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Android App

ImaneChafi edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Android App

For deliverable 4, we simply made an android application that lets you create courses and add schools as "createCourse" and "addSchool" methods. An orphan branch was made to hold all of the material for the android app called android and it can be found in the branch scrolldown menu in the github dashboard.

Create course

To create a course, you can simply input the course name and click on the create button.

Add school

To add a school to the repository, you can simply add the school name, and click the add school button, which will add the school to the backend!


Tests have been made under the androidTest and test folders of the android branch to make sure that the application works. The test cases take into account the create school and add school methods for created inputs as unit tests and example instrumented test!

Screenshot example

Android app