This repository is aimed to capture pictures from a video stream (like web camera, rgbd camera etc.) based on ros topic communication mechnism.
System environment requirement: Linux + ROS
Ubuntu 18.04 - with ROS melodic desktop-full installed or Ubuntu 20.04 - with ROS noetic desktop-full installed (Check resources on for installation guide)
Library Dependencies: libopencv-dev
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
Download code
cd rosworkspace/src
git clone
cd ..
Here are several parameters in "config/image_shot.yaml" for this pkg needing you to configure correctly to ensure the successfully running!
Parameter | Function | Default Value |
rgbTopicName | the topic name of the rgb image | /camera/color/image_raw |
depthTopicName | the topic name of the depth image | /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw |
rgb_prefix | the prefix of the rgb image name | rgb_ |
depth_prefix | the prefix of the depth image name | dep_ |
data_set | the name of the captured data sets | test |
delta_stamp | the time gap for judging the rgb and depth pictures (unit: Sec) | 0.001 |
queue_depth | the queue depth of the subscribing topics | 100 |
control_frequency | the key scanning frequncy for the key capturing (unit: Hz) | 50.0 |
Before run
Please start your web camera or rgbd camera and publish the corresponding rgb or depth image topic, here are some examples:
Case 0: Start the web camera (Check resources on for installation guide)
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam_bringup.launch
Case 1: Start the rgbd camera (Check resources on for installation guide)
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_aligned_depth.launch
Launch this node
Now you can launch this node and press key "ENTER" to capture the corresponding pictures.
roslaunch image_shot image_shot.launch
Attention: Please do click and activate the image window first, and then press key "ENTER" to capture the corresponding pictures!
Check the capture results in the sub folder "image_shot/image_sets/test"!