WIP: Update Tailwind to 3.4 to allow subgrid and update news card to use subgrid as example. #772
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Dec 21, 2024 in 10m 43s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a normal build for the subgrid branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build has four jobs, running in two sequential stages.
Stage 1: lint
This stage passed.
Job | PHP | ENV | OS | State |
2581.1 PhpStan | 8.3 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | passed |
2581.2 Drupal coding standard | 8.3 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | passed |
2581.3 Shell coding standard: shellcheck | 8.3 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | passed |
Stage 2: test
This stage passed.
Job | PHP | ENV | OS | State |
2581.4 Backend tests: Functional tests | 8.3 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | passed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | PHP |
Operating System | Linux (Jammy) |
PHP Version | 8.3 |
Build Configuration
"language": "php",
"os": [
"dist": "jammy",
"version": "~> 1.0",
"php": [
"services": [
"stages": [
"name": "lint"
"name": "test"
"name": "deploy"
"env": [
"before_install": [
"openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_2c02e48ad60e_key -iv $encrypted_2c02e48ad60e_iv -in travis-key.enc -out travis-key -d",
"export PATH=\"$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH\""
"git": {
"depth": 500
"jobs": {
"allow_failures": [
"env": [
"CAN_FAIL": "true"
"include": [
"stage": "Lint",
"name": "PhpStan",
"script": [
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_syntax.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"composer install",
"vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon"
"stage": "Lint",
"name": "Drupal coding standard",
"script": [
"composer install || travis_terminate 1;",
"vendor/bin/robo phpcs || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Lint",
"name": "Shell coding standard: shellcheck",
"script": [
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_shell.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_shell.sh || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Test",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests",
"if": "(branch != \"main\" AND tag IS blank)",
"script": [
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit_rollbar.sh || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Deploy",
"env": [
"CAN_FAIL": "true"
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests and deploy to Pantheon QA",
"if": "branch = \"main\" AND type = push AND tag IS blank",
"script": [
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/prepare_deploy.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:pantheon qa --no-interaction) || travis_terminate 1;",
"ddev composer install || travis_terminate 1;",
"ddev robo deploy:notify || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Deploy",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests and deploy to Pantheon TEST",
"if": "tag IS present AND type = \"push\" AND tag !~ /live$/",
"script": [
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/prepare_deploy.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:tag-pantheon --no-interaction $TRAVIS_TAG master) || travis_terminate 1;",
"ddev composer install || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:pantheon-sync) || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Deploy",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests and deploy to Pantheon LIVE",
"if": "tag IS present AND type = \"push\" AND tag =~ /live$/",
"script": [
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/check_live_deploy.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/prepare_deploy.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:pantheon-sync live) || travis_terminate 1;"