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Back End Team Task #3: Create a route to send the messages to Azure Storage

Kiki Mac edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 2 revisions


# How to set up messaging routing to Azure Blob Storage

Step 1: Log into your Azure portal

Step 2: Click on Resource Groups

Step 3: Click on bet-rg-feat-usw2-task2 from the list of resources under Resource group

Step 4: Click on bet-rg-feat-usw2-task2 once more

Step 5: On the left hand side scroll down until you get to Message Routing

Step 6: Click on **Message Routing **

Step 7: On the Message Routing page click on the +Add button

Step 8: On the Add a Route page click on the +Add endpoint button and select **Storage **

Step 9: Enter a name for the Endpoint (I used kia-prod-usw2-messageendpoint)

Step 10: Click on the “Select A Container” button and select the container kiastrfeatusw2task3

Step 11: Set encoding to JSON

Step 12: Click on the Create button and you are sent back to the Add A Route page

Step 13: Enter a name for the routing query (I used kia-prod-usw2-messageroute)

Step 14: The Endpoint route should be the route you chose in step 10

Step 15: Under Data Source select Device Telemetry Messages from the drop down list

Step 16: Make sure the Enable Route is end to “enabled”

Step 17: Enter the string level=”storage” into the Routing Query box

Step 18: Click the Save button

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