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Parmmg application

lcirrott edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 4 revisions

The ParMmg application recognize most of the options accepted by mmg3d to tune the remeshing process, which are documented here.

The parallel remeshing environment is customized by a set of ParMmg-specific options, notably:

  • -niter controls the number of parallel remeshing-repartitioning iterations.
  • -nlayers controls by how many mesh edges a parallel interface is displaced to repartition the mesh. A value of 2 or 3 is recommended (default is 2; a too high value can worsen load balancing).
  • -mesh-size controls the size (in elements) of the mesh parts to be sequentially remeshed on each process (not needed in this small example).
  • -m controls the maximum amount of memory (in MB) which can be used by each process (by default, only 50% of the available memory is used).

More help about the supported options can be found by running:

parmmg_O3 -h

A tutorial on the usage of the ParMmg application to adapt the mesh to an isotropic solution can be found here.