NRv7.2 as the default land. Additionally, enable GEOSgcm to output the configuration values in GEOS_SurfaceGridComp.rc.
  4. Fixes a bug in the export of SSKINW (an internal state of Openwater) that was being filled incorrectly leading to MAPL_UNDEF. Now there are actual values.
  5. Merged changes present in GEOSadas-5_27_1_p3 that never made it into the GIT repo: revised stochastic perturbation tendency exports.
  6. A bug fix to prevent a seg-fault during the calculation of the GEOS-Chem lightning flash rate due to an array size mismatch.
  7. Add ability to write out energy components to file.
  8. Update gitignore for mepo updates.
  9. Follow MAPL's change to add a new MAPL_CapOptions constructor.