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ImaneChafi edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 24 revisions

Meeting - 05/10/19

Attendance: Adam, Imane, Georges, Mahroo & Sofia


  • Check Non-functional requirements made by Mahroo, which ones we should keep
    • Make each point shorter - concise
    • Feedback part in security section move to ethics section
    • Add backlog issue on github for each requirement (will be done at the end of the meeting)
    • Dependability section: keep online notes part but move to functional requirements
    • Usability section: shorten
    • Space requirement: to be decided
    • Environmental requirement: this is already a system requirement
    • "I do not want to be discriminated in user reviews..." Focus on hate messages in reviews.
    • Remark: try using some of the unused requirements as our additional features.
    • Feature idea for tutor registration: add preferred pronouns box
  • Create .gitignore (Georges)
  • Heroku Link :
  • Heroku App :

-Heroku backend link : set git remote backend-heroku to

Next release for our project ecse321-group20-2020 needs :

  2. heroku/gradle

Every time you want to create a new release, you can do git push heroku master

To Do

  • Google hangouts > Finish the project report and the database together!

  • Choose which 5 use cases we will be documenting as part of the project wiki.

    • Each team member needs to provide a detailed specification of 1 use case (selected from the 5 most important use cases) with the main flow of the use case, and as many alternative/exceptional flows as needed.(Each person) -Paragraph
  • Finish registering the requirements as issues in the project backlog (Adam)

  • UML class diagram should be included in the documentation wiki (Picture). The team should provide a brief (textual) rationale for the key decisions made while creating the domain model.(Sofia)

  • Persistance layer and testing (Imane)

  • Finish the overview table in the file with : names, team roles, and individual efforts (in hours) with separated entries for each deliverable (It hasn't been provided, we'll need to do it ourselves) (Mahroo)

  • Georges Issue for the use cases


  1. For the requirements (non-functional & functional) it said we have to include unique IDs... do we just come up with this ID (ex.: 12345)?
  2. Should we include encryption as a security requirement?
  3. For legislative requirements, should we state what the system will implement? (ex.: form/ company policy or simply stating that the user will not be discriminated in reviews on the basis of the statutes protected under the Canadian chart of rights and freedom)
  4. For the 9AM-9PM schedule, does everything that happen on company premises happen between this schedule? Should we add that to requirements?
  5. More info on the use cases plz (send email to have an answer by google meeting)
  6. Does our use cases have to be only for the tutor? (send email to have an answer by google meeting)
  7. When are we free to make a google meeting (Sunday (?))