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DevOps Sprint 1 Task#4: Creating Reusable ARM Template and Powershell Scripts for Deployment of IOT HUB Resource

Yozelin edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Create a resource group in the Azure Portal with a name convention of name-rg-feat-usw2-task#

  2. Create an IoT Hub under the above resource group

  3. Under the IoT Resource Group, click on export templates and download json scripts

  4. Open json scripts using Visual Studio and name as: Template.json, Paramters.json, and deploy.ps1

  5. In the Template.json file, go through all hard coded information such as Resource Group Name, Locations, Owner Name, Owner Email, ... and replace with parameters functions for user input. Exp: [Parameters('Resource Group Name')] Ensure the parameters function is also defined inside parameters brackets {}

  6. Do same with Parameters.json

  7. Add powershell script to deploy.ps1 to create deployment and ensure you include code that asks for user input to put in information to complete the template

  8. Open Cloud Powershell and upload template.json file

  9. Run powershell script and confirm successful deployment

  10. GO to Azure portal and confirm successful deployment

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