On a PC1 whose ip-address is address1
On a PC2 whose ip-address is address2
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch port:=9090
Access to http://address1:6080/index.html?wsport=9090&wsaddress=address2
For apps using OpenGL, you can access the X server through a docker-console.
docker exec -it browser_novnc bash
vglrun rosrun rviz rviz
For apps not using OpenGL, you can access the X server through a console at local-machine.
DISPLAY=:1 xlogo
You can check a developer console at the browser.
run without debug print
start with wsport=xxxx, wsaddress=xx.xx.xx.xx
If a gamepad is connected to PC2,
topic may appear after you touch the gamepad.
docker run --name browser_vnc --publish 6080:80 irslrepo/browser_vnc:20.04
Acces to http://localhost:6080
You can access the X server through a docker-console.
docker exec -it browser_vnc bash