What's Changed
- Refactor HUD scheme color variables from 4 ints to Color by @nullsystem in #462
- github-issues-sheets-exporter by @blaberry in #469
- Friendly markers - Remove CTargetID, dist/HP in friendly marker, pos by @nullsystem in #474
- Fix crash to desktop by @Rainyan in #477
- Crouch Jitter by @AdamTadeusz in #480
- Spec fixes - Lean 3p spec fix, POI mode filtered out by @nullsystem in #484
- Change damage modifiers to parity. by @Agiel in #488
- Add missing arg in cmake debugging guide by @brysondev in #498
- Scoreboard spectator section fixes by @Agiel in #490
- Throwables keybinds by @AdamTadeusz in #482
- Allow grenade (frag/smoke) prime+throw on sprint + fix secondary hold by @nullsystem in #464
- Spec HUD fixes - FP no ghost holder + friendly hud, and no spec ghost beacon by @nullsystem in #471
- Fix Supa7 firerate and right-side icon showing (Supa7 + AA13) by @nullsystem in #481
- Int+acc attacker dmg tracking, spawn reset accumlator, fix menu timeout by @nullsystem in #497
- Spectator - Use aim, not attack2 for next, add specnext/prevplayer by @nullsystem in #501
- Round-end graphic drop shadow by @nullsystem in #499
- Team/Class/Loadout menu opening correctly by @VantoNortim in #479
- Fix dying + disconnect causing Ghost/weps to noclip fall, fix ghost spawn frozen in air by @nullsystem in #502
- prevent shooting when sprinting with supa by @AdamTadeusz in #489
- Center Text - Fix size and alias setting not being applied properly by @nullsystem in #506
- Delete .github/workflows/issues-exporter.yml by @blaberry in #503
- Add GitHub Actions workflow by @Masterkatze in #492
- Player stuck when leaning by @AdamTadeusz in #487
- Spec fixes - Death to spectator VM fix by @nullsystem in #486
- Kill feed - Change to neuropol2 font, white color separator by @nullsystem in #493
- Ghost Uplink, ghost beacons closer to og by @AdamTadeusz in #500
- Round state text remove parentheses by @nullsystem in #518
- Bullet penetration by @AdamTadeusz in #473
- Replace ClientScheme_Neo with ClientScheme by @nullsystem in #516
- Always hide HTA/ammo hud if observer by @nullsystem in #517
- Ghost - Cap point round end state HUD fix, HUD visibiliy post round by @nullsystem in #514
- Fix team chooser menu popup when other player in PVS by @nullsystem in #511
- Allow ADS while changing weapons + static_cast GetActiveWeapon by @nullsystem in #494
- Remove duplicate weapon view models by @AdamTadeusz in #519
- Automatic Release Upload by @xedmain in #521
- Fix permissions for Automatic Release Upload by @xedmain in #524
- fixes the offcenter o in the text title by @AdamTadeusz in #526
- Add Steam and application icons by @Masterkatze in #531
- Hull and view offsets match og by @AdamTadeusz in #470
- Original HUD colours by @AdamTadeusz in #520
- Client vs server build integrity check + server startup print neo_version info by @nullsystem in #496
- Chat colour fix, chat format fix, retrieval zone colour fix by @AdamTadeusz in #522
New Contributors
- @brysondev made their first contribution in #498
Full Changelog: v6...v7