Releases: Neltulz/Neltulz_Smart_Frame_Selection
Neltulz - Smart Frame
Major Changes:
- Updated documentation.
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame
Major Changes:
Added feature to expand the outliner to the selected objects when framing in the 3D viewport
Added an experimental feature to collapse all items in the outliner for unselected objects when framing in the 3D viewport.
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame
Major Changes:
Improved performance when framing vertices/edges/faces while in edit mode, for objects with very high vertex counts.
Fixed bug that was preventing users from assigning operators to keymaps via right click menu. If you have any custom keymaps for this add-on, you will have to recreate them. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Moved some keymaps from 3D View Generic to 3D View. This should hopefully prevent some keymap unregister errors when unloading the add-on.
Split the Smart Frame operator into 4 separate operators so that they are easier to identify in the keymap preferences.
Fixed many bugs that prevented adjusting zoom when framing or moving viewport to origin.
Fixed bug that prevented mesh objects with no mesh data from being framed.
Fixed bug that prevented mesh objects with single vertex selection from being framed.
Fixed bug where unchecking an object type such as "Lights" would cause the object to never frame when the user has the object selected and tries to frame it.
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame
Major Changes:
- Moved many settings to the add-on preferences so that they survive blend file changes and program restarts.
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame
Major Changes:
Bug Fix: Could not frame object when there was no active object
Bug Fix: Unable to move viewport to origin in many situations (Edit mode, unselected objects, no active objects etc)
New Compact popup/pie panel and compact sidebar panel.
New alternate zoom method when framing. You can now adjust the zoom when framing objects, vertices, edges, faces, etc.
New ability to frame multiple 3D viewports, even in multiple windows. This is useful when framing objects or vertices when using custom layouts with multiple 3D views.
Ability to choose whether you want to smoothly frame, or frame instantaneously.
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame
Major Changes:
Shortened add-on name from "Smart Frame Selection" to "Smart Frame"
Set default sidebar tab name to "Neltulz" so that all Neltulz related sidebars from various Neltulz add-ons will be organized here.
Changed operator bl_idnames to improve organization. This may break things if you've added operators to any custom pie menus. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Improved sidebar panel significantly. Better use of space.
Reduced the number of keymaps by switching over to "3D View Generic. This should make it easier for users to customize keymaps
Ability to isolate even when all objects in the scene are selected
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame Selection
Major Changes:
- Smooth viewport animation: Added 'INVOKE_DEFAULT' to all view commands so that framing view or selected causes viewport to interpolate/animate to the destination.
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame Selection
Major Changes:
- added ability to isolate even when no objects are selected
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame Selection
Major Changes:
- added ability to hided axes when isolating objects
- added "use extreme isolate"
- improved compatibility with other addons when performing UNDO or REDO
- removed some console print messages
- removed some unnecessary code that apparently did nothing
- removed some code that was supposed to improve camera distance when framing only vertice, but in many cases was causing camera to be too zoomed out
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.
Neltulz - Smart Frame Selection
Major Changes:
- Added ability to move the viewport to the origin
- More object type support for framing and isolating. (Surface, Metaball, Grease Pencil, Armatures, etc.)
- Organized & improved the sidebar panel
- Added ability to use all regions when framing (Useful for quad view)
- Simplified what is framed when nothing is selected
- More Hotkey (Keymaps)
Installation Instructions
Please view the included README HTML file, or click here to view the latest online readme.