Releases: OHDSI/Vocabulary-v5.0
Release notes v20250227
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CIM10 | Condition | Observation | 11 |
CIM10 | Measurement | Condition | 23 |
CIM10 | Measurement | Observation | 1 |
CIM10 | Observation | Condition | 116 |
CIM10 | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
CIM10 | Observation | Procedure | 2 |
CIM10 | Procedure | Condition | 16 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Procedure | 1 |
CPT4 | Observation | Drug | 3 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Drug | 3 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Observation | 12 |
HemOnc | Condition | Drug | 3 |
ICD10 | Condition | Observation | 11 |
ICD10 | Measurement | Condition | 23 |
ICD10 | Measurement | Observation | 1 |
ICD10 | Observation | Condition | 71 |
ICD10 | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
ICD10 | Observation | Procedure | 2 |
ICD10 | Procedure | Condition | 16 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Measurement | 1 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Observation | 20 |
ICD10CM | Measurement | Condition | 56 |
ICD10CM | Measurement | Observation | 1 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Condition | 264 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Measurement | 86 |
ICD10CM | Observation | Procedure | 241 |
ICD10CM | Procedure | Condition | 42 |
ICD10CN | Condition | Observation | 25 |
ICD10CN | Measurement | Condition | 55 |
ICD10CN | Measurement | Observation | 2 |
ICD10CN | Observation | Condition | 157 |
ICD10CN | Observation | Measurement | 2 |
ICD10CN | Observation | Procedure | 5 |
ICD10CN | Procedure | Condition | 52 |
ICD10GM | Condition | Observation | 9 |
ICD10GM | Observation | Condition | 92 |
ICD10GM | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
ICD10GM | Observation | Procedure | 2 |
ICD10GM | Procedure | Condition | 15 |
ICD10PCS | Procedure | Drug | 12 |
ICD9CM | Condition | Measurement | 1 |
ICD9CM | Measurement | Condition | 44 |
ICD9CM | Measurement | Observation | 2 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Condition | 452 |
ICD9CM | Observation | Measurement | 6 |
ICD9CM | Procedure | Condition | 39 |
ICD9CM | Procedure | Observation | 3 |
KCD7 | Condition | Observation | 713 |
KCD7 | Condition | Procedure | 3 |
KCD7 | Measurement | Condition | 21 |
KCD7 | Observation | Condition | 77 |
KCD7 | Observation | Procedure | 1 |
KCD7 | Procedure | Condition | 15 |
LOINC | Measurement | Observation | 3 |
MedDRA | Measurement | Condition | 226 |
MeSH | Condition | Drug | 10 |
MeSH | Condition | Geography | 1 |
MeSH | Condition | Language | 2 |
MeSH | Condition | Measurement | 20 |
MeSH | Condition | Observation | 768 |
MeSH | Condition | Procedure | 40 |
MeSH | Condition | Spec Anatomic Site | 32 |
MeSH | Drug | Observation | 8 |
MeSH | Measurement | Observation | 5 |
MeSH | Measurement | Procedure | 10 |
MeSH | Observation | Condition | 5 |
MeSH | Observation | Device | 2 |
MeSH | Observation | Drug | 70 |
MeSH | Observation | Measurement | 53 |
MeSH | Procedure | Measurement | 37 |
MeSH | Procedure | Observation | 16 |
MeSH | Spec Anatomic Site | Condition | 4 |
MeSH | Spec Anatomic Site | Measurement | 2 |
MeSH | Spec Anatomic Site | Observation | 2 |
SNOMED | Condition | Measurement | 241 |
SNOMED | Condition | Observation | 122 |
SNOMED | Device | Drug | 7 |
SNOMED | Device | Observation | 13 |
SNOMED | Drug | Device | 11 |
SNOMED | Drug | Observation | 123 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Condition | 292 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Observation | 24 |
SNOMED | Measurement | Procedure | 7 |
SNOMED | Meas Value | Observation | 3 |
SNOMED | Observation | Condition | 4638 |
SNOMED | Observation | Device | 3 |
SNOMED | Observation | Drug | 200 |
SNOMED | Observation | Measurement | 561 |
SNOMED | Observation | Meas Value | 1 |
SNOMED | Observation | Procedure | 28 |
SNOMED | Observation | Provider | 1 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Measurement | 31 |
SNOMED | Procedure | Observation | 18 |
SNOMED | Provider | Observation | 1 |
SNOMED | Race | Observation | 72 |
SNOMED | Route | Observation | 1 |
SNOMED Veterinary | Condition | Observation | 1 |
SNOMED Veterinary | Device | Observation | 5 |
SNOMED Veterinary | Observation | Condition | 3 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
<...vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
ATC | Drug | 92 |
CPT4 | Drug | 265 |
CPT4 | Measurement | 12 |
CPT4 | Observation | 3 |
CPT4 | Procedure | 14 |
CVX | Drug | 6 |
EORTC QLQ | Measurement | 3024 |
EORTC QLQ | Meas Value | 204 |
EORTC QLQ | Observation | 866 |
HCPCS | Device | 71 |
HCPCS | Drug | 57 |
HCPCS | Observation | 60 |
HCPCS | Procedure | 39 |
HemOnc | Condition | 28 |
HemOnc | Drug | 1652 |
HemOnc | Procedure | 9 |
HemOnc | Regimen | 3659 |
ICD10GM | Condition | 16 |
ICD10GM | Observation | 11 |
ICD10PCS | Drug | 17 |
ICD10PCS | Procedure | 645 |
LOINC | Measurement | 1686 |
LOINC | Meas Value | 200 |
LOINC | Note | 22 |
LOINC | Observation | 1369 |
LOINC | Procedure | 186 |
MedDRA | Condition | 402 |
MedDRA | Measurement | 81 |
MedDRA | Observation | 28 |
MedDRA | Procedure | 129 |
MeSH | Condition | 36 |
MeSH | Device | 3 |
MeSH | Drug | 19 |
MeSH | Geography | 1 |
MeSH | Measurement | 2 |
MeSH | Observation | 1233 |
MeSH | Procedure | 17 |
MeSH | Spec Anatomic Site | 1 |
NDC | Device | 139 |
NDC | Drug | 34146 |
OMOP Extension | Route | 2 |
Release notes v20240830
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
1. Structural changes
- Pack_content table is now available via the Vocabulary-v5.0 GitHub repository through the releases (“assets” section).
- We deliver the SSSOM-compatible metadata for certain relationships (link). The metadata mimics the one we collect during the community contribution process and contains the following information:
- Relationship metadata
- Concept metadata
NB! The structure of basic vocabulary tables (i.e. concept, concept_relationship) is not changed, and the first release of metadata is stored in separate tables.
2. ATC
- ATC has been refreshed to the most recent January 2024 version. This update includes adding 272 new 5th-level codes, 24 new 4th-level codes, and 2 new 3rd-level codes.
- Concepts’ level overview:
- We corrected the names of ATC classes based on the refined assignment of routes of administration.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- We introduced a new source-based approach to derive relationships from existing drug vocabularies and greatly refined the relationships to improve accuracy and comprehensiveness. Our current approach relies on external sources, such as dm+d, GRR, UMLS, VANDF, JMDC, DPD, BDPM, Norway drug bank and other proprietary sources. This extensive library of relationships has been curated semi-automatically to construct relationships between ATC and RxNorm / RxNorm Extension vocabulary. As a result, we’ve created more than 9000 new ATC - RxNorm relationships.
- We constructed new relationships for the ATC codes introduced since the previous release.
- We cleaned up old relationships from ATC to RxNorm drugs and ingredients, resulting in more than 7000 deprecated links.
- LOINC vocabulary has been updated with its 2.77 Feb 2024 version.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- The LOINC-SNOMED hierarchy has been expanded with more than 230 new ‘Is a’ relationships.
- SNOMED concepts in the Measurement domain mapped to LOINC during the previous release have become standard and their mappings to LOINC have been reverted. LOINC - SNOMED deduplication to be discussed in future Vocabulary WG sessions.
4. SNOMED package
- SNOMED has been updated according to the following versions of its modules:
- 2024-02-01 SNOMED CT International;
- 2024-03-01 SNOMED CT US Edition;
- 2024-04-10 SNOMED CT UK Edition.
- Concepts’ level overview:
- Allergic reactions have been moved to the Condition domain.
- Patient encounters have been moved to the Observation domain.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- SNOMED concepts in the Measurement domain mapped to LOINC during the previous release have become standard and their mappings to LOINC have been reverted. LOINC - SNOMED deduplication to be discussed in future Vocabulary WG sessions.
- Some of the SNOMED concepts were mapped over to their standard counterparts.
- It includes both cases when SNOMED concepts were standard and cases when SNOMED concepts did not have mappings. Currently, these affect the following chapters:
- Vaccine and immunization codes in the procedure domain: 628 concepts
- Units, providers and drugs: 137 concepts
- Geography: 19 concepts
- According to the discussion around the post-coordination of pre-coordinated SNOMED measurements, we do not perform any further post-coordination.
5. MedDRA
- MedDRA has been updated according to the source version 27.0, effective from March 2024.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- The MedDRA-SNOMED / OMOP Extension hierarchy has been expanded.
- A total of 2891 PT concepts and 215 LLTs have been mapped to concepts in standard vocabularies, primarily SNOMED.
- Hierarchy mirroring (bugfix):
- Pre-coordinated MedDRA terms (Measurements) are currently positioned below general SNOMED in affected cases.
- HCPCS has been updated according to the July 2024 version.
- Concepts’ level overview:
- We improved the precision of validity dates of reused codes to ensure more accurate cohort building.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- We improved drug mapping (incl. community contribution).
7. CPT4
- CPT4 has been updated according to the 2024AA version of UMLS Metathesaurus.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Newly added immunization codes 90624 and 90695 have been mapped to Standard concepts in the Drug domain.
- We expanded the CPT4 - SNOMED hierarchy by embedding 1164 CPT4 anesthesia-related codes into the SNOMED hierarchy.
- ‘CPT4 - SNOMED cat’ relationships will continue to contribute to the hierarchy. After extensive testing, we concluded that their exclusion from the hierarchy leaves a large number of standard procedure codes outside the concepts_ancestor.
8. CMS Place of Service
- CMS Place of Service vocabulary has been updated according to the May 2, 2024 version.
- Concepts’ level overview:
- We added a note ‘(Deprecated)’ to the names of the codes deprecated by the source concepts. These codes are maintained as Standard (unless they are mapped).
- Concept ‘27, Inpatient Long-term Care (Deprecated)’ has been deprecated by the source and its concept code was reused. According to our current policy, we do not update the names of the reused codes.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Concepts ‘02, Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home’ and ‘10, Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home’ have been destandardized and mapped to the Standard Telehealth concept in the Visit vocabulary, as well as other concepts, previously mapped to ‘02, Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home’ and ‘10, Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home’
9. Visit
- Concepts’ level overview:
- A new OMOP-created concept has been added to the Visit vocabulary: OMOP5556618, Telehealth. This concept is intended to be a standard concept for all Telehealth visits, with CMS Place of Service codes 02 and 10 mapped to it.
10. Read
- Relationships’ level overview:
- More than 700 missing ‘Maps to value’ relationships have been added (bugfix)
- In partnership with the Critical Path Institute, we introduce the CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium) - a cornerstone terminology used in SDTM (data model for clinical trial data). We used the 2023_11 version.
- Concepts’ level overview:
- We used NCI-metathesaurus as the source. We included the full list of CDISC values available (29018 distinct concepts).
- In some cases (14 588 concepts) concept codes are represented as a complex construct from a unique source identifier and CDISC code values (where available) separated by ‘-’.
- The vocabulary is enriched with synonyms to facilitate the ETL process.
- All the CDISC concepts are non-standard.
- Relationships‘ level overview:
- Mappings are limited to those that can be either algorithmically derived from NCI-metathesaurus tables for clear 1:1 mappings, or curated manually for pre-selected, prioritized ones.
12. ICD Family
- Overview:
- In this release, we incorporate external mapping sources, such as SNOMED - ICD mappings and UMLS into the ICD Family Common Data Environment.
- ICD10, ICD10CM, ICD9CM, ICD10GM, ICD10CN, CIM10 and KCD7 vocabularies have been updated to take into account new mapping candidates.
- With additional mapping sources integration, we continue mapping harmonization across vocabularies by refactoring groups of concepts and adjusting grouping criteria. Some previously integrated groups have been split to enhance the granularity of mappings.
- ICD10CM:
- Has been updated to the latest version (FY2025), effective from October 01, 2024.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Existing mappings have been updated following:
- SNOMED update
- Community contribution integration
- Existing mappings have been updated following:
- ICD10:
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Existing mappings have been updated following the SNOMED update.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Existing mappings have been updated following the:
- SNOMED update
- Community contribution integration
- Existing mappings have been updated following the:
- Relationships’ level overview:
- ICD10GM:
- Relationships’ level overview:
- Existing mappings have been updated following the SNOMED update.
- Relationships’ level overview:
- ICD10CN:
- Relationships’ level ...
Release notes v20240229
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
1. CVX
- The vocabulary has been updated according to the 2023AB version of the UMLS source.
- New CVX vaccines have been added (codes 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317).
2. RxNorm
- The vocabulary has been updated to the January 2024 version.
3. RxNorm Extension
- The indeterminacy of the BuildRxE script, which is used for the construction of the RxNorm Extension concepts, has been fixed in this release. Previously, multiple runs of BuildRxE with the same input resulted in outputs with 1-2% differences between runs. It was one of the reasons for duplicates in the RxNorm Extension vocabulary.
- The vocabulary has been updated to the February 2024 version, effective from February 25th, 2024.
- Bug fixing of reported issues - NDC devices were mapped to drugs.
5. SNOMED package
- SNOMED has been updated according to the following versions of its modules:
2023-07-31 SNOMED CT International;
2023-09-01 SNOMED CT US Edition;
2023-09-27 SNOMED CT UK Edition. - SNOMED UK Drug Extension Module has been excluded from SNOMED OMOP vocabularies. Concepts that belonged to this module have been deprecated and linked to their duplicates in the dm+d vocabulary. Their concept codes and names have been replaced by placeholders to avoid misuse.
On the other hand, dm+d concepts in the Device domain, previously mapped to the SNOMED UK Drug Extension Module, have become standard. Gemscript Devices, previously mapped to SNOMED, have been remapped to dm+d.
UK Drug Extension concepts in the Route domain have been de-standardized and mapped to standard Routes that belong to other SNOMED Modules. - Validity dates assignment for concepts has been improved and now fully corresponds to the source data.
- Concept class Clinical Finding has been split into Disorder and Clinical Finding. Thus, all Disorders are assigned with Condition domain (except allergies), and Clinical Findings accommodate concepts in the Condition, Observation, and Measurement domains.
- Concepts that belong to Attribute, Location (except countries), Social Context (except concepts that carry the semantics of relatives, religion, occupation), Physical Force, and Physical Object (except concepts in the Device domain) concept classes have been de-standardized.
- Domain assignment has been improved to achieve better accuracy. Thus, concepts ‘Positive’, ‘Negative’, and ‘Malignant’ have been moved from Spec Disease Status to the Meas Value domain, and countries have been moved to the Geography domain.
- Previously, not all replacement relationships to standard concepts were followed by the respective ‘Maps to’ links due to incorrect algorithms. Now this problem is fixed.
- Cleanup of mapping following ‘Concept poss_eq to’ relationships has been performed and its accuracy has been improved.
- Pre-coordinated concepts that represent the results of evaluation procedures have been split and mapped to Measurements and their value. Concepts that cannot be properly mapped remain standard concepts in the Measurement domain.
- Pre-coordinated concepts that represent allergies were split and mapped to ‘Allergic disposition’ + causative agent in a post-coordinated way.
- Concepts that belong to Observable Entity and Procedure concept classes in most cases represented semantic duplicates in the Measurement domain. According to SNOMED official documentation, the deduplication of Measurements should be performed towards Observable Entities as these concepts are supposed to represent the result of the evaluation procedure. However, we noticed that currently, most measurements in the Observable Entity concept class belong to the UK Clinical Extension Module and their hierarchy is much less complete than the hierarchy of Procedures. In such cases, we have built ‘Maps to’ relationships in the opposite direction -from Observable Entities to Procedures. If Observable Entity concepts belong to SNOMED CT Core Module they remain standard with the duplicative Procedure concepts mapped to them.
- Deduplication in the Measurement domain included mapping concepts in the Observable Entity concept class to their duplicates in the Staging/Scales concept class.
- Secondary neoplasm concepts have been mapped to the Cancer Modifier.
- Concepts in Race and Provider domains have been mapped to standard concepts in the respective domains.
- The load_stage has been significantly refactored, which results in a more straightforward and fast release process in future.
6. PPI
- New modules (Behavioral Health and Personality and Emotional Health History and Wellbeing) have been introduced.
- The Mental Health and Well-Being Module has been deprecated.
- HCPCS has been updated according to the version effective from January 2024.
- 39 concepts have been destandardised and mapped over to the concepts in the respective domains.
- 31 concepts have been destandardized as they present no information or contain negative information.
- Concepts that previously were assigned the Visit and Provider domains according to their mapping were moved to the Observation domain according to the Community’s request.
- Domain assignment according to the domains of the target concepts has been deleted. This logic led to imprecise domain assignment and non-compliance with the concept semantics. Now domains are assigned according to concept semantics exclusively.
All HCPCS concepts in the Drug domain should be non-standard as HCPCS is not a standard vocabulary for Drugs. All HCPCS concepts in the Drug domain are supposed to be mapped to standard concepts in the Drug domain. If concepts cannot be mapped due to lack of specificity, they are assigned with Procedure domain, embedded into the hierarchy of Procedures, and remain standard. - 3 concepts that belong to the Device domain have been mapped to SNOMED lost their mappings and became standard.
- In the course of release one standard concept previously embedded into the hierarchy of SNOMED has lost its hierarchical relationships as it has been mapped over to the standard concept in the Procedure domain and destandardized.
HCPCS code ‘J9321, Injection, pemetrexed (sandoz) not therapeutically equivalent to J9305, 10 mg’ was added on 2023-07-01 and subsequently deleted as a duplicate of code J9297. On 2024-01-01 this concept code was reused and assigned with another description: ‘‘J9321, Injection, epcoritamab-bysp, 0.16 mg’. As the previous concept code was initially added by mistake as duplicative and deleted by the source in the scope of the same source version, we assumed that it was not widely presented in the raw data and that the new brand-specific concept code would be more actively used. In this case, we do not preserve the old code description as an exception to our general logic.
- Vocabulary has been updated according to the source version effective from April 01, 2024.
- In the course of the update, 69 concepts were mapped to standard concepts in the Drug domain and de-standardized.
- ICD10PCS Hierarchy concepts that refer to the XW0 section, especially first-degree ancestors of drug administration procedures, demonstrate high variability of concept names. This behaviour depends both on the intrinsic vocabulary logic (X-codes are assigned to the new or experimental technologies and are refreshed often so that the same ancestor may have different descendants in each vocabulary release) and the UMLS logic of concept name compilation (names are assembled from distinct values of ICD10PCS source files with @ symbol as separators, and these values may vary). To avoid redundant variability and subsequent confusion we decided to replace the last variable part of XW0 hierarchical concepts that refer to drug administration procedures with a placeholder ‘@ Drug administration’.
- ICD10PCS - SNOMED hierarchy has been improved in its accuracy, 4340 erroneous ‘Is a’ relationships have been deprecated.
9. Read
- The mappings have been updated according to the new SNOMED version.
- The wrong domain assignments for some concepts have been fixed.
10. MedDRA
- MedDRA has been updated according to the source version 26.1, effective from September 2023.
- A total of 10,189 PT concepts and 2,874 LLTs have been mapped to concepts in standard vocabularies, primarily SNOMED. Currently, there are 15,161 PT and 11,255 LLT MedDRA concepts with mappings.
- A hierarchy between MedDRA and SNOMED / OMOPext has been established with 25,623 'Is a'/'Subsumes' links. In this hierarchy, different MedDRA concepts can be ancestors or descendants of SNOMED / OMOP Extension concepts, depending on the mappings of the concept. The model of the hierarchy is described here.
- LOINC vocabulary has been updated with its 2.76 Sep 2023 version.
- The LOINC-SNOMED hierarchy was significantly expanded - more than 2300 ‘Is a’ relationships were added. Specifically, we've leveraged the outcomes of LOINC-SNOMED collaboration, particularly the LOINC Ontology, to enhance and refine the hierarchical relationships between SNOMED and LOINC Measurements.
- We also incorporated the SNOMED - LOINC deduplication mappings, provided by the Community.
12. CPT4, Co-connect, OMOP Invest drug, OPCS4, UK Biobank
- We have updated mappings for these vocabularies without changing vocabulary versions.
- Minor bug fixing: symbols such ...
Release notes v20230831
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
1. CPT4
- The vocabulary was updated according to the 2023AA version of the UMLS source.
- 1612 CPT4 concepts in Procedure, Measurement and Observation domains were mapped to standard concepts in the respective domains, and 2761 concepts were embedded into the hierarchy of SNOMED.
- Equivalence relationships between CPT4 and SNOMED ( 'CPT4 - SNOMED cat' and 'CPT4 - SNOMED eq') are created using the inter-vocabulary synonymous and categorical relationships present in the UMLS source, respectively. In the scope of this release, 2163 such links were added. Upon addition a new target concept to the UMLS source we deprecate the previous link of equivalence for the respective CPT4 concept.
- Concepts whose domains had been changed to Visit in the course of v20230116_major release obtained their original domains (Observation, Procedure, Measurement) as per community request.
- In CPT4 concepts migrate between categories and obtain new concept_codes. This results in semantic duplicates within the vocabulary. 71 duplicative concepts were destandardized and mapped over to the newest CPT4 codes or the standard SNOMED concepts in the respective domain.
- 10 CPT4 Hierarchy concepts for COVID-19 vaccines were mapped to standard concepts in the Drug domain according to their semantics.
- Logic of concept class assignment to CPT4 Modifiers was fixed, so that deprecated by the source modifiers preserve their concept_class_id = ‘CPT4 Modifier’.
2. RxNorm
- The vocabulary has been updated to July 2023 version
- The vocabulary has been updated to August 2023 version, effective from 27th of August
LOINC vocabulary has been updated with its 2.75 Aug 2023 version.
LOINC-SNOMED hierarchy was improved:
Some LOINC concepts had multiple ancestors in SNOMED, which were ancestors and descendants of each other. This resulted in loops of hierarchical relationships
COVID-2019-related lab tests were rolled up to the respective parent concept and were included in the hierarchy of Measurement of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
One-to-many mapping was fixed.
- In this release, we refresh VANDF and VA Class vocabularies - Veterans Health Administration National Drug File, one of drug source vocabularies.
- We changed the logic of the domain assignment. Previously, all of the concepts within VANDF vocabulary were considered Drugs, even though they did not qualify as Drugs in OHDSI. Currently, we use hierarchical relationships with VA Class vocabulary to assign Device domain correctly.
6. Co-connect
- Co-connect family of vocabularies are now distributed under the open-source license.
- Reference changed to authoring institution.
7. Smoking hierarchy (UK Biobank, HCPCS, ICD10CM)
- During this release we continued remapping Smoking related concepts in source vocabularies (UK Biobank, HCPCS, ICD10CM).
- Minor bugfixing included into the release of the affected vocabularies.
Find more information about the Smoking hierarchy convention here.
8. Read
- Enhanced and refined vaccines mapping.
- Successfully incorporated smoking mapping according to the Smoking Convention.
- Resolved improper one-to-many mappings, including instances where concepts were both ascendants and descendants of each other.
9. Community contribution
As a part of Vocabularies improvement initiative, August release was the first release in which we implemented community contribution as a transparent pathway for community to contribute their vocabularies and suggest changes to the existing.
We incorporated all submissions submitted and approved (if modification of content) by the end of June (2 months before the release).
These include:
- New vocabularies - NHS Ethnic category and NHS Place of Service (link)
- Remapping of ICD10CM terms to SNOMED (link)
- Addition of new RxNorm Extension terms to support analytics across data sources using Z index (link)
More details about the process can be found here and here.
10. Problems found during the release, but not yet fixed
Nearly 30% of VANDF mappings, related to solutions of all kinds (topical solution, injectable solution, etc.) are incorrect. These mappings are coming directly from the source data. VANDF and target RxNorm concepts differ in the amount of ingredients and concentration of the ingredients. We have found no differences in ingredients between VANDF and RxNorm concepts. Therefore, mappings may be used for the drug_exposure population, unless drug dosages are a prime question of the study. The examples of the mappings may be found at Known Issues page
The CPT Editorial Panel approves new Vaccine and Immunization codes and releases them to the AMA website quarterly or sometimes even monthly. These changes often are not captured by our releases of CPT4 OMOP vocabulary, as we take UMLS as a source, and it’s updated bi-annually. Besides, the newly introduced stable cadence of bi-annual OHDSI Vocabulary releases limits our ability to add codes on requests. It may pose a problem for CDM users, who need these codes for their research.
The Vocabulary Team usually includes such concepts in the nearest scheduled CPT4 release (see Roadmap) on request. We recommend adding the necessary codes to the local CDMs in case of urgent need.
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Drug | Measurement | 1 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Observation | 24 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Procedure | 2 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Measurement | 5 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Observation | 17 |
CPT4 | Provider | Observation | 9 |
CPT4 | Visit | Measurement | 3 |
CPT4 | Visit | Observation | 175 |
CPT4 | Visit | Procedure | 8 |
HCPCS | Visit | Observation | 16 |
LOINC | Measurement | Observation | 2 |
LOINC | Observation | Note | 1 |
VANDF | Drug | Device | 11598 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Drug | 1 |
CPT4 | Measurement | 83 |
CPT4 | Observation | 23 |
CPT4 | Procedure | 142 |
LOINC | Measurement | 2453 |
LOINC | Meas Value | 215 |
LOINC | Note | 114 |
LOINC | Observation | 1217 |
LOINC | Procedure | 402 |
NDC | Device | 80 |
NDC | Drug | 15352 |
NHS Ethnic Category | Race | 15 |
NHS Place of Service | Visit | 15 |
RxNorm | Drug | 663 |
RxNorm Extension | Drug | 2215 |
SPL | Device | 3 |
SPL | Drug | 15242 |
VANDF | Device | 736 |
VANDF | Drug | 813 |
Standard concept changes
vocabulary_id | old_standard_concept | new_standard_concept | count |
CPT4 | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 1617 |
CPT4 | Non-standard with mapping | Standard | 3 |
LOINC | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 1015 |
LOINC | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 59 |
LOINC | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 12 |
LOINC | Non-standard with mapping | Standard | 1 |
RxNorm | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 49 |
RxNorm | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 7 |
RxNorm | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 2 |
RxNorm Extension | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 1410 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 3 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 1 |
VANDF | Non-standard without mapping | Standard | 9565 |
VANDF | Non-standard w... |
Release notes v20230531
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
- The vocabulary was updated according to the version effective from July 2023.
- Visit, Provider and a number of Procedure and Observation concepts have been destandardized and mapped over to the concepts in the respective domains.
- Mapping of Drugs has been improved in its granularity and completeness.
- Domain assignment according to the domains of the target concepts has been added.
- 13 concepts that represent contrast media changed their domain from Drug to Device and became standard.
- In the course of the release 525 standard concepts previously embedded into the hierarchy of SNOMED and CPT4 have lost their hierarchical relationships as they have been mapped over to standard concepts in the respective domains and destandardized.
2. CPT4
- One CPT4 code 0174A for immunization against COVID-19 was added.
- Domain_id of two concepts was fixed as per community request.
3. CVX
- New CVX vaccines have been added (codes 518, 519, 520, 521, 231). Existing mappings were improved, which resulted in destandardization of some CVX codes that are currently mapped to corresponding vaccines in RxNorm or RxNorm Extension vocabulary.
- The Vaccine Group concept class has been introduced, showcasing how a set of related vaccines can be organized into a family for easy reference.
- New attributes were added, such as:
- ‘Has vaccine group’ relationships were added to help with vaccine grouping. Vaccines themself serve as groups, therefore there are no new concepts for vaccine groups.
- ‘Non-US’ was added to names of the vaccines in use outside of the United States
4. MeSH
- More than 300000 concepts were added during this release
- Changed of logic assignment has been changed. At the moment domains are assigned according to the following priorities:
- Domain of target concept, if mapping is available
- Domain of ancestor concept, if available
- Domain assigned according to algorithm using semantic tags
- Default domain has been set to Observation
The update brings a set of community-provided mappings for NAACCR Values to Cancer Modifer OMOP Vocabulary. The total amount of invalidated NAACCR Values is 1517. Compared to provided mappings we refactored and remapped only a minor portion (less than 200) of codes from generic Lymph node spread to Regional spread as it inherited from the Variable parent. Note, that NAACCR Variables related to those Values did not change their standardness and validity status. Please find more details on the upcoming changes page.
6. Smoking hierarchy (SNOMED, OMOP Extension)
- As was announced in upcoming changes, during this release we focused on remapping of SNOMED concepts: the smoking-related SNOMED terms were mapped to new OMOP Extension concepts. As a result of this changes, some concepts of source vocabularies (ICD9CM, Read, CIEL, etc.) lost their mapping - this will be addressed in future releases.
7. OMOP Extension
- Added concepts for ACC/AHA classification and Ross classification.
- Implemented the Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) pain scale.
8. PPI
- The mapping of 2 concepts: sdoh_dms_1 and sdoh_dms_2 has been omitted and these concepts have been made standard as per community request. The reason for the change is imprecise mapping.
- Concept_class_id of 2 other concepts has been changed as per community request
9. RxNorm
- The vocabulary has been updated to May 2023 version
- The vocabulary has been updated to May 2023 version, effective from 14th of May
11. dm+d
- The vocabulary has been updated to May 2023 version, effective from 22nd of May
- Previous version of dm+d vocabulary dated back to June 2021. This gap between versions determines huge differences. Almost 18000 concepts were added during this release
- Domain detection was improved what resulted in minor changes in concepts’ domains
12. Сo-connect
- A new IQVIA proprietary vocabulary consisting of 3 parts was added.
13. Problems found during the release, but not yet fixed
- Within a recent release of HCPCS sources, code reuse appeared to happen for 36 codes. Unless the code reuse handling approach is implemented in OMOP, we preserve reused codes with old semantics.
- The idea about mapping of the concepts associated with death of a patient to the CDM table ‘Death’ is discussed in the Community and has not been addressed yet in the scope of the current release.
- In CPT4 concepts may migrate between categories and obtain new concept_codes. This results in creation of semantic duplicates within the vocabulary. As at the release v20230531 there are 71 such duplicative concepts that are to be mapped and destandardized.
- As a result of recent run of BuildRxE, more than 6000 duplicates have been created in RxNorm Extension vocabulary. They have not been used as mapping targets for dm+d vocabulary. This is a known problem, which exacerbated significantly during this release.
- We also identified inconsistencies in BuildRxE mapping algorithm that resulted in changes of drug form of target mapping concepts (Eg. concepts previously mapped to lidocaine Injectable solution changed their mapping to lidocaine injection). These changes were manually curated for dm+d vocabulary. However, the algorithm was not changed.
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Device | Procedure | 1 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Procedure | 1 |
dm+d | Device | Drug | 57 |
dm+d | Drug | Device | 48 |
HCPCS | Device | Drug | 6 |
HCPCS | Device | Measurement | 1 |
HCPCS | Device | Observation | 3 |
HCPCS | Device | Procedure | 18 |
HCPCS | Drug | Device | 13 |
HCPCS | Drug | Observation | 1 |
HCPCS | Drug | Procedure | 8 |
HCPCS | Measurement | Procedure | 3 |
HCPCS | Observation | Condition | 94 |
HCPCS | Observation | Device | 1 |
HCPCS | Observation | Drug | 3 |
HCPCS | Observation | Procedure | 72 |
HCPCS | Observation | Provider | 27 |
HCPCS | Observation | Visit | 183 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Condition | 7 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Device | 2 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Drug | 3 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Measurement | 14 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Observation | 166 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Provider | 2 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Visit | 31 |
HCPCS | Provider | Observation | 3 |
HCPCS | Provider | Visit | 2 |
HCPCS | Visit | Observation | 1 |
MeSH | Condition | Device | 1 |
MeSH | Condition | Measurement | 6 |
MeSH | Condition | Observation | 102 |
MeSH | Condition | Procedure | 14 |
MeSH | Condition | Spec Anatomic Site | 12 |
MeSH | Drug | Condition | 152 |
MeSH | Drug | Device | 9 |
MeSH | Drug | Measurement | 10 |
MeSH | Drug | Observation | 316 |
MeSH | Drug | Procedure | 20 |
MeSH | Drug | Spec Anatomic Site | 8 |
MeSH | Measurement | Condition | 5 |
MeSH | Measurement | Observation | 6 |
MeSH | Measurement | Procedure | 8 |
MeSH | Observation | Condition | 10 |
MeSH | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
MeSH | Observation | Procedure | 3 |
MeSH | Procedure | Condition | 4 |
MeSH | Procedure | Drug | 1 |
MeSH | Procedure | Measurement | 2 |
MeSH | Procedure... |
Release notes v20230123
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
- Four CPT4 concepts for the bivalent COVID vaccines were added on request (issue #747).
- Nine CPT4 concepts valid from 01-Jan-2023 were added.
- NDC/SPL regular update.
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Drug | 4 |
CPT4 | Measurement | 9 |
NDC | Drug | 1026 |
SPL | Drug | 1592 |
Standard concept changes
vocabulary_id | old_standard_concept | new_standard_concept | count |
CPT4 | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 3 |
SPL | Classification with mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 2 |
Newly added concepts and their standard concept status
vocabulary_id | new_standard_concept | count |
CPT4 | Non-standard with mapping | 5 |
CPT4 | Standard | 8 |
NDC | Non-standard with mapping | 71 |
NDC | Non-standard without mapping | 955 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | 1592 |
Changes of concept mapping status grouped by target domain
vocabulary_id | Old target Domain/Status | New target Domain/Status | count |
CPT4 | New concept | Drug | 2 |
CPT4 | New concept | Drug/Procedure | 2 |
CPT4 | New concept | Measurement | 9 |
CPT4 | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
NDC | New concept | Drug | 71 |
NDC | No mapping | Drug | 2 |
New vocabularies added
there were no changes here
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Release notes v20230116_major
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
This release was originally meant to come in late autumn, then it was designated the Christmas release, but finally we present the “New Year 2023” release with a fair deal of meaningful updates and additions, which is why we declare this release a major release.
1. CPT4.
- The vocabulary was updated with the version 2022AB from UMLS, finally bringing CPT4 up to the 2022 release, as this was not available before from UMLS.
- Visit, Provider, Measurement and a number of Procedure concepts (1164 in total) were deStandardized and mapped over to the Standard concepts in the respective domains.
- Mapping of Drugs was improved in its granularity and completeness.
- Domain assignment was improved.
- 628 concepts in Procedure, Measurement and other domains were included into the hierarchy of Standard concepts.
- 277 new concepts were added as Standard and embedded into the existing hierarchy of Standard concepts or created as non-Standard and mapped over to the respective Standard concepts
2. Oncology-Genomic package
The update provides a new source of genomic information to be used for development and validation of OMOP Genomic terminology and KOIOS tool. The Hematology-Oncology terminology update improves Regimens utilization, as well as it defines the representation of steroid drugs in the context of specific therapeutic regimen.
2.1 HemOnc
This update (based on November 2022) introduces a number of new concepts in almost every HemOnc domain: Regimen, Drug, Condition, Procedure (sequence ordered from highest number of new concepts added to lowest). Released HemOnc update separates current and historical indications for different age patients’ population as new relationships. New relationships are also added to reflect the steroid role for steroid-containing chemotherapy Regimens. Regimen synonyms are enhanced according to the provided data from the author.
A brand new genomic terminology was added providing an impressive number of concepts and their synonyms. The COSMIC (Catalog Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer) is a powerful repository of somatic alterations occurring in cancer cells. During the implementation effort, the Vocabulary team and Oncology/Genomic WG supervisors designed the logic of concepts retrieval, naming strategies and worked on reducing the amount of relevant terms to be ingested in the OHDSI standardized vocabularies environment. However, this vocabulary is currently designated as “currently not available”, but will be used in the development of OMOP Genomic vocabulary.
3. ICD10CM
ICD10CM vocabulary has been updated with its FY2023 version. New content mapping has been introduced.
4. PPI
The ‘Life Functioning Survey’ Module was introduced.
5. OPS
The OPS vocabulary was updated with its 2021 and 2022 versions. 1858 new concepts were added. 741 additional concepts were mapped over to Standard concepts.
- LOINC vocabulary has been updated with its 2.73 Aug 2022 version.
- LOINC Document Ontology-related concepts changed their domains from Observation to the new domain Note.
- LOINC Group names were normalized: instead of names like "Selenium|SCnc|Pt|ANYBldSerPl" we have "Selenium|Substance Concentration|Moment in time|Blood, Serum or Plasma".
- LOINC-SNOMED hierarchy was improved.
- COVID-2019-related lab tests were rolled up to the respective parent concept.
- SARS-CoV-2 antibody hierarchy was enhanced and became much granular due to OMOP Extension concepts separated by class of immunoglobulin.
- Deprecated concepts (not replaced by the source with a new concept) are mapped over to the respective Standard concepts in SNOMED and other vocabularies.
7. RxNorm
The vocabulary was updated with the January 2023 RxNorm release.
8. NDC / SPL
- The vocabulary was updated with the latest set of NDC and SPL concepts from January 2023.
- Fixed a bug when mappings to RxNorm were assigned randomly in case of multiple mappings with the same valid_date provided by source. Concept_class_id is added to the sorting of potential RxNorm targets to prevent undetermined choice.
9. OMOP Extension
9.1. Smoking hierarchy
We introduced a set of tobacco or its derivatives-related concepts to accompany the ETL Smoking conventions in a few axes. The top concepts of hierarchy is Findings of tobacco or its derivatives use or exposure. Tobacco users are now defined according to the type of the product they use (Smokeless, Electronic, Cigarettes, Cigars, etc.), while cigarette smokers are also classified according to the severity of smoking (Trivial, Light, Moderate, Heavy, Very heavy). Cigarettes pack-years smoked during life is intended to capture the cumulative consumption of cigarettes.
Newly created concepts are Standard and should be used during ETL processes and mapping. We are going to destandardize concepts from other vocabularies during further releases.
9.2. Regular update
Besides that, two SARS-CoV-2 measurement concepts (Measurement of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in exhaled gas and Measurement of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in exhaled gas using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) and a few lupus assessment concepts were created.
10. Other Changes
In this release we also implemented two manual checks:
- A check for 1-to many mapping to both a child concept and its ancestor,
- A check that helps to reveal Visit concepts in the source vocabulary and allows to review their mapping.
- Logic of the AddFreshMapsTO function has been slightly adjusted. Previously, only links present in concept_relationship_stage were extended. That led to the neglection of old relationships, that were no longer present in _stage tables. Now AddFreshMapsTO extends also relationships from both concept_relationship_stage and basic (concept_relationship) tables, if at least one of the affected vocabularies has been refreshed.
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Measurement | Observation | 2 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Procedure | 11 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Provider | 2 |
CPT4 | Measurement | Visit | 1 |
CPT4 | Observation | Measurement | 59 |
CPT4 | Observation | Procedure | 9 |
CPT4 | Observation | Provider | 1 |
CPT4 | Observation | Visit | 53 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Drug | 2 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Measurement | 416 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Observation | 96 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Provider | 6 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Visit | 127 |
HemOnc | Drug | Regimen | 1 |
ICD10CM | Condition | Observation | 3 |
LOINC | Measurement | Note | 1 |
LOINC | Observation | Note | 3714 |
MeSH | Drug | Condition | 2 |
MeSH | Drug | Measurement | 1 |
MeSH | Measurement | Condition | 1 |
MeSH | Measurement | Procedure | 1 |
MeSH | Procedure | Condition | 1 |
MeSH | Procedure | Measurement | 2 |
OMOP Extension | Observation | Measurement | 30 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
COSMIC | Measurement | 273604 |
CPT4 | Drug | 4 |
CPT4 | Measurement | 80 |
CPT4 | Observation | 18 |
CPT4 | Procedure | 170 |
CPT4 | Visit | 5 |
HemOnc | Condition | 20 |
HemOnc | Drug | 167 |
HemOnc | Procedure | 3 |
HemOnc | Regimen | 209 |
ICD10CM | Condition | 1407 |
ICD10CM | Observation | 62 |
LOINC | Measurement | 440 |
LOINC | Meas Value | 132 |
LOINC | Note | 241 |
Release notes v20221031
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
This release contains a number of urgent fixes and additions requested by N3C (issue #697 ) and FDA-BEST (issues #666 - #683 - #685 ) as well as some pending refreshes that were originally meant to be released a little later. This is not yet the planned "Indian Summer release".
- selected additions to the CPT4 vocabulary to cover recent new codes for Monkeypox and bivalent COVID-19 vaccines. The full CPT4-2022 release is still not available in UMLS and will have to wait for a release later this year.
- several mapping fixes and additions in the HCPCS vocabulary
- refresh of the CGI and CIViC genomic variant vocabularies
- RxNorm refresh
- NDC refresh
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
CPT4 | Procedure | Drug | 25 |
HCPCS | Procedure | Drug | 1 |
HCPCS | Provider | Observation | 1 |
HCPCS | Visit | Drug | 1 |
HCPCS | Visit | Procedure | 1 |
SNOMED | Observation | Language | 863 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
CGI | Measurement | 5028 |
CIViC | Measurement | 398 |
CPT4 | Drug | 16 |
CPT4 | Measurement | 1 |
CVX | Drug | 4 |
HCPCS | Device | 10 |
HCPCS | Drug | 10 |
HCPCS | Provider | 2 |
Language | Language | 1 |
NDC | Device | 67 |
NDC | Drug | 7120 |
OMOP Extension | Measurement | 1 |
OMOP Extension | Procedure | 1 |
RxNorm | Drug | 406 |
SPL | Drug | 9177 |
SPL | Observation | 2 |
Type Concept | Type Concept | 1 |
Standard concept changes
vocabulary_id | old_standard_concept | new_standard_concept | count |
CPT4 | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 28 |
HCPCS | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 2 |
HCPCS | Non-standard with mapping | Standard | 1 |
RxNorm | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 44 |
RxNorm | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 20 |
RxNorm | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 17 |
RxNorm Extension | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 25 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 3 |
SPL | Classification with mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 2 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 1 |
Newly added concepts and their standard concept status
vocabulary_id | new_standard_concept | count |
CGI | Non-standard without mapping | 5028 |
CIViC | Non-standard without mapping | 398 |
Concept Class | Non-standard without mapping | 1 |
CPT4 | Non-standard with mapping | 17 |
CVX | Non-standard with mapping | 1 |
CVX | Standard | 3 |
Domain | Non-standard without mapping | 1 |
HCPCS | Standard | 10 |
HCPCS | Non-standard with mapping | 12 |
Language | Standard | 1 |
NDC | Standard | 67 |
NDC | Non-standard with mapping | 2023 |
NDC | Non-standard without mapping | 5097 |
OMOP Extension | Standard | 2 |
RxNorm | Non-standard with mapping | 15 |
RxNorm | Non-standard without mapping | 27 |
RxNorm | Classification without mapping | 59 |
RxNorm | Standard | 305 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | 9179 |
Type Concept | Standard | 1 |
Vocabulary | Non-standard without mapping | 1 |
Changes of concept mapping status grouped by target domain
vocabulary_id | Old target Domain/Status | New target Domain/Status | count |
AMIS | Drug | No mapping | 2 |
AMT | Drug | No mapping | 2 |
ATC | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
BDPM | Drug | No mapping | 2 |
CIEL | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
CIEL | Observation | Language | 1 |
CPT4 | Drug | Drug/Procedure | 19 |
CPT4 | New concept | Drug | 5 |
CPT4 | New concept | Drug/Procedure | 11 |
CPT4 | New concept | Measurement | 1 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Drug | 3 |
CPT4 | Procedure | Drug/Procedure | 22 |
CTD | Drug | No mapping | 2 |
CVX | Drug | Drug/Procedure | 1 |
CVX | New concept | Drug | 3 |
CVX | New concept | Drug/Procedure | 1 |
DA_France | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
dm+d | Drug | No mapping | 5 |
Gemscript | Drug | No mapping | 12 |
GGR | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
GRR | Drug | No mapping | 2 |
HCPCS | Condition/Visit | Procedure/Visit | 1 |
HCPCS | Measurement | Measurement/Procedure | 1 |
HCPCS | Measurement | Measurement/Type Concept | 1 |
HCPCS | New concept | Device | 10 |
HCPCS | New concept | Drug | 10 |
HCPCS | New concept | Provider | 2 |
HCPCS | Visit | Procedure/Visit | 4 |
JMDC | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
KDC | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
Language | New concept | Language | 1 |
LPD_Australia | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
MeSH | Measurement | Measurement/Procedure | 1 |
Multilex | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
NCCD | Drug | No mapping | 9 |
NDC | Drug | No mapping | 22 |
NDC | New concept | Device | 67 |
NDC | New concept | Drug | 2023 |
NDC | No mapping | Drug | 3002 |
Nebraska Lexicon | Observation | Language | 846 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Measurement | 1 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Procedure | 1 |
OMOP Invest Drug | Drug | No mapping | 8 |
OXMIS | Observation | Language | 6 |
Read | Observation | Language | 12 |
RxNorm | Drug | No mapping | 51 |
RxNorm | New concept | Drug | 320 |
RxNorm Extension | Drug | No mapping | 3 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Condition | 1 |
SNOMED | No mapping | Drug | 85 |
SNOMED | Observation | Language | 876 |
SPL | Drug | No mapping | 11 |
SPL | No mapping | Drug | 1 |
Type Concept | New concept | Type Concept | 1 |
VANDF | Drug | No mapping | 1 |
New vocabularies added
vocabulary_id |
Language |
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Release notes v20220909
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
This is mostly a technical release of a minor oncology package.
- Cancer modifier vocabulary was updated with the addition of a new concept for initial diagnosis that is needed to facilitate Cancer Registries ETLs. The update of the Staging/Grading concept class provides a set of classification concepts gathering different staging or grading systems in hierarchical logical groups. Minor typos were fixed in the naming of post-therapeutic stages. The very first step in the improvement of Node (i.e. lymph nodes) classification was performed: concepts are aligned in the appropriate axis according to their biological nature.
- NAACCR vocabulary was updated with the provided by the community mapping package to the Cancer Modifier vocabulary for a subset of NAACCR values.
- NDC/SPL regular weekly update.
Domain changes
there were no changes here
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
Cancer Modifier | Measurement | 48 |
NDC | Drug | 805 |
SPL | Drug | 991 |
SPL | Observation | 1 |
Standard concept changes
vocabulary_id | old_standard_concept | new_standard_concept | count |
NAACCR | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 1781 |
Newly added concepts and their standard concept status
vocabulary_id | new_standard_concept | count |
Cancer Modifier | Standard | 10 |
Cancer Modifier | Classification without mapping | 38 |
NDC | Non-standard with mapping | 43 |
NDC | Non-standard without mapping | 762 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | 992 |
Changes of concept mapping status grouped by target domain
vocabulary_id | Old target Domain/Status | New target Domain/Status | count |
Cancer Modifier | New concept | Measurement | 10 |
NAACCR | Meas Value | Measurement | 1781 |
NAACCR | No mapping | Measurement | 31 |
NDC | New concept | Drug | 43 |
NDC | No mapping | Drug | 12 |
New vocabularies added
there were no changes here
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Release notes v20220829_major
This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
1. SNOMED package.
- The vocabulary was updated with the respective versions of its components: SNOMED CT International 2021/07, US 2021/09, UK 2021/11.
- We continued (after the v20220510 release) a construction of axis of historical concepts. The "History of clinical finding in subject", "Past history of procedure", "History of" and many other SNOMED concepts (including their descendants) were deStandardised and split (mapped over to the appropriate OMOP Extension concept of the "History of event" hierarchy with a value of a respective condition or procedure within a combination of "Maps to" and "Maps to value" relationships). The mentioned hierarchy was recently introduced as a set of new OMOP Extension domain-agnostic concepts. They include: (i) an all-in-one bucket History of event concept that implies the semantics of a historical event, context, qualifier, or value; (ii) a hierarchy of enhanced historical concepts that bring additional time context (History of event within... and History of event longer than...).
- Historical concepts that imply the allergic dispositions are mapped over to the non-historical concepts, e.g. "History of intravenous iron allergy" Maps to "Allergy to iron compound". The rationale behind this is that allergic dispositions are mostly permanent conditions. This rule is not applied to the actual allergic reactions that follow the general mapping rules.
- We introduced new metadata relationships: (i) "Has Module" from each concept to its module ("SNOMED CT core", "US National Library of Medicine maintained module", "SNOMED CT United Kingdom clinical extension module", "SNOMED CT United Kingdom drug extension module", etc.); (ii) "Has status" from each concept to its definition status ("Defined" or "Primitive").
- We revoked the "Concept poss_eq to" (Inactive possibly equivalent to active) from the list of replacement relationships. It means that "Maps to" relationships will no longer be automatically constructed based on "Concept poss_eq to". This decision was taken based on multiple erroneous "Maps to" relationships, previously built from "Concept poss_eq to" (because in many cases one from many was chosen randomly). Also, we allowed 1-to-many linkage for the "Concept poss_eq to" relationship so that multiple relationships that are provided by the source will be included to the concept_relationship table, e.g. "Integument anomalies: [ichthyosis congenita] or [Darier's] or [keratosis follicularis] or [Meige's] or [Milroy's] or [Mongolian spots] or [pseudoxanthoma elasticum] or [congenital NOS]" concept has 7 such links. All historical "Maps to" relationships that were build based on "Concept poss_eq to" are preserved for now but will be tagged for removal in a later clean-up job.
- Procedures describing the administration of vaccines were deStandardized and mapped over to the Drug Domain concepts, e.g. "Administration of third dose of smallpox vaccine". Additionally, those concepts that imply the number of the dosage or the primary vs booster immunization were mapped to the respective concepts (e.g., "Primary immunisation - second dose", "Booster vaccination", etc.).
- Units from the SNOMED vocabulary were mapped to the respective Standard units in UCUM vocabulary.
- We reviewed and fixed the process of the concept class assignment - now we expect them more clean.
- Domains of the concepts were slightly cleaned-up, some wrong Domains were fixed, e.g. #488.
- We removed special symbols from the concept names (such as "Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency") - previously known as "Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B>12< deficiency". Concept synonyms are to be improved further.
- COVID-19 concepts were aligned with the current COVID vocabulary/ETL convention.
2. ICD-like family and source vocabulary package.
- The following vocabularies were updated with the 2022 versions: CIM10, ICD10GM.
- 249 local codes from the Vision(tm) GP software were added to the Read vocabulary and mapped to Standard concepts.
- Mappings were adjusted according to the concept invalidation/deStandardization due to the SNOMED refresh as well as other changes in OMOP vocabularies described above.
- Mappings were added for the concepts previously not mapped (Read - 2347, ICD10CN - 89, ICD10CM - 1).
3. HCPCS package.
- We updated the HCPCS vocabulary with its July 2022 version.
- HCPCS codes coming from the outdated CDT (Dental Procedures and Nomenclature) vocabulary were mapped over to the respective CDT vocabulary concepts (licensed).
- Mapping of Drug concepts was improved in its granularity and completeness.
- Visit, Provider and some other concepts (207 in total) were deStandardized and mapped over to Standard concepts in respective Domains.
- Mappings were added for the 562 concepts previously not mapped.
- 454 new concepts were incorporated into the existing hierarchy of Standard concepts or created as non-Standard and mapped over to the respective Standard concepts.
4. Other changes.
- The RxNorm vocabulary was updated to its 2022 Aug version. Missing multiple ingredient concepts were added.
- RxNorm Extension received a technical synchronization run in order to accommodate the RxNorm refresh (new concepts in RxNorm replaced its duplicates from RxNorm Extension).
- NDC/SPL regular weekly/monthly update.
- MedDRA vocabulary mappings were adjusted according to the concept invalidation/deStandardization due to the SNOMED refresh as well as other changes in OMOP vocabularies described above. Currently, it contains 13596 "Maps to/Maps to value" relationships from MedDRA LLT/PT Classification concepts to Standard OMOP concepts. Also, MedDRA vaccine concepts were remapped to CVX vocabulary.
- We updated CXV vocabulary to the latest 17-Aug-2022 version. Some of the concepts (that have full duplicates in RxNorm/RxE vocabularies) were deStandardized and mapped over accordingly.
- OMOP Extension: some trauma/injury severity scores added.
- DA_France (proprietary IQVIA vocabulary) update.
5. Problems found during the release, but not yet fixed.
- The ICD10CM vocabulary has a wrong vocabulary version assigned to it (2023), while the content is from its 2022 version. We will use the 2023 content in one of the next refreshes, probably early 2023.
- Mapping reuse logic among different ICD family vocabularies is corrupted. It leads to occasional different mapping of the same codes among different vocabularies. This will be fixed with an implementation of the CDE (common data environment) for ICD vocabulary family.
- A substantial part of concepts with replacement relationships ("Concept replaced by", "Concept same_as to", "Concept alt_to to", "Concept was_a to") do not have valid "Maps to" relationships. A possible reason is a wrong location of the "AddFreshMapsTo" function in the load_stages or conflicting function vs load_stage logic.
- In deStandardization/mapping of historical and vaccine administration concepts we faced unexpected results and lots of different patterns of script behavior. This is due to a complex (and probably stale) logic of vocabulary machinery that does not cope well with adjustments and requires lots of manual curation. In the long run, the entire machinery has to be revised / refactored. At the moment it may result in inconsistent mapping in a small number of concepts, e.g. missing or excessive mapping to value, duplicative mapping to pre-coordinated and post-coordinated expressions.
- In deStandardization/mapping of historical and vaccine administration concepts (and probably some other groups) we've missed a small part of them. It mostly happens due to discrepancies in hierarchy (most of the concepts derive from a single ancestor within a group, but a small portion of them are floating in SNOMED without a good hierarchy and should be pulled out manually, which inevitably results in missing concepts).
- For a substantial part of SNOMED concepts the validi...