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Sprint 60
RiskProfiler QA/QC script (Drew)
- Inquire about internal quality controllers - Carol
- Integrate Lighthouse check - Drew > Sprint 61
- Investigate WCAG Compliance - Drew > Sprint 61
- NRCan has an internal resource - Joost
- Waiting on French pages
- Run on English Pages
- Link-checker in gh-actions - Drew > Sprint 61
Add RiskProfiler Version number to website footer - (Anthony/Phil E.) > Done
Move riskprofiler-cms code, issues, content etc. to riskprofiler (Anthony) > backlog Hard deadline before October release
Review remaining translations (Drew, Joost, Phil) > Sprint 61
Fully automate riskprofiler static website generation in Docker WordPress instance (Anthony)
- Document deployment process > Sprint 61
v1.4.2 - restore from S3 database and es-dump indices Done
v1.4.3 updates (Will)
- Add empty CSDs > Sprint 61
- Updates to Seismic Risk index calculations > Sprint 61
- 900913 hexgrids (possibly a nice to have - consider push to v1.4.4)
Test AWS CLI script to build opendrr-api docker-compose build and dump db to S3 bucket (Anthony/Drew) > Sprint 61
Contract for pygeoapi versioning (Drew/Joost) > Sprint 61
Break up add_data.sh (#214) > Sprint 61
- Determine persistent storage of pre-PSRA/DSRA db dump
- break up into PSRA-DSRA dependencies and actual PSRA/DSRA processing
- postgis dump for pre-PSRA/DSRA database build (versioned)
- add config parameters for processing PSRA(true/false) and DSRA(named scenarios)
DSRA Dashboards in Kibana (Drew, Damon)
- load v1.4.2 into prod + create aliases + use index templates Done
- Build demo PSRA dashboard (Drew) Done
- DFC Kibana Dashboard Workshop, week of June 20 (Investigate training contract with Elastic) (Drew) > Sprint 61
Publish FGP records (Joost) - waiting on Charles
- Send revised data files and MXD's to FGP (Will, Phil)
- Physical Exposure - To be released alongside social fabric
- Social Fabric - Will sent on Feb 11
- PSRA - waiting on changes to seismic risk index > sprint 61
- DSRA 1KM, 5KM, 25KM
- Review revised FGP data layers (Murray, Phil, Tiegan, Joost, Will)
- Physical Exposure
- Social Fabric - Waiting on release of supporting publication
- PSRA - waiting on changes to seismic risk index > sprint 61
- Prep legend files (MXD's) for FGP data See issue
- Physical Exposure
- Social Fabric
- PSRA - French language legends in progress > sprint 61
- DSRA (Carol)
- Update API endpoints to prod in FGP metadata - To be released in October - Joost
- Send revised data files and MXD's to FGP (Will, Phil)
GPKG generation via GitHub Actions for release assets opendrr-api (Damon, Anthony) > Blocked
- Blocked by diskspace limits on GitHub Actions - Stack need to be optimized for disk usage - Blocked
- might be able to unblock with changes to add_data.sh
Generate layer tiles (Joost, Damon, Anthony) - Done with SAUID, all but one CSD done, will work on hex grid layers next.
add PSRA P/T aggregation levels (Damon, Anthony, Will) Done * Create Vector/Image Tile of aggregated contents/structural/non-structural for 500yr loss for each P/T
Automate vector tiles for DSRA scenarios (Possible for 3857, Investigating if possible for 900913 & 4326 (Damon, Anthony) * document and report bug to GDAL
Automate vector tile backup on GitHub and serve the vector tiles on GitHub Pages (10GB limit) (Anthony) > Sprint 61
Create 900913 Hexgrid geometries (Will) Done
Create 3857 Hexgrid geometries (Will) > Sprint 61
Security Documentation (Joost) > Sprint 61 - Nearly Complete
- FGP CSV document
Use of
XZ-compressed reposXZ- or Zstd-compressed release assets to reduce Git LFS data storage and bandwidth usage (Anthony) > sprint 62 -
Document Process for adding new DSRA scenario in earthquake-scenarios Wiki (Damon, Drew, Will, Anthony) > sprint 61
- Very early draft started at earthquake-scenarios/wiki/Process-for-adding-new-DSRA-scenarios
- Changes to add_data.sh - Drew > Sprint 61
- PSRA Revisions for FGP Layers - Will
- Github storage of large vector tiles - Anthony
- Lighthouse check and WCAG Compliance: RiskProfler - Drew > Sprint 61
- repairing hexgrids, starting on 1km
- ex PSRA/DSRA build
- postgres conference
- starting P/T tiling
- out of office on Thursday
- Cleaning AWS EC2
- experimenting with gdu (Go disk usage) utils as a speedy alternative to ncdu
- Experimenting with R5A
- Tweaking AWS cli script for stack build
- AWS password expired
- Meeting with EMS team
- Still waiting on Finance Canada
- Building v1.4.2 locally
- Gaining access to Tiegan’s "Maisy" EC2 instance
- Misc Debian work
- Working on new 900913 projections, 1km finished
- working on clipped version
- increasing the use of 7z compression
- working on ex PSRA/DSRA database backup
- built v1.4.2 database working through populating ES environment
- Scheduling DFC workshop for Thursday
- H7 Progress meeting - inquiring about WCAG compliance
- Problems with GeoServer not transferring 4326 tiles
- Should be finished by tomorrow
- Started on EQ new scenario document
- EC2 work with Tiegan/Jeremy
- Hazus work
- Working on 900913 grids * complete
- New repo on boundaries for 900913 gpkgs
- Small PR (#213) psra_postgres2es.py - missing version
- Loaded v1.4.2 into s3/prod
- working on demo dashboard for DFC
Sprint Planning
Sprint Review