Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm
Releases · GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm
Updates 2021-05-17
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: YES
Major Non-0-diff changes include:
- Updates the DEFAULT Land BCs of GEOSgcm to be Icarus-NLv3. Also applies a fix to GEOS_SurfaceGridComp.rc to correctly implement it.
Major 0-diff changes include:
- Updates
to work with MAPL2. - Rename
that is located atLANL_Shared/
- Remove
alias forTS_FOUND
in HISTORies used in model (only) simulations. - Updates to use Python2 and Python3 at same time.
- Fixed the
so that they will accept integer values. - Bugfix to detect if saltwater splitting is needed in more files.
- Add
code intogcm_forecast.tmpl
. - Updates needed for
to work with MAPL2. - Add GEOS-Chem and HEMCO as separate external repositories.
- GMI is now set to import RI and RL only when running Cloud-J. This is a work-around for a CTM issue.
- Uptick of MAPL and FMS repositories.
Non-0-diff Updates 2021-04-15
Zero-diff to previous release: NO
Restart Changes: YES
History Changes: YES
Major Non-0-diff changes include:
- Modified
interpolation that fixes the problem of negativePCHEM
tracers. - A bug fix to atmOcnIntlayer consistent with what was applied to GEOS-FP GEOS-5.27.1 (02/2021) which mitigates anomalous spikes in
and related fields when the sea ice fraction departs 100%. - Changed scaling and cleaned up Henry's law code in
(bug fix, non-zero diff forGOCART
). - Update to use the 2020 NRL Solar file.
Major 0-diff changes include:
- Fix
options in coupled model to only work withMOM5
(It does not and can not work withMOM6
). - Added diagnostic output for
convective scavenging toGEOS_MoistGridComp
used forGOCART
evaluation. - Revive OceanBioGeoChem.
- Fixed CMake bugs for DAS build only libraries.
- Upticks of
, andcmake
Upgrade to ESMF 8.1.0
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Zero-diff to regridding: YES
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: NO
Major changes include:
- Upgrade to ESMA_env v3.2.0 whose main change is updating to ESMF 8.1.0, which is needed for MAPL development. All testing has shown it zero-diff to GEOSgcm with ESMF 8.0.1. Tests were run from C12 to C720 as well as Replay and MOM6. However, ESMF notes that there are changes in some regridding situations which could produce non-zero-diff results.
Updates 2021-04-06
Zero-diff to previous release: YES for hydrostatic, NO for nonhydrostatic
Zero-diff to regridding: YES
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: NO
Major changes include:
- parallel_build.csh now accepts a
argument during building. If no argument is provided the model will build hydrostatically as before. Therefore, setup scripts were modified depending on what -DHYDROSTATIC option was supplied to CMake. If -DHYDROSTATIC=ON
then it will assume the user wants to use hydrostatic dynamics options and vice versa. - Fixed decomposition regression for nonhydrostatic model.
- Updates from ADAS 5.27 folded into git GMAO_Shared v1.3.9. This brings the GEOSadas code closer to the current GEOSgcm.
- Upticks in MOM6, MAPL, env and other repositories.
Updates 2021-03-17
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Zero-diff to regridding: NO for agcm_import_rst
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: NO
Major changes include:
- Moved GOCART legacy to be sourced from separate GOCART repository.
- Update to MOM6
and update to FMSgeos/2019.01.02+noaff.6
- Bug fix for which can cause non-0-diff regridding for agcm_import_rst.
- Fixed MOM6 diagnostics to use correct netcdf reference year.
- Fix bug in gustiness calculations.
- Fixed a bug in rotation angle for surface ocean stress.
- DSO's for mom5 and mom6.
Replay fix.- Add
to the list of restarts that are checked in regression testing. - Remove
since it is not needed with the DSO. - Change path names to support "automatic" MERRA-2 Regular Replay at NAS.
- Remove
directory inGEOS_Util/pre/NSIDC-OSTIA_SST-ICE_blend
. - Update
for river routing. - Bug fix for edge level arrays out-of-bounds in
. - Plot updates for stats.
Updates 2021-02-12
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: NO
Major changes include:
- Performance modification for surface rc file in run methods.
- Relocation of mk_restarts and Raster.
- Bugfix for running Catchment-CN with constant CO2.
- Fixed land BCs in coupled mode
- Added optional PCHEM species file with prod/loss of strat water vapor
- Added support for the new Rome nodes at NAS named like
- Plots and stats updates.
- Eliminated references to MAPL_COMM - these are no longer used and will be deleted in future releases of MAPL.
- Upgrade to MAPL v2.6.0
Upgrade to MAPL-2.5.0
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: NO
Major changes include:
- Upgrade to MAPL 2.5.0
- Updates to plots and stats package.
- Updated PBS Batch handling at NAS.
- Addded
Updates 2021-01-12
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Restart Changes: NO
History Changes: YES - Roundoff differences in TSOIL1
and TSOIL2
Major changes include:
- Soil temperatures export variables (TP's) are now in units of Kelvin throughout the Catch and CatchCN. Note: this has introduced roundoff differences in
output. - New MOM6 configuration (OM4), and a bug fix in MOM6_Plug.
- Update default coupled model surf collection with a few addition fields.
- Fix
splitting to work with in AMIP and EMIP mode. - Add ASSERTs to RRTMG to test input sanity.
- Adds a
option tomk_restarts
so that there can be a-partition
. - Fix
which was broken. - Added flag to
to force a 0 to 1 range when regridding files that should use fractions. - Update flags for
to match CVS and fixed a bug inres/
location. - Updates to ignores CI if non-essential files are updated (only).
- Use CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag to check if any globbed files changed when re-running cmake.
- Allow use of aggressive flags with GEOS.
Mepo Default
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Restart Changes: NO
Major changes include:
- The way the model is build has changed. Manage externals is no longer supported. Mepo is now the default and replacement manager for multiple repositories.
- Add dependency to turn on
for NCEP_Shared. - Splits the RRTMG k_g tables into separate files.
- Bugfix to change Intel Debug flags for MOM6 and FMS.
- gcm_run.j bugfix for tile_hist running MOM6.
- Update plots and stats to be consistent with recent CVS tags.
- Bugfix for C99 compliance on MacOS.
- Updates to CI and other subrepos.
Update 2020-11-02
Zero-diff to previous release: YES
Restart Changes: NO
Changes include:
- Added fixture section to