Release notes v20220829_major
1342 commits
to master
since this release
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
1. SNOMED package.
- The vocabulary was updated with the respective versions of its components: SNOMED CT International 2021/07, US 2021/09, UK 2021/11.
- We continued (after the v20220510 release) a construction of axis of historical concepts. The "History of clinical finding in subject", "Past history of procedure", "History of" and many other SNOMED concepts (including their descendants) were deStandardised and split (mapped over to the appropriate OMOP Extension concept of the "History of event" hierarchy with a value of a respective condition or procedure within a combination of "Maps to" and "Maps to value" relationships). The mentioned hierarchy was recently introduced as a set of new OMOP Extension domain-agnostic concepts. They include: (i) an all-in-one bucket History of event concept that implies the semantics of a historical event, context, qualifier, or value; (ii) a hierarchy of enhanced historical concepts that bring additional time context (History of event within... and History of event longer than...).
- Historical concepts that imply the allergic dispositions are mapped over to the non-historical concepts, e.g. "History of intravenous iron allergy" Maps to "Allergy to iron compound". The rationale behind this is that allergic dispositions are mostly permanent conditions. This rule is not applied to the actual allergic reactions that follow the general mapping rules.
- We introduced new metadata relationships: (i) "Has Module" from each concept to its module ("SNOMED CT core", "US National Library of Medicine maintained module", "SNOMED CT United Kingdom clinical extension module", "SNOMED CT United Kingdom drug extension module", etc.); (ii) "Has status" from each concept to its definition status ("Defined" or "Primitive").
- We revoked the "Concept poss_eq to" (Inactive possibly equivalent to active) from the list of replacement relationships. It means that "Maps to" relationships will no longer be automatically constructed based on "Concept poss_eq to". This decision was taken based on multiple erroneous "Maps to" relationships, previously built from "Concept poss_eq to" (because in many cases one from many was chosen randomly). Also, we allowed 1-to-many linkage for the "Concept poss_eq to" relationship so that multiple relationships that are provided by the source will be included to the concept_relationship table, e.g. "Integument anomalies: [ichthyosis congenita] or [Darier's] or [keratosis follicularis] or [Meige's] or [Milroy's] or [Mongolian spots] or [pseudoxanthoma elasticum] or [congenital NOS]" concept has 7 such links. All historical "Maps to" relationships that were build based on "Concept poss_eq to" are preserved for now but will be tagged for removal in a later clean-up job.
- Procedures describing the administration of vaccines were deStandardized and mapped over to the Drug Domain concepts, e.g. "Administration of third dose of smallpox vaccine". Additionally, those concepts that imply the number of the dosage or the primary vs booster immunization were mapped to the respective concepts (e.g., "Primary immunisation - second dose", "Booster vaccination", etc.).
- Units from the SNOMED vocabulary were mapped to the respective Standard units in UCUM vocabulary.
- We reviewed and fixed the process of the concept class assignment - now we expect them more clean.
- Domains of the concepts were slightly cleaned-up, some wrong Domains were fixed, e.g. #488.
- We removed special symbols from the concept names (such as "Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency") - previously known as "Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B>12< deficiency". Concept synonyms are to be improved further.
- COVID-19 concepts were aligned with the current COVID vocabulary/ETL convention.
2. ICD-like family and source vocabulary package.
- The following vocabularies were updated with the 2022 versions: CIM10, ICD10GM.
- 249 local codes from the Vision(tm) GP software were added to the Read vocabulary and mapped to Standard concepts.
- Mappings were adjusted according to the concept invalidation/deStandardization due to the SNOMED refresh as well as other changes in OMOP vocabularies described above.
- Mappings were added for the concepts previously not mapped (Read - 2347, ICD10CN - 89, ICD10CM - 1).
3. HCPCS package.
- We updated the HCPCS vocabulary with its July 2022 version.
- HCPCS codes coming from the outdated CDT (Dental Procedures and Nomenclature) vocabulary were mapped over to the respective CDT vocabulary concepts (licensed).
- Mapping of Drug concepts was improved in its granularity and completeness.
- Visit, Provider and some other concepts (207 in total) were deStandardized and mapped over to Standard concepts in respective Domains.
- Mappings were added for the 562 concepts previously not mapped.
- 454 new concepts were incorporated into the existing hierarchy of Standard concepts or created as non-Standard and mapped over to the respective Standard concepts.
4. Other changes.
- The RxNorm vocabulary was updated to its 2022 Aug version. Missing multiple ingredient concepts were added.
- RxNorm Extension received a technical synchronization run in order to accommodate the RxNorm refresh (new concepts in RxNorm replaced its duplicates from RxNorm Extension).
- NDC/SPL regular weekly/monthly update.
- MedDRA vocabulary mappings were adjusted according to the concept invalidation/deStandardization due to the SNOMED refresh as well as other changes in OMOP vocabularies described above. Currently, it contains 13596 "Maps to/Maps to value" relationships from MedDRA LLT/PT Classification concepts to Standard OMOP concepts. Also, MedDRA vaccine concepts were remapped to CVX vocabulary.
- We updated CXV vocabulary to the latest 17-Aug-2022 version. Some of the concepts (that have full duplicates in RxNorm/RxE vocabularies) were deStandardized and mapped over accordingly.
- OMOP Extension: some trauma/injury severity scores added.
- DA_France (proprietary IQVIA vocabulary) update.
5. Problems found during the release, but not yet fixed.
- The ICD10CM vocabulary has a wrong vocabulary version assigned to it (2023), while the content is from its 2022 version. We will use the 2023 content in one of the next refreshes, probably early 2023.
- Mapping reuse logic among different ICD family vocabularies is corrupted. It leads to occasional different mapping of the same codes among different vocabularies. This will be fixed with an implementation of the CDE (common data environment) for ICD vocabulary family.
- A substantial part of concepts with replacement relationships ("Concept replaced by", "Concept same_as to", "Concept alt_to to", "Concept was_a to") do not have valid "Maps to" relationships. A possible reason is a wrong location of the "AddFreshMapsTo" function in the load_stages or conflicting function vs load_stage logic.
- In deStandardization/mapping of historical and vaccine administration concepts we faced unexpected results and lots of different patterns of script behavior. This is due to a complex (and probably stale) logic of vocabulary machinery that does not cope well with adjustments and requires lots of manual curation. In the long run, the entire machinery has to be revised / refactored. At the moment it may result in inconsistent mapping in a small number of concepts, e.g. missing or excessive mapping to value, duplicative mapping to pre-coordinated and post-coordinated expressions.
- In deStandardization/mapping of historical and vaccine administration concepts (and probably some other groups) we've missed a small part of them. It mostly happens due to discrepancies in hierarchy (most of the concepts derive from a single ancestor within a group, but a small portion of them are floating in SNOMED without a good hierarchy and should be pulled out manually, which inevitably results in missing concepts).
- For a substantial part of SNOMED concepts the validity dates in the concept table do not correspond to them in the sources. The possible reason is generally poor logic of date assignment in the SNOMED load_stage.
- Within a recent release of HCPCS sources, code reuse appeared to happen for 32 codes. Unless the code reuse handling approach is implemented in OMOP, we preserved reused codes with old semantics.
- MedDRA to Standard vocabulary hierarchy missing.
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CIM10 | Condition | Observation | 8 |
CIM10 | Observation | Condition | 3 |
HCPCS | Device | Drug | 2 |
HCPCS | Drug | Device | 8 |
HCPCS | Observation | Drug | 1 |
HCPCS | Observation | Provider | 6 |
HCPCS | Observation | Visit | 41 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Device | 1 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Visit | 26 |
ICD10 | Condition | Observation | 15 |
ICD10 | Observation | Condition | 3 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Measurement | 14 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Observation | 25 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Procedure | 3 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Condition | 10 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Procedure | 16 |
ICD10CN | Condition | Observation | 14 |
ICD10CN | Measurement | Condition | 9 |
ICD10CN | Observation | Condition | 6 |
ICD10GM | Condition | Measurement | 10 |
ICD10GM | Condition | Observation | 6 |
ICD10GM | Observation | Condition | 3 |
ICD10GM | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
ICD9CM | Condition | Observation | 234 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Condition | 10 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Procedure | 1 |
KCD7 | Condition | Observation | 15 |
KCD7 | Observation | Condition | 21 |
Read | Condition | Condition/Meas | 6 |
Read | Condition | Measurement | 4 |
Read | Condition | Observation | 475 |
Read | Condition | Procedure | 12 |
Read | Condition/Procedure | Condition | 1 |
Read | Drug | Device/Drug | 6 |
Read | Drug | Drug/Procedure | 2 |
Read | Measurement | Condition | 20 |
Read | Measurement | Condition/Meas | 13 |
Read | Measurement | Observation | 110 |
Read | Measurement | Procedure | 3 |
Read | Metadata | Condition | 28 |
Read | Metadata | Observation | 96 |
Read | Observation | Condition | 504 |
Read | Observation | Condition/Meas | 5 |
Read | Observation | Drug | 1 |
Read | Observation | Measurement | 39 |
Read | Observation | Meas Value | 13 |
Read | Observation | Procedure | 91 |
Read | Observation | Race | 17 |
Read | Observation | Type Concept | 2 |
Read | Observation | Visit | 1 |
Read | Procedure | Condition | 5 |
Read | Procedure | Drug | 63 |
Read | Procedure | Meas/Procedure | 1 |
Read | Procedure | Observation | 297 |
Read | Race | Observation | 4 |
Read | Spec Anatomic Site | Condition | 3 |
Read | Spec Anatomic Site | Observation | 2 |
Read | Type Concept | Condition | 13 |
Read | Type Concept | Drug | 4 |
Read | Type Concept | Measurement | 4 |
Read | Type Concept | Procedure | 41 |
Read | Type Concept | Visit | 13 |
SNOMED | Condition | Device | 3 |
SNOMED | Condition | Measurement | 40 |
SNOMED | Condition | Meas Value | 2 |
SNOMED | Condition | Metadata | 364 |
SNOMED | Condition | Observation | 9935 |
SNOMED | Condition | Procedure | 199 |
SNOMED | Condition | Spec Anatomic Site | 1 |
SNOMED | Condition | Type Concept | 3 |
SNOMED | Device | Condition | 10 |
SNOMED | Device | Drug | 1113 |
SNOMED | Device | Observation | 410 |
SNOMED | Device | Procedure | 41 |
SNOMED | Device | Type Concept | 1 |
SNOMED | Drug | Condition | 7 |
SNOMED | Drug | Device | 24 |
SNOMED | Drug | Metadata | 60 |
SNOMED | Drug | Observation | 772 |
SNOMED | Drug | Procedure | 29 |
SNOMED | Drug | Spec Anatomic Site | 3 |
SNOMED | Gender | Condition | 7 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Condition | 283 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Metadata | 2 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Observation | 4033 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Procedure | 4681 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Type Concept | 1 |
SNOMED | Meas Value | Condition | 4 |
SNOMED | Meas Value | Observation | 28 |
SNOMED | Metadata | Condition | 97 |
SNOMED | Metadata | Device | 4 |
SNOMED | Metadata | Drug | 63 |
SNOMED | Metadata | Observation | 294 |
SNOMED | Metadata | Procedure | 24 |
SNOMED | Metadata | Type Concept | 5 |
SNOMED | Observation | Condition | 5311 |
SNOMED | Observation | Device | 94 |
SNOMED | Observation | Drug | 269 |
SNOMED | Observation | Measurement | 45 |
SNOMED | Observation | Meas Value | 92 |
SNOMED | Observation | Metadata | 231 |
SNOMED | Observation | Procedure | 1995 |
SNOMED | Observation | Route | 3 |
SNOMED | Observation | Spec Anatomic Site | 5 |
SNOMED | Observation | Type Concept | 709 |
SNOMED | Observation | Visit | 1 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Condition | 152 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Device | 13 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Measurement | 22 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Metadata | 53 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Observation | 3886 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Type Concept | 4 |
SNOMED | Provider | Observation | 124 |
SNOMED | Provider | Procedure | 1 |
SNOMED | Race | Condition | 6 |
SNOMED | Race | Observation | 280 |
SNOMED | Relationship | Condition | 1 |
SNOMED | Relationship | Observation | 171 |
SNOMED | Route | Observation | 75 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Condition | 17 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Metadata | 25 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Observation | 233 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Procedure | 2 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Specimen | 2 |
SNOMED | Specimen | Condition | 2 |
SNOMED | Specimen | Metadata | 4 |
SNOMED | Specimen | Observation | 16 |
SNOMED | Specimen | Procedure | 3 |
SNOMED | Type Concept | Condition | 24 |
SNOMED | Type Concept | Device | 3 |
SNOMED | Type Concept | Metadata | 11 |
SNOMED | Type Concept | Observation | 523 |
SNOMED | Type Concept | Procedure | 14 |
SNOMED | Unit | Metadata | 1 |
SNOMED | Unit | Observation | 71 |
SNOMED | Unit | Type Concept | 1 |
SNOMED | Visit | Condition | 5 |
SNOMED | Visit | Observation | 79 |
SNOMED | Visit | Procedure | 3 |
SPL | Drug | Observation | 1 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
CIM10 | Condition | 20 |
CIM10 | Observation | 7 |
CIM10 | Procedure | 5 |
CVX | Drug | 16 |
DA_France | Device | 69 |
DA_France | Drug | 196 |
HCPCS | Device | 108 |
HCPCS | Drug | 155 |
HCPCS | Measurement | 1 |
HCPCS | Observation | 41 |
HCPCS | Procedure | 91 |
HCPCS | Provider | 50 |
HCPCS | Visit | 8 |
ICD10GM | Condition | 92 |
ICD10GM | Measurement | 7 |
ICD10GM | Observation | 424 |
NDC | Device | 27 |
NDC | Drug | 10268 |
OMOP Extension | Condition | 15 |
OMOP Extension | Measurement | 9 |
Read | Condition | 21 |
Read | Drug | 15 |
Read | Meas/Procedure | 1 |
Read | Measurement | 66 |
Read | Observation | 116 |
Read | Procedure | 22 |
Read | Specimen | 3 |
Read | Visit | 5 |
RxNorm | Drug | 1541 |
SNOMED | Condition | 3649 |
SNOMED | Device | 3180 |
SNOMED | Drug | 8574 |
SNOMED | Measurement | 159 |
SNOMED | Meas Value | 20 |
SNOMED | Observation | 2818 |
SNOMED | Procedure | 727 |
SNOMED | Provider | 5 |
SNOMED | Race | 1 |
SNOMED | Route | 4 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | 591 |
SNOMED | Specimen | 31 |
SNOMED | Type Concept | 60 |
SNOMED | Unit | 6 |
SNOMED | Visit | 6 |
SPL | Drug | 9751 |
SPL | Observation | 2 |
Standard concept changes
vocabulary_id | old_standard_concept | new_standard_concept | count |
HCPCS | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 207 |
RxNorm | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 96 |
RxNorm | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 18 |
RxNorm | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 15 |
RxNorm Extension | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 70 |
SNOMED | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 11274 |
SNOMED | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 2116 |
SNOMED | Non-standard with mapping | Standard | 35 |
SNOMED | Non-standard without mapping | Standard | 32 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 3 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 2 |
SPL | Classification with mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 1 |
Newly added concepts and their standard concept status
vocabulary_id | new_standard_concept | count |
CIM10 | Non-standard with mapping | 32 |
CVX | Non-standard with mapping | 4 |
CVX | Standard | 12 |
DA_France | Standard | 69 |
DA_France | Non-standard with mapping | 196 |
HCPCS | Non-standard with mapping | 222 |
HCPCS | Standard | 232 |
ICD10GM | Non-standard with mapping | 105 |
ICD10GM | Non-standard without mapping | 418 |
NDC | Standard | 26 |
NDC | Non-standard with mapping | 2831 |
NDC | Non-standard without mapping | 7438 |
OMOP Extension | Standard | 24 |
Read | Non-standard without mapping | 1 |
Read | Non-standard with mapping | 248 |
Relationship | Non-standard without mapping | 16 |
RxNorm | Non-standard without mapping | 65 |
RxNorm | Classification without mapping | 159 |
RxNorm | Non-standard with mapping | 353 |
RxNorm | Standard | 964 |
SNOMED | Non-standard with mapping | 775 |
SNOMED | Non-standard without mapping | 8117 |
SNOMED | Standard | 11016 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | 9753 |
Changes of concept mapping status grouped by target domain
vocabulary_id | Old target Domain/Status | New target Domain/Status | count |
AMT | Drug | No mapping | 19 |
ATC | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
CAP | Condition | No mapping | 2 |
CAP | Observation | Meas Value | 2 |
CAP | Observation | No mapping | 6 |
CIEL | Condition | No mapping | 1193 |
CIEL | Condition | Observation | 6 |
CIEL | Device | No mapping | 6 |
CIEL | Device/Drug | Drug | 5 |
CIEL | Device/Drug/Observation | Drug/Observation | 1 |
CIEL | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
CIEL | Drug/Observation | Drug | 6 |
CIEL | Drug/Observation | Observation | 1 |
CIEL | Drug/Procedure | Drug | 1 |
CIEL | Observation | Condition | 1 |
CIEL | Observation | Meas Value | 12 |
CIEL | Observation | No mapping | 302 |
CIEL | Procedure | No mapping | 24 |
CIM10 | Condition | Condition/Measurement | 8 |
CIM10 | Condition | Observation | 6 |
CIM10 | Condition/Observation | Condition | 2 |
CIM10 | Condition/Observation | Observation | 2 |
CIM10 | New concept | Condition | 20 |
CIM10 | New concept | Observation | 7 |
CIM10 | New concept | Procedure | 5 |
CIM10 | Observation | Condition | 3 |
CIM10 | Observation | No mapping | 8 |
CTD | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
CVX | New concept | Drug | 16 |
DA_France | Drug | No mapping | 11 |
DA_France | New concept | Device | 69 |
DA_France | New concept | Drug | 196 |
dm+d | Device | No mapping | 29 |
dm+d | Drug | No mapping | 5 |
GCN_SEQNO | Drug | No mapping | 2 |
Gemscript | Device | No mapping | 20 |
Gemscript | Drug | No mapping | 34 |
GPI | Drug | No mapping | 6 |
GRR | Drug | No mapping | 4 |
HCPCS | Device | Drug | 2 |
HCPCS | Drug | Device | 5 |
HCPCS | Drug | Drug/Procedure | 1 |
HCPCS | Drug | Procedure | 6 |
HCPCS | Measurement | Procedure | 1 |
HCPCS | New concept | Device | 107 |
HCPCS | New concept | Drug | 155 |
HCPCS | New concept | Drug/Visit | 1 |
HCPCS | New concept | Measurement | 2 |
HCPCS | New concept | Observation | 45 |
HCPCS | New concept | Procedure | 87 |
HCPCS | New concept | Provider | 50 |
HCPCS | New concept | Visit | 7 |
HCPCS | No mapping | Device | 333 |
HCPCS | No mapping | Drug | 12 |
HCPCS | No mapping | Procedure | 217 |
HCPCS | Observation | Condition | 1 |
HCPCS | Observation | Drug | 1 |
HCPCS | Observation | Procedure | 3 |
HCPCS | Observation | Provider | 6 |
HCPCS | Observation | Visit | 37 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Condition/Visit | 1 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Drug | 2 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Measurement | 1 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Observation | 20 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Visit | 29 |
HemOnc | Condition | No mapping | 2 |
ICD10 | Condition | Observation | 6 |
ICD10 | Condition/Observation | Condition | 2 |
ICD10 | Condition/Observation | Observation | 9 |
ICD10 | Observation | Condition | 3 |
ICD10 | Observation | No mapping | 19 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Condition/Observation | 35 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Observation | 9 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Procedure | 3 |
ICD10CM | Condition/Measurement | Measurement | 14 |
ICD10CM | Condition/Observation | Condition | 411 |
ICD10CM | Condition/Observation | Observation | 19 |
ICD10CM | No mapping | Measurement | 1 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Condition | 10 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Procedure | 16 |
ICD10CN | Condition | Condition/Measurement | 3 |
ICD10CN | Condition | Condition/Observation | 1 |
ICD10CN | Condition | Observation | 8 |
ICD10CN | Condition/Observation | Observation | 6 |
ICD10CN | Measurement | Condition | 9 |
ICD10CN | No mapping | Condition | 80 |
ICD10CN | No mapping | Condition/Measurement | 8 |
ICD10CN | No mapping | Measurement | 1 |
ICD10CN | Observation | Condition | 6 |
ICD10CN | Observation | Observation/Procedure | 28 |
ICD10GM | Condition | Condition/Measurement | 10 |
ICD10GM | Condition | Measurement | 10 |
ICD10GM | Condition | Observation | 6 |
ICD10GM | New concept | Condition | 77 |
ICD10GM | New concept | Condition/Observation | 15 |
ICD10GM | New concept | Measurement | 7 |
ICD10GM | New concept | Observation | 6 |
ICD10GM | Observation | Condition | 3 |
ICD10GM | Observation | No mapping | 19 |
ICD9CM | Condition | Condition/Observation | 15 |
ICD9CM | Condition | Condition/Procedure | 1 |
ICD9CM | Condition | Observation | 8 |
ICD9CM | Condition/Measurement | Condition | 167 |
ICD9CM | Condition/Observation | Observation | 226 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Condition | 9 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Condition/Observation | 1 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Procedure | 1 |
ICD9Proc | Procedure | No mapping | 27 |
ICD9ProcCN | Procedure | No mapping | 51 |
ICDO3 | Condition | No mapping | 5 |
ICDO3 | Observation | No mapping | 37 |
ICDO3 | Spec Anatomic Site | No mapping | 1 |
JMDC | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
KCD7 | Condition | Condition/Measurement | 8 |
KCD7 | Condition | Condition/Observation | 1 |
KCD7 | Condition | Observation | 6 |
KCD7 | Condition/Observation | Condition | 2 |
KCD7 | Condition/Observation | Observation | 9 |
KCD7 | Observation | Condition | 4 |
KCD7 | Observation | No mapping | 18 |
LOINC | Measurement | No mapping | 1 |
LPD_Australia | Drug | No mapping | 5 |
LPD_Belgium | Drug | No mapping | 5 |
MedDRA | Condition | Observation | 1 |
MedDRA | Condition/Observation | Condition | 1 |
MedDRA | Condition/Observation | Observation | 2 |
MedDRA | Observation | Measurement | 3 |
MedDRA | Procedure | Drug | 22 |
MeSH | Condition | No mapping | 23 |
MeSH | Condition | Observation | 3 |
MeSH | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
MeSH | Measurement | No mapping | 1 |
MeSH | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
MeSH | Observation | No mapping | 9 |
MeSH | Procedure | No mapping | 7 |
Multilex | Drug | No mapping | 11 |
Multum | Drug | No mapping | 3 |
NCCD | Drug | No mapping | 3 |
NDC | Drug | No mapping | 37 |
NDC | New concept | Device | 26 |
NDC | New concept | Drug | 2831 |
NDC | No mapping | Drug | 2066 |
NDFRT | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Condition | Measurement | 1 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Condition | No mapping | 7214 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Condition | Observation | 83 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Condition/Observation | Condition | 2 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Condition/Procedure | Procedure | 1 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Device | No mapping | 2427 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Drug/Observation | Drug | 6 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Measurement | Condition | 8 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Measurement | No mapping | 104 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Measurement | Observation | 7 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Measurement | Procedure | 1 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Meas Value | No mapping | 1 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Meas Value | Observation | 2 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Observation | Condition | 1 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Observation | Measurement | 28 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Observation | Meas Value | 68 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Observation | No mapping | 6343 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Observation | Procedure | 2 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Procedure | No mapping | 635 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Procedure | Observation | 4 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Route | No mapping | 2 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Spec Anatomic Site | No mapping | 181 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Spec Anatomic Site | Observation | 102 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Spec Anatomic Site | Specimen | 2 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Specimen | No mapping | 7 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Condition | 15 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Measurement | 9 |
OMOP Invest Drug | Drug | No mapping | 29 |
OncoTree | Condition | No mapping | 2 |
OPCS4 | Observation | No mapping | 1 |
OPCS4 | Observation | Procedure | 1 |
OPCS4 | Procedure | No mapping | 20 |
OPCS4 | Spec Anatomic Site | No mapping | 6 |
OPS | Device | No mapping | 7 |
OPS | Procedure | No mapping | 18 |
OXMIS | Condition | No mapping | 40 |
OXMIS | Condition | Observation | 3 |
OXMIS | Condition/Observation | Condition | 5 |
OXMIS | Condition/Observation | Observation | 1 |
OXMIS | Observation | Measurement | 2 |
OXMIS | Observation | Meas Value | 4 |
OXMIS | Observation | No mapping | 27 |
OXMIS | Procedure | No mapping | 11 |
OXMIS | Spec Anatomic Site | Observation | 1 |
PPI | Observation | No mapping | 166 |
Read | Condition | Condition/Measurement | 1 |
Read | Condition | Condition/Observation | 38 |
Read | Condition | Condition/Procedure | 2 |
Read | Condition | Condition/Type Concept | 72 |
Read | Condition | Measurement | 3 |
Read | Condition | No mapping | 1 |
Read | Condition | Observation | 124 |
Read | Condition | Procedure | 10 |
Read | Condition | Race | 4 |
Read | Drug | Drug/Procedure | 1 |
Read | Drug/Procedure | Drug | 25 |
Read | Measurement | Condition | 32 |
Read | Measurement | Observation | 2 |
Read | New concept | Condition | 19 |
Read | New concept | Condition/Observation | 2 |
Read | New concept | Drug | 6 |
Read | New concept | Drug/Procedure | 9 |
Read | New concept | Measurement | 64 |
Read | New concept | Measurement/Procedure | 1 |
Read | New concept | Measurement/Type Concept | 2 |
Read | New concept | Observation | 115 |
Read | New concept | Observation/Procedure | 1 |
Read | New concept | Observation/Visit | 1 |
Read | New concept | Procedure | 21 |
Read | New concept | Specimen | 3 |
Read | New concept | Visit | 4 |
Read | No mapping | Condition | 405 |
Read | No mapping | Condition/Measurement | 6 |
Read | No mapping | Condition/Observation | 115 |
Read | No mapping | Condition/Procedure | 2 |
Read | No mapping | Device | 6 |
Read | No mapping | Drug | 10 |
Read | No mapping | Drug/Procedure | 1 |
Read | No mapping | Gender | 1 |
Read | No mapping | Measurement | 45 |
Read | No mapping | Measurement/Observation | 5 |
Read | No mapping | Observation | 1406 |
Read | No mapping | Observation/Procedure | 18 |
Read | No mapping | Observation/Unit | 1 |
Read | No mapping | Procedure | 151 |
Read | No mapping | Provider | 123 |
Read | No mapping | Provider/Visit | 1 |
Read | No mapping | Race | 6 |
Read | No mapping | Spec Anatomic Site | 2 |
Read | No mapping | Visit | 43 |
Read | Observation | Condition | 97 |
Read | Observation | Condition/Observation | 9 |
Read | Observation | Measurement | 18 |
Read | Observation | Meas Value | 13 |
Read | Observation | Observation/Procedure | 2 |
Read | Observation | Procedure | 26 |
Read | Observation | Race | 1 |
Read | Procedure | Drug | 30 |
Read | Procedure | Drug/Procedure | 3 |
Read | Procedure | Measurement | 1 |
Read | Procedure | Observation | 1 |
Read | Procedure | Observation/Procedure | 1 |
Read | Spec Anatomic Site | Condition | 3 |
RxNorm | Drug | No mapping | 126 |
RxNorm | New concept | Drug | 1317 |
RxNorm | No mapping | Drug | 3 |
RxNorm Extension | Drug | No mapping | 15 |
SNOMED | Condition | Condition/Gender | 1 |
SNOMED | Condition | Condition/Observation | 4 |
SNOMED | Condition | Gender | 1 |
SNOMED | Condition | Measurement | 1 |
SNOMED | Condition | No mapping | 7986 |
SNOMED | Condition | Observation | 124 |
SNOMED | Device | Drug | 3 |
SNOMED | Device | No mapping | 2906 |
SNOMED | Device | Unit | 6 |
SNOMED | Device/Drug | Drug | 3 |
SNOMED | Drug | Drug/Procedure | 2 |
SNOMED | Drug/Observation | Drug | 21 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Condition | 13 |
SNOMED | Measurement | No mapping | 112 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Observation | 7 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Procedure | 2 |
SNOMED | Meas Value | No mapping | 1 |
SNOMED | Meas Value | Observation | 2 |
SNOMED | New concept | Condition | 3631 |
SNOMED | New concept | Device | 3179 |
SNOMED | New concept | Drug | 650 |
SNOMED | New concept | Drug/Procedure | 11 |
SNOMED | New concept | Measurement | 161 |
SNOMED | New concept | Meas Value | 20 |
SNOMED | New concept | Observation | 2801 |
SNOMED | New concept | Procedure | 708 |
SNOMED | New concept | Route | 4 |
SNOMED | New concept | Spec Anatomic Site | 591 |
SNOMED | New concept | Specimen | 31 |
SNOMED | New concept | Unit | 4 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Condition | 1 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Device | 2 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Drug | 348 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Measurement | 18 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Observation | 33 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Unit | 794 |
SNOMED | Observation | Condition | 7 |
SNOMED | Observation | Condition/Observation | 1 |
SNOMED | Observation | Device | 1 |
SNOMED | Observation | Drug | 49 |
SNOMED | Observation | Measurement | 57 |
SNOMED | Observation | Meas Value | 104 |
SNOMED | Observation | No mapping | 4469 |
SNOMED | Observation | Observation/Unit | 1 |
SNOMED | Observation | Procedure | 3 |
SNOMED | Observation | Unit | 17 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Drug | 455 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Drug/Procedure | 192 |
SNOMED | Procedure | No mapping | 351 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Observation | 6 |
SNOMED | Route | No mapping | 7 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | No mapping | 187 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Observation | 103 |
SNOMED | Spec Anatomic Site | Specimen | 2 |
SNOMED | Specimen | No mapping | 7 |
SNOMED Veterinary | Condition | No mapping | 2 |
SNOMED Veterinary | Observation | No mapping | 14 |
SPL | Drug | No mapping | 23 |
SPL | No mapping | Drug | 3 |
SUS | Device | No mapping | 31 |
SUS | Procedure | No mapping | 15 |
UK Biobank | Condition | No mapping | 10 |
UK Biobank | Drug | No mapping | 3 |
UK Biobank | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
UK Biobank | Observation | No mapping | 162 |
VANDF | Drug | No mapping | 3 |
New vocabularies added
there were no changes here
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