libOpenDRIVE is a lightweight, fast C++ library providing OpenDRIVE file parsing and 3D model generation.
It's dependency-free, small and includes a web-based viewer. It can be easily integrated in other projects and can be compiled to a WebAssembly library. A core function is the parsing of OpenDRIVE files and the generation of 3D models. The library targets OpenDRIVE version 1.4.
Here's an example of how code using libOpenDRIVE looks; it opens an xodr file, iterates over the elements of the road network and generates lanes meshes.
#include "OpenDriveMap.h"
#include "Lanes.h"
#include "Road.h"
#include <memory>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
odr::OpenDriveMap odr("data.xodr");
for (std::shared_ptr<odr::Road> road : odr.get_roads())
printf("road: %s, length: %.2f\n", road->id.c_str(), road->length);
for (std::shared_ptr<odr::LaneSection> lanesec : road->get_lanesections())
for (std::shared_ptr<odr::Lane> lane : lanesec->get_lanes())
auto lane_mesh = lane->get_mesh(lanesec->s0, lanesec->get_end(), 0.1);
return 0;
To use the included viewer first build the WebAssembly library and then run a webserver in the Viewer/ directory (e.g. python3 -m http.server
). Or you can test the viewer online.
To build the library simply run:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
This also builds an executable to test the library:
./build/test-xodr Viewer/data.xodr
Install emsdk and run the following commands to build the WebAssembly library:
mkdir build && cd build
emcmake cmake ..
emmake make
cp ModuleOpenDrive.* ../Viewer
fetch("./data.xodr").then((file_data) => {
file_data.text().then((file_text) => {
odr_map_config = {
with_lateralProfile : PARAMS.lateralProfile,
with_laneHeight : PARAMS.laneHeight,
with_road_objects : false,
center_map : true,
abs_z_for_for_local_road_obj_outline : true
ModuleOpenDrive['FS_createDataFile'](".", "data.xodr", file_text, true, true);
OpenDriveMap = new ModuleOpenDrive.OpenDriveMap("./data.xodr", odr_map_config);