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jdaunize committed Dec 7, 2016
2 parents 289a22f + 42d893d commit 6ccc5eb
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Showing 8 changed files with 636 additions and 49 deletions.
22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions VBA_BMA.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@

% hidden states
T = size(p0{1}.muX,2);
for t=1:T
mus = cell(K,1);
Qs = cell(K,1);
Expand All @@ -51,36 +52,41 @@
[p_BMA.muX(:,t),p_BMA.SigmaX.current{t}] = get2moments(mus,Qs,ps);

% data precision
mus = cell(K,1);
Qs = cell(K,1);
for k=1:K
mus{k} = p0{k}.a_sigma/p0{k}.b_sigma;
Qs{k} = p0{k}.a_sigma/p0{k}.b_sigma^2;
for iS=1:numel(p0{1}.a_sigma) % loop over sources
for k=1:K
mus{k} = p0{k}.a_sigma(iS)/p0{k}.b_sigma(iS);
Qs{k} = p0{k}.a_sigma(iS)/p0{k}.b_sigma(iS)^2;
[m,v] = get2moments(mus,Qs,ps);
p_BMA.b_sigma(iS) = m/v;
p_BMA.a_sigma(iS) = m*p_BMA.b_sigma(iS);
[m,v] = get2moments(mus,Qs,ps);
p_BMA.b_sigma = m/v;
p_BMA.a_sigma = m*p_BMA.b_sigma;

% hidden state precision
mus = cell(K,1);
Qs = cell(K,1);
id = zeros(K,1);

for k=1:K
mus{k} = p0{k}.a_alpha/p0{k}.b_alpha;
Qs{k} = p0{k}.a_alpha/p0{k}.b_alpha^2;
if isinf(p0{k}.a_alpha) && p0{k}.b_alpha==0
if (isempty(p0{k}.a_alpha) && isempty(p0{k}.b_alpha)) || (isinf(p0{k}.a_alpha) && p0{k}.b_alpha==0)
id(k) = 1;

if isequal(sum(id),K) % all deterministic systems
p_BMA.b_alpha = Inf;
p_BMA.a_alpha = 0;
elseif isequal(sum(id),0) % all stochastic systems
[m,v] = get2moments(mus,Qs,ps);
p_BMA.b_alpha = m/v;
p_BMA.a_alpha = m*p_BMA.b_sigma;
p_BMA.a_alpha = m*p_BMA.b_alpha;
disp('VBA_MBA: Warning: mixture of deterministic and stochastic models!')
p_BMA.b_alpha = Inf;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion stats&plots/mediationAnalysis0.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
[p1,stat1,df1,a1] = GLM_contrast([ones(n,1),X],Y,[0;1],'F',0);

% regress M on X
[p2,stat2,df2,a2] = GLM_contrast([ones(n,1),M],Y,[0;1],'F',0);
[p2,stat2,df2,a2] = GLM_contrast([ones(n,1),X],M,[0;1],'F',0);

% regress Y on both X and M
[p3,stat3,df3,a3] = GLM_contrast([ones(n,1),X,M],Y,[0;1;0],'F',0);
Expand Down
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions subfunctions/demo_CaBBI_FHN.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
% This script inverts the FHN model for the given fluorescence trace using
% CaBBI method: [ Rahmati. et al. 2016, PLoS Comput Biol 12(2) ]
% To user:
% I) in Step 1, determine the directory to the fluorescence trace (a real row vector);
% as default the code will download and use our published data for CaBBI
% II) in Step 2, determine the sampling rate (Hz) used for recording the fluorescence trace
% III) run the code
% IV) the main outputs of the CaBBI are listed in Step 11.
% Further options:
% 1) In Step 10, if necessary, you can change the spike-detection threshold which is used to extract
% spike-times from inferred voltage traces. Such change may increase the spike-detection accuracy.
% 2) In Step 6, if necessary, you can change some internal parameters of the optimization process.
% 3) For further description of the toolbox options, please see:

clear all; close all

%% Step 1. Importing the fluorescence trace
% import the fluorescence trace
dataFolder = [pwd filesep 'Data' filesep];
Fluor_trace_name = 'fluorescence_data8'; % file name of the fluorescence trace
Fluor_trace_dir = [dataFolder,Fluor_trace_name,'.mat'];

if exist(Fluor_trace_dir,'file') == 0 % check whether the fluorescence data have been already downloaded
url = '';
urlwrite(url,[pwd filesep '']); % download the fluorescence data
unzip('',[pwd filesep 'Data']);

ydata = importdata(Fluor_trace_dir); % the fluorescence trace before pre-processing (a real row vector)

%% Step 2. Determining the sampling rate used to record the fluorescence trace
sampling_rate = 22.6; % in [Hz], for our data enter 22.6
display(['the sampling rate used to record the fluorescence trace is << ',num2str(sampling_rate),' Hz >>']);

%% Step 3. Pre-processing
% prparing the data
if ~all(isfinite(ydata)) % check whether there is any NaN and/or Inf in the given fluorescence trace
ydata(~isfinite(ydata)) = []; % reovme the NaN and/or Inf elements from the trace
warning('the given fluorescence traces had some NaN and/or Inf elements, which were removed')

if ~isreal(ydata) % check whether the given fluorescence trace contains any complex number
error('..... the given fluorescence traces contains complex numbers .....')

% normalizing
if size(ydata,1) ~= 1; ydata = ydata'; end % fluorescence trace should be a row vector
ydata = (ydata - mean(ydata))./(max(mean(ydata),1)); % relativer fluorescncee trace
ydata = ydata - median(ydata); % removing the median

% removing the slow drifts
xdata = 1:length(ydata); % vector of frames
degree = '4'; % Polynomial degree (4 or 3)
ft = fittype( ['poly',degree] ); % define the model to fit the slow drifts
opts = fitoptions( ft );
opts.Lower = [-Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf];
opts.Robust = 'Bisquare';
opts.Upper = [Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf];
[fitresult, gof] = fit( xdata', ydata', ft, opts ); % fitting the polynomial model to fluorecence trace
Coeffs = coeffvalues(fitresult);
if degree == '4'
fittedcurve = Coeffs(1)*xdata.^4 + Coeffs(2)*xdata.^3 + Coeffs(3)*xdata.^2 + Coeffs(4)*xdata + Coeffs(5);
elseif degree == '3'
fittedcurve = Coeffs(1)*xdata.^3 + Coeffs(2)*xdata.^2 + Coeffs(3)*xdata.^1 + Coeffs(4);

Fluor_trace = ydata - fittedcurve; % pre-processed fluorescence trace

%% Step 4. Scaling the data
scale = 1; % preferably set it a number between e.g. 0.4 and 1
Fluor_trace = scale* Fluor_trace/max(Fluor_trace);
plot(xdata, scale*ydata/max(ydata) ,'b',xdata, Fluor_trace(1:numel(Fluor_trace)),'r');
xlabel('time [frame]')
title('fluorescence trace')

%% Step 6. The generative model
% assigning the generative model
f_fname = @f_CaBBI_FHN; % evolution function
g_fname = @g_CaBBI; % observation function

% setting the parameters of the FHN model used for inversion
nFrames = numel(Fluor_trace); % number of recording frames
dt = 0.2; % [ms], time step size of the FHN model
inF.dt = dt;
inF.k_Ca0 = 0.002; % scale parameter of [Ca2+] kinetics
TauCa_realTime = 7500; % [ms], the prior for decay time-constant of calcium transients in real time
dt_real = 1000/sampling_rate; % [ms], frame duration (temporal precision) of fluorescence data
inF.Tau_Ca0 = TauCa_realTime*dt/dt_real; % effective prior mean of tau_Ca in inversion; see Eqn. 17
inG.k_F0 = 5; % scale parameter of the fluorescence observatios
inG.ind = 3; % index of [Ca2+] variable

%% Step 6. Setting the internal parameters of the optimization (VB-Laplace) method
options.backwardLag = 2; % lag parameter (selcet either 2 or 3); increasing it e.g. to 3 (or higher) "may" provide more accurate inversions
options.updateHP = 1; % this allows the precison (hyper) parameters to be learnt from data
options.MaxIterInit = 0;
options.MaxIter = 2; % or e.g. 3 % maximum number of optimization iterations; increasing it will lead to a
% complete optimization process, although it may take long time to be converged)

% options.GnFigs = 0; % set to zero to speed up the inversion
options.DisplayWin = 0; % set to zero to speed up the inversion
options.verbose = 1; % set to zero to speed up the inversion
options.decim = 1; % this determine the micro-time resolution; increasing it e.g. to 2 (or higher) "may" provide more accurate inversions

%% Step 7. Assigning the prior densitities: (mu --> mean), (Sigma --> variance)
% prior densities for initial conditons
priors.muX0 = [-1.2; -0.62; 0.05]; % [V(0), W(0), [Ca2+](0)]
priors.SigmaX0(1,1) = 4;
priors.SigmaX0(2,2) = 1;
priors.SigmaX0(3,3) = 25;

% prior densities for evolution parameters
priors.muTheta = [0; 0; 0];
priors.SigmaTheta(1,1) = 5; % for X_Tau_Ca
priors.SigmaTheta(2,2) = 100; % for Ca_base
priors.SigmaTheta(3,3) = 5; % for X_k_Ca

% prior densities for observation parameters
priors.muPhi = [min(Fluor_trace)/2;0];
priors.SigmaPhi(1,1) = 0.25; % for d_F
priors.SigmaPhi(2,2) = 1; % for X_k_F

% prior densities for precision parameters: Gamma distributions
priors.a_alpha = 1e0;
priors.b_alpha = 1e0;
priors.a_sigma = 1e0;
priors.b_sigma = 1e0;

% building the precison matrix for evolution variables
priors.iQx = cell(nFrames,1);
for t = 1:nFrames
dq(1) = (2); % on V
dq(2) = (30); % on W
dq(3) = 10; % on [Ca2+]
priors.iQx{t} = diag(dq);

% building the precision verctor the fluorescence observations
priors.iQy = cell(nFrames,1);
for t=1:nFrames
priors.iQy{t} = 3; % on F

% setting the option structure
options.inF = inF;
options.inG = inG;
options.priors = priors;

% assigning the dimensions for parameter space
dim.n = 3; % number of neuroal variables
dim.n_phi = 2; % number of observation paramters
dim.n_theta = 3; % number of evolution parameters

%% Step 8. Inversion: inverting the FHN model for the given fluorescence trace
[posterior, out] = VBA_NLStateSpaceModel(Fluor_trace,zeros(1,numel(Fluor_trace)),f_fname,g_fname,dim,options);

%% Post-processing
%% Step 9. Extracting the estimated Voltage and [Ca2+] traces (i.e. the posterior means)

V_inferred = posterior.muX(1,1:end); % inferred Voltage (posterior mean)
W_inferred = posterior.muX(2,1:end); % inferred recovery variable (posterior mean)
Ca_inferred = posterior.muX(end,1:end); % inferred [Ca2+] kinetics (posterior mean)

% Plotting the estimated voltage and [Ca2+] traces
Calcium_basal = 50; % in [nM], the basal [Ca2+] concentration

% Plot the pre-processed fluorescence trace
subplot(411); plot(1:nFrames, Fluor_trace,'g','LineWidth',2)
set(gca,'xLim',[0 nFrames])
axis tight

% Plot the posterior mean of [Ca2+] trace
subplot(412); plot(1:nFrames, Ca_inferred+Calcium_basal,'r','LineWidth',2)
legend('inferred [Ca2+]')
set(gca,'xLim',[0 nFrames])
axis tight

% plot the posterior mean of voltage trace
subplot(413); plot(1:nFrames, V_inferred,'b','LineWidth',2)
set(gca,'xLim',[0 nFrames])
axis tight

%% Step 10. Detecting spike times (or event onsets) from inferred voltage trace
Detection_threshold = 0; % the spike (or event) detection threshold
% (if necessary, change the detection threshold to e.g. -0.2 or 0.5)
idxSpikes = zeros(1,numel(V_inferred));
count = 1;
for j=1:numel(V_inferred)-1

if( V_inferred(j+1)>Detection_threshold && V_inferred(j)<Detection_threshold )

if (count > 1) && ( (j-indices(count-1)) > ceil(6/dt) )
idxSpikes(j) = j;
indices(count) = j;
count = count+1;

if count == 1
idxSpikes(j) = j;
indices(count) = j;
count = count+1;


idxSpikeToShow = idxSpikes;
idxSpikeToShow(idxSpikeToShow~=0) = 1;

subplot(414); plot(1:nFrames,idxSpikeToShow,'b','LineWidth',2)
legend('inferred spiketimes');
xlabel('time [frame]')
set(gca,'xLim',[0 nFrames])
axis tight

subplot(413); hold on; plot(1:nFrames, Detection_threshold*ones(1,nFrames),'-.k');
legend('inferred voltage','threshold'); hold off

% extracted spike (or event) times
SpikeTimes_Frame = idxSpikeToShow(idxSpikeToShow~=0)'; % reconstructed spike (or event) times, in [frame]
SpikeTimes_millisecond = SpikeTimes_Frame*1000/sampling_rate; % reconstructed spike (or event) times, in [ms]

%% Step 11. Main outputs of CaBBI method
CaBBI.nFrames = nFrames; % the number of recordings frames of the given fluorescence trace
CaBBI.sampling_rate = sampling_rate; % the sampling rate used for recording the fluorescence trace, in [Hz]
CaBBI.Fluor_trace = Fluor_trace; % the pre-processed fluorescebce trace
CaBBI.V_inferred = V_inferred; % inferred Voltage trace (posterior mean)
CaBBI.W_inferred = W_inferred; % inferred trace of recovery variable (posterior mean)
CaBBI.Ca_inferred = Ca_inferred; % inferred [Ca2+] trace (posterior mean)
CaBBI.SpikeTimes_Frame = SpikeTimes_Frame; % reconstructed spike (or event) times, in [frame]
CaBBI.SpikeTimes_millisecond = SpikeTimes_millisecond; % reconstructed spike (or event) times, in [ms]

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