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Build Infos
asofold edited this page Apr 12, 2017
59 revisions
Somewhat digested version of a changes history.
Release type | Explanation |
RC release | Official stable release, the developer is somewhat convinced, that we can't do much better within short term. |
release candidate | Meant for becoming a release soon, typically last minute fixes inside. |
BETA Release | Official beta release, possibly some areas remain uncovered, or it's not been time to test further. A mostly stable development build might also be released as beta (marked as recommended on Jenkins). |
mostly stable | A development build that has been tested a lot and appears to be good to use, or at least the best option for a specific Minecraft version. |
development | Ordinary development builds. |
[BLEEDING] | Bleeding edge development builds that contain changes, which need a lot of testing to consolidate, or which are of experimental nature, consequently running into issues with these can't be excluded. |
Broken builds usually are marked as broken or deficient or get removed from Jenkins. They should not appear in this list, unless to indicate that people should update.
For a complete list of changes grouped by build number see: https://ci.md-5.net/job/NoCheatPlus/changes
Complete list of changes on GitHub: https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/NoCheatPlus/commits/master
Quick overview over the latest notable builds: https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/Docs/wiki/Notable-Builds
- Release type: [BLEEDING]
- Topic: Internal data storage overhaul (ongoing) of uncertain impact. Fixes.
- Fixes
- Fix creativefly and survivalfly actions.
- Fix configuration notifications.
- Distinguish set-back options by Minecraft version by default.
- Fix handling of PlayerMoveEvent cancelled by other plugins.
- Internals
- Work towards a more unified player specific data storage.
- PlayerData holds access for player specific on-tick tasks.
- (Allow overriding the set-back method via hidden settings.)
- Release type: deficient
- Topic: New set-back method, recommended for 1.11.2 and later (post-2017-03-24).
- Actions for survivalfly and creativefly: spaces missing with 'cancelvl' which should be 'cancel vl'.
- Flying exploits: For MC before 1.9 set checks.moving.setback.method to "set_to", to force legacy behavior - only b1075 and before. For builds from 1078 on, the configuration value can be removed.
- PlayerMoveEvent cancelled by other plugins: Fixed in build 1079.
- Fixes
- Ignore arrow types for vehicle checks (can be overridden with hidden settings).
- Set back handling (moving checks): hybrid approach (schedule + attempt immediate), to avoid TeleportCause.PLUGIN for setting back players. Avoid unnecessary teleporting.
- Attempt to fix (selected) issues concerning vehicles with multiple passengers.
- Fix or work around an exquisite selection of random issues.
- Internals
- Skip sweep attack detection, when the DamageCause is present.
- Use Bukkit methods once available (Entity.getHeight|getWidth).
- Release type: development, sitting duck.
- INFO: Use to avoid bleeding edge for pre-1.11.2 (pre-2017-03-24).
- New
- Block change tracking.
- Opportunistic passable checking, accounting for past block changes (pistons, redstone driven blocks: door-like, not for interaction nor directly next to button/lever).
- Standing/moving on blocks that have just been changed.
- Slime blocks + pistons (ongoing).
- Horizontal push by pistons.
- Elytra boost support.
- More effective horizontal speed limiting (hacc).
- New block flag to make water_lily compatible with 1.8.8 clients (water_lily: ground+ign_passable+ground_height+height8_1). This is not set by default.
- Support plugins injecting and removing fake block changes (global only).
- Block change tracking.
- Configuration
- Per-configuration entry warnings, in case a new default value is set.
- Fixes
- Prevent letting Minecraft deal fall damage for micro moves (self damage, speeding).
- Elytra in creative mode, when not flying.
- 1.11 blocks, native access module.
- Detect horses correctly on 1.11.
- Allow ProtocolLib 4.2.0 for MC 1.11.
- Go easier on long messages (chat.text / 1.11).
- Extend the CB-Reflect module to access entity height/width/box, fix block shape access on 1.11.
- Internal registry fixes.
- FastConsume: also disable instanteat after reloading the configuration.
- Fix Double.MAX_VALUE violations with fight.direction.
- Passable: 2-high ceiling on 1.10.2.
- Passable: Ignore sneaking for bounding box height.
- SurvivalFly: allow vertical friction on ladder without velocity being present.
- Adjusted configuration of supported ProtocolLib versions.
- Attempt to work around a bug where the player position is not updated on teleporting to the end (on some server/s versions).
- Fixes for the on-ground logic (variable/fences, potential abuse).
- Vehicle enter: fix nested vehicle check.
- Improve compatibility (net: UnsupportedOperationException).
- Don't use short cuts for dealing with NaN and infinity.
- Register .silent check permissions. Add nocheatplus.checks.inventory.open to plugin.yml.
- NullPointerException with BlockProperties.isSameShape.
- Internals
- Minor optimization (NET: if none are enabled).
- Work towards block change compatibility further.
- Use stored world names for packet frequency if world is null.
- Release type: mostly stable
- Supported versions of Minecraft (CraftBukkit/Spigot)
- Focus: 1.10.2
- Supported: 1.4.5-R1.0 - 1.10.2
- Download at Jenkins: https://ci.md-5.net/job/NoCheatPlus/1022/
- Hashes
- MD5: 8da1ffcf13158496d6eca0c9d04cc51e
- SHA512: 59e794efb529399cf8433c8cacf58bf25a7fac05421e4ff9fad72f6a4dee92a3f75e6603b5ff2b899ee5bc131580491d021da3fc95fdc81213beddef80163870
- File size: 1271668
- New
- MC 1.10 support.
- Basic vehicle fly checks for more than boats.
- Ability and configuration for loading chunks for moving, teleport and world change.
- Hot fix for 1.9/1.10 falling block duplication with end portals.
- The moving.passable check now accounts for the full bounds of a player.
- Overall packet frequency check for pre-1.9 (ProtocolLib).
- Configuration
- Remove compatibility.blocks.ignorepassable (use overrideflags instead).
- Add default entry for piston_moving_piece (overrideflags).
- Kick messages for illegal player and vehicle moves are configurable.
- Fixes
- Passable: Fix moving on soil (1.10.x).
- SurvivalFly: Fix climbing up trap door above ladder.
- Fix block flags for for fence-like blocks.
- Fix low food level sprinting with players who are allowed to toggle flight.
- Vehicles: falling with minecarts.
- Confine climbing speed more.
- Fix off-hand issue with blockplace.
- Reactivate net.sounddistance for 1.9 and later.
- Update the CB-Reflect module for past 1.9.
- Attempt to fix issues with fake players with fight checks.
- (Attempt to improve ladder/vine + velocity.)
- Allow higher ProtocolLib versions on MC 1.10.
- Other changes
- Remove compatibility module for Glowstone (legacy).
- Internals
- [BREAKING] Change build profiles: ncp_base must be active always.
- [BREAKING] Moving classes/interfaces around.
- [BREAKING] MCAccess: split off more fine grained providers.
- Extend debug logging for blockinteract (rate-limited).
- Add build profile for 1.7_r4 (MC 1.7.10).
- Release type: mostly stable
- Supported versions of Minecraft (CraftBukkit/Spigot)
- Focus: 1.9.4
- Supported: 1.4.5-R1.0 - 1.9.4
- Download at Jenkins: https://ci.md-5.net/job/NoCheatPlus/989/
- Hashes
- MD5: f14bcc06f982d4d75750e36897716820
- SHA512: 73565272d83ca943118cbd8cea9891dc02fab1a539c26f8cb909ea7b3fefc5e92ea0e2f07901a2209e2f64f47ca6d96da986f4b4c1a9f6aa919eb76ad60c6ce9
- File size: 1165971
- New
- MC 1.9.4 compatibility.
- Basic boat fly check.
- Exempt NPCs from all checks by default.
- 'ncp stopwatch' for testing.
- Configuration
- Create a new vehicle section, change related paths.
- The temporary login denial message is now configurable (strings.msgtempdenylogin).
- Configure exemption by meta data and exemption for NPCs.
- Add configuration for boatsanywhere (place on land).
- Change default for 'ignoreallowflight' to true.
- Fixes
- Sweep attack detection (AoE).
- StackOverflowError with inventory.open and a blacklist kick by WorldGuard.
- NoFall: Skip dealing damage to players who are allowed to fly.
- SurvivalFly: Fix climbing up trap door above ladder. (partial)
- Prevent another variant of packet-based speeding.
- Vehicles: Fix vehicle detection for missing vehicle events.
- Vehicles: set-back handling.
- Support higher levels of the levitation effect.
- Improve vertical piston support (not finished, not yet officially activated).
- TO BE TESTED: Allow vertical velocity on ladders and vines (once).
- Account for off hand in (hopefully) all relevant places.
- Also recognize ProtocolLib versions just with build number prefix.
- Do not check for meta data off the primary thread.
- Internals
- Debug only: unused vertical velocity tracking.
- [BREAKING] Larger refactoring and changes for vehicle fly checks (mostly unify/change location and set-back handling).
- Hard teleport on vehicle set-backs by default, from within other event handling.
- Location trace doesn't merge entries anymore (fight / latency).
- Extend/alter debug logging.
- Added GPLv3 headers to source files.
- MC 1.9
- Blocks break data and flags.
- Dedicated MCAccess module for CB with MC 1.9.
- Allow standing on shulkers.
- Rough levitation support.
- Very coarse elytra support, hardly safe vs. abuse. Note recent configuration overrides (not advertised!).
- Allow versions of ProtocolLib with MC 1.9 (currently disable SoundDistance): 3.7, 3.7.0, 4.0.0 or later.
- Ignore sweep attack follow up damage.
- "Noob tower": jumping upwards, building underneath.
- Ignore multi-block place of bedrock and ender crystals.
- Block place: check the placed material instead of what's in main hand, if available.
- Disable FastHeal with MC 1.9.
- (Still enable the pvp-knockback workaround with MC 1.9.)
- Configuration
- Change creativefly model configurations (default speeds for elytra and spectator).
- Increase hover login ticks to 60 (previously 0).
- Fixes
- More cases with splashing through water.
- creativefly
- Fix violation skipping/cooldown mechanics. This might increase violation levels.
- Fix set back handling (maxheight).
- Fly-nofly transition: Reduce [ERROR].
- Player instances stored wrongly.
- Internals
- Add more minimized build profiles to pinpoint Spigot 1.8.8/1.9.
- Organize some workaround code better.
- Extend/alter debug logging.
- New
- A quick check for extreme moves.
- Fixes
- Portal events: only clear data if a location is present, add debug log.
- FastClick: Don't add violation twice for display.
- Fix HashMapLow (bucket position).
- Changes
- Handle system time running backwards differently.
- Adjust log message for ProtocolLib.
- Internals
- [BREAKING] Add a penalty framework. Breaks internal API, see commit messages and diffs.
- Catch unintended input somewhere.
For older builds see: https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/Docs/wiki/Old-Builds
For very old builds see: https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/Docs/wiki/Very-Old-Builds
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