Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm
Upgrade to MAPL-2.1
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Restart Changes: NO
Major changes are:
- Update to MAPL 2.1 which includes both fixes from MAPL v2.1.0 and MAPL v2.1.1
- With this is included updating to latest releases of ESMA_env and ESMA_cmake needed by MAPL 2.1
- Add monthly mean features.
- Add optional equation of time correction to solar position used to calculate solar zenith angle.
Bugfixes, SLES12 Updates, and Lightning Module
Zero-diff to previous release: YES (Old Land), NO (New Land)
Restart Changes: NO except moist_import has an additional field: FRACI
Major changes are:
- Added connectivity from MOIST to CHEM for 2 fields (RI and RL).
- Updates to the obio component which was in the CVS Icarus-2.0 tag.
- Bugfix for coupled mode renaming TSKINI to TSKINICE.
- Bugfix for DTDT_moist which was initially set to temperature but never updated to provide tendency.
- Compute the lightning flash rate (LFR) online following the approach used by GEOSCHEMchem_GridComp. The LFR is calculated in MOIST and then made available to other components as a new export field (LFR_GCC).
- Modified the mk_Restarts script to run on SLES-12.
- Update RRTMGP to Pincus 2020-Feb-12.
- New Surface parameter resource file (GEOSsurface_GridComp/Shared/GEOS_SurfaceGridComp.rc) to avoid having to add new parameters into AGCM.rc.tmpl and prepare for further science development.
- Correcting the following issues with the single column model: (1) GF imports from DYN were not filled; (2) scm_setup incompletely adjusted for L132; (3) SST file for cfmip_s11 case was incorrect.
- Allows to run on SLES-12
- Enabled compilation of convert_aerosols.x as R8
Updates for Moist/MG3, GAAS, and Bug Fixes
Zero-diff to previous release: YES (v10.12.0)
Restart Changes: NO - except moist_internal restart now has an additional 3 fields: NGRAUPEL, NRAIN, NSNOW
Major changes are:
- Broader support for various computing environments including SLES12. Adds a new question to gcm_setup (and other setup scripts) that asks a user what type of processor to run on. It then uses the "default" number of cores per those processors to better figure out how to handle the IOserver nodes.
- Changes that enable MAPL2 GEOS to work with MPT at NCCS.
- Changed REPLAY_Shutoff alarm from NON-STICKY to STICKY, and used it in GAAS to stop updates in forecasts during REPLAY mode.
- Updates to moist and GOCART using 2MOMENT microphysics and MG3. These are 0-diff when running the default 1MOMENT microphysics.
- Modified gcmpost.script to only operate on pressure-level collections.
- Fixes issues where systems do not have either ImageMagick or F2Py. If F2Py is not found, then F2Py targets are not built.
- Changes to GMAO_hermes:
- Split off the independent sections of module m_topo_remap used by FV core into shared_topo_remap
- write_eta.F90 added to prepare for a config file which eventually will replace m_set_eta module
- Add option to build HERMES_LIGHT
GF fix
An important non zero-diff update. The major changes are:
- Fixed "zero-diff" issue related to GF evaporation vs total rain, fixed GF cloud-mass-flux scaling issue.
- Move ShallowCu contribution to mass flux and add scale-dependent stochastics to convection.
Upgrade to RRTMG_SW v4.10
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Restart Changes: NO
Major changes are:
Updates RRTMG_SW in GEOS to be equivalent to RRTMG_SW v4.10. This fix increases the heating rates near the stratopause region and is a non zero-diff change. -
Provides an optional flag that ensures RAS results are non-negative. This is an important fix for chemical species that was extremely useful in the Icarus but did not make it into Jason. The fix is "off" by default and therefore zero-diff. -
- Enable additional upper levels for forecast stats plots.
- Add QITOT & QLTOT to horizontal plots.
- Add aerosols to time series plots.
Other updates:
- Remove #PBS pragmas at NCCS to use #SBATCH.
- Brought the chem setup scripts in line with gcm_setup.
- Bug fixes for gcm_run and gcm_forecast scripts.
Upgrade to FMS Release 2019.01.01
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Restart Changes: NO
This release is equivalent to the NOAA 2019.01.01 Release but with the addition of GEOS constants controlled by -DMAPL_MODE
. Additional changes allow building with CMake.
Upgrade to MAPL-2.0
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Restart Changes: NO
This release is equivalent in physics to v10.8.0 but now uses MAPL
2.0. The release
is non-zero-diff due to the use of ESMF regridding for History and
Also, this version of GEOSgcm now uses the new PFIO IO server to handle
History and ExtData file access and writing. By default, these IO
servers run on the same resources (i.e., nodes) as the application.
However, gcm_setup
and gcm_run.j
have been altered so that, by
default, at high-resolution (C180+) the IO servers are on separate nodes
for performance and memory reasons.
Recoded AOIL
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Zero-diff to CVS tag Jason-3_6_aoil
Restart Changes: NO (only if AOIL_COMP_SWITCH=ON)
Recoded atmosphere-ocean interface layer (AOIL). Provides an option to exercise old/new versions of the AOIL.
Old version (AOIL_COMP_SWITCH = ON):
Default. Using the old interface is still non-zero diff to x0039, however, shown to be statistically insignificant in terms of forecast skill scores. Restarts with old interface can be used as is. -
New version (AOIL_COMP_SWITCH = OFF):
If the new interface is turned on, then additional fields in the openwater internal state are needed. They can be bootstrapped or contact Santha Akella for a utility to create them.
Adjustment for RRTMG SW Cold Bias
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Zero-diff to CVS tag Jason-3_5_aoil
Restart Changes: NO
- Correction to RRTMG Shortwave 'layreffr' variable to reduce stratospheric cold bias.
- Stats plots updates to produce stratospheric forecast statistics up to 1mb.
- Correction to gcm_run.j & gcm_forecast.tmpl related to REPLAY with GAAS aod files.
Updates Consistent with f525land_fpp
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Zero-diff to CVS tag Jason-3_4_aoil
Restart Changes: NO
- Atmospheric constituents (aersols, co, co2, etc) are now transported through moist (GF deep/congestus convection and UW shallow convection). This is equivalent to the way transport is handled in f525land_fpp/f525_fp.
- Added exports for nitrate tendency and other fluxes related to GF convection.
- Added nitrate tendency to history templates.
- Upgraded to GEOSchem_GridComp to v1.1.0.
- Set the default k_split = 2.
- Fixed gcm_convert.j to work consistent with how gcm_setup and gcm_run.j interact.