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MichiS97 edited this page May 19, 2017 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of common questions that users have and their answers. Please read this page before asking questions.

These questions may only apply to 3.0 version or higher, but it's currently on development, ask on the GBATemp thread for support for 2. versions.*

What is this application?

PKMN-NTR is a On-the-air (OTA) memory editing program for Pokémon games on the Nintendo 3DS. In other words, is a mini-PKHeX you can use while the game is running. It also has a some bots capable of automatically doing tasks such as Wonder Trade, Soft-resetting or Breeding.

Why not just use PKHeX?

PKMN-NTR allows changes while the game is running, which means you don't need to save, close the game, export the savegame, etc. every time you want to view or edit something. What's more, you can view data that isn't kept in a save file, such as wild Pokémon encounters, your trade partner's Pokémon or single-player opponent's Pokémon.

Does this program have any requirements.?

Yes, .NET Framework 4.6 is needed, Windows 10 users have it already installed with the OS, Windows Vista, 7 and 8 users can download it from here.

Which games are compatible?

  • Pokémon X (Ver. 1.5)
  • Pokémon Y (Ver. 1.5)
  • Pokémon Omega Ruby (Ver. 1.4)
  • Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Ver. 1.4)
  • Pokémon Sun (Ver. 1.1
  • Pokémon Moon (Ver. 1.1)

Having the latest update is mandatory, otherwise the bots will not work. Virtual Console and Nintendo DS games will never be supported. There might be issues when using Pokémon Sun and Moon in Old 3DS with NTR-Mode3.

Can I use this application with a Mac or Linux computer?

PKMN-NTR was designed in a Windows environment and I have only tested this application on a computer running Windows 10. However there are reports that it will run fine in a Mac/Linux computer using Mono, you can ask in GBATemp for help.

How can I inject a pokémon file in my computer to the game?

Just drag and drop the file onto the tabs, and use the Write or the Clone function.

Which files are supported?

  • Decrypted single pokémon files: (.pk*)
  • Encrypted single pokémon files: (.ek*)
  • Mystery gift files: (.pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc*)

The program doesn't connect with the game, what can I do?

Make sure you started NTR and enabled the debugger. Also you must be online in-game (use the PSS or Festival Plaza). Also, you need to disable any other NTR features like cheats, plugins, NTR Viewer and InputRedirection Client on the PC.

Why the party cannot be edited?

The game handles the party data in a weird manner whenever the party members are switched. The slots that are shown in-game might not be the same as the ones in the memory, and writing to an incorrect slots might cause unexpected behavior, that's the reason the party editing has been disabled. However, if you know what you're doing, you can enable this function by modifying a value in the source code and recompiling it.

Can you add support for dumping data for the opponent team in multiplayer?

No. We know how you will use it. It will never be implemented.

Why does Day Care / Nursery data appear even if there are no Pokémon in them?

When you pick up a Pokémon from the Day Care, the game marks the slot as unused, but doesn't clear the previous Pokémon's data. However, it actually provides an safety check if you start the Breeding bot with one or no Pokémon in the Day Care. Instead of producing the egg with an empty Pokémon slot, it uses the data of the previous Pokémon to produce a "valid egg".

In Generation 7 games, why does the TID field not match with the ID shown in the Trainer Passport?

The ID value shown in your Trainer Passport is generated from your TID and SID. In fact, the TID/SID mechanics from older generations are still the same in the new games (including the ESV/TSV system), they are just displayed differently in-game. Their usage in this application is the same as PKHeX, using two fields to change it, the value that will be shown in-game is displayed in a tooltip if you hover over the trainer's or the Pokémon's TID/SID fields.

How do I use a bot? Which bots are available?

See this page of the wiki for general instructions. If you're looking or specific instructions for each bot see:

If you need instructions for building a filter to use with the Breeding and Soft-reset bots see this page.

Why the bot stopped working suddenly?

Although there are lots of check to make the bot running as consistently as possible, the bot it's not perfect and can hang at any time, mostly due Wi-Fi communication lag. Your best bet is stop the bot and/or restarting the application and try again. If the error repeats frequently in the same situation, you should report it on GBATemp or by opening an issue in this site. Remember to keep the log if you're asked for it.

After I stopped a bot, the 3DS' buttons and/or touchscreen doesn't respond, but the game seems to be running fine, how can I fix this?

Do not worry, just send any command from the Controls tab to unfreeze the controls.

How can I make the bot stop ASAP? Sometimes the Stop Bot button takes several seconds to stop.

Close the application (will ask for confirmation), press the Disconnect button and/or press the Home Button on your 3DS. The program might crash afterwards but it's harmless.

While using the Soft-reset bot, after a soft-reset the 3DS gets stuck on a black screen, can it be fixed?

No, it seems to be an error on NTR. The black screen can occur at any time, sometimes after a couple of soft-restes, some times it might be after thousands of them. Sadly it is something that might not be possible to be fixed.

I think you can implement an awesome new feature to the program, how can I contact you aobut this?

Feel free to ask in GBATemp or by opening an issue in this site. However certain functions will not be implemented because they are impractical for the program (see next question).

Which features will not be implemented?

  • Support for Gen I Virtual Console or DS games.
  • Anything that involves fishing.
  • Pokédex manipulation.
  • Dumping opponent team during a battle.
  • Horde bot in Generation 6.

Anything on this list is subject to change.

I want to compile the program myself but I get a lot of errors/missing namespaces/solution doesn't open...

PKMN-NTR has PKHeX as dependency, you need to have both source files in order to compile the application. See the Compilation page for more details.

I found a bug in the program, how can I report it?

You can post a message in GBATemp or you can also open an issue in this site.