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Max S edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

Editor Subscriptions

Just like server modules, editor modules can subscribe to different events generated by the core. At the moment there is only one interface provided with two events, _HookItemsEdit. It is used specifically for item attributes editing and displaying.

The _HookItemsEdit.itemGetAttrName() hook receives item attribute type and value and should return a string representation of it. If it returns null, then this module does not handle this attribute type.

Usage example (taken from item bundles module):

class BundlesEditCore extends ModuleEdit<EditServer>
  implements snipe.edit.modules._HookItemsEdit
  public function new(s: EditServer)
      // ...

      manager.subscribeModule("core/item.getAttrName", this);

  public function itemGetAttrName(type: String, val: Dynamic): String
      if (type == "bundleID")
          var res = server.query("SELECT * FROM Bundles WHERE ID = " + val);
          var row =;
          if (row == null)
            row = { name: "??? NULL ???" };


      return null;

The _HookItemsEdit.itemGetAttrInput() hook receives item attribute type and value and should return a form input for it. If it returns null, then this module does not handle this attribute type.

Usage example (taken from item bundles module):

class BundlesEditCore extends ModuleEdit<EditServer>
  implements snipe.edit.modules._HookItemsEdit
  public function new(s: EditServerTest)
      // ...

      manager.subscribeModule("core/item.getAttrInput", this);

  public function itemGetAttrInput(type: String, val: Dynamic): _BlockFormInput
      if (type == "bundleID")
        return { title: "Bundle", name: "value", type: INPUT_SELECT,
          query: "SELECT ID AS Value, Name " +
            "FROM Bundles ORDER BY Name",
          value: val };

      return null;
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