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Change Log
Version 0.3.5
- Demanding Sect (religious) conversions will now be possible. Prestige and piety requirements reduced to same as vamilla CK2.
- This will make vassal/courtier management much easier as you can force conversions to your sect. Or will it?
- Secret Religions for all religions and initial Secret Religious Cult setup for Baali, Inconnu, Promethean and Furores.
- Many characters will now be secretly part of a sect and working in that sect's interest rather than the one they publicly profess.
- More than 5% of all vampires will be practicing a secret sect.
- Operating as a secret sect may well now be the fastest way to convert provinces to your sect.
- Known issue: Evoke Sympathy and Induction might not be working correctly. Prepare ground and Openly Adopt Faith does work.
- Split Vampire Low Clans sect into Gangrel, Malkavian and Nosferatu.
- Cainite Heresy is now a separate sect and largely secret. Order of the Sable Rose and Order of St. Panteleimon have secret Cainite Heresy members. Crimson Curia is now the society for revealed members of the Cainite Heresy.
- Hermetic society quests and apprentices are now available to Code of Tremere, Via Ossium, Via Mutationis and Derech Lilit society members.
- New decision to awaken torpor dynast: if a member of your dynasty is in torpor, you make awaken them at the risk of dire blood thirst and a cost of 500 prestige.
- Fixed torpor decision, added additional modifiers. Created awoken_from_torpor character modifier to use instead of character flag.
- Modified vampire aging events to improve code efficiency: less trait checks, now on 5 year or decade long pulse instead of MTTH.
- Created a vampire aging event to make unimportant torpored vampires to vanish (death) annually.
- Added a gold cost to mass ghoul and mass embrace for outfitting of troops.
- Diabolist trait now only visible to characters with Auspex 2 or higher.
- Baali trait now only visible to Baali.
- Daimoinon discipline only visible to others with Daimoinon discipline.
- Created canon trait. Canon characters are less likely to enter torpor and get a intrigue bonus. If in torpor, they are more likely to awaken from it. They are less likely to be drained or diablerized by AI.
- Canon characters are more likely to embrace.
- Added Werewolf breeding origin: lupus, metis and homid
- Added Werewolf shape shift decisions and forms: lupus, hispo, crinos, glabro, homid
- Added Werewolf Rage mechanics similar to Vampire Blood Thirst. Shapeshifting increases rage. Werewolf wounds can be healed with rage.
- Added proof of concept Garou Crinos/Hispo/Lupus portraits
- Added proof of concept Glabro portraits
- Added random Coats of Arms: Wyrm/Black Spiral Dancers, Silver Fangs, Fianna, Children of Gaia, Bone Gnawers, Glass Walkers, Stargazers, Silent Striders, Get of Fenris, Shadow Lords, Red Talons and Black Furies*
- Added Protean 4: Beast Form, Protean 5: Mist Form, Obtenebration 5: Shadow Form, Vicissitude 4: Zulo Form and Vicissitude 5: Blood Form
- Added physical discipline decisions to invoke Celerity, Resilence and Vigor for a cost of blood thirst.
- Added mental discipline decions for a cost of blood thirst to invoke Dominate: Mesmerize (to gain a favor), Majesty: Summom (bring a character to your court)
- Lengthened time of blood thirst.
- Added random Coats of Arms: Malkavian Low, Nosferatu Low and Gangrel Low.
- Added canon vampire characters: Cretheus, Danika, Grimgroth, Abetorius, Marconius, Ilse Reinegger, Gustav Breidenstein, Marbuena, Andrew of Normandy, Nicholas the Younger, Balthazar, Fulgencio d'Idalia, Hilel al-Masaari, Silvester de Ruiz, Badr, Ismael, Mireia Subira, Rufus, Nabonidus, Antara, Abu Sardir, Antonius the Gual, Antonius the boy-king, Palamon, Sharif, Fatimah, Asimah, Mirri, Agonistes, Al-Muntaqim, Al-Muntathir, Lazarus, Angelique
- Added canon werewolf characters: Yuri Tvarivich, Sophia Tvarivich, Utra, Foma, Vassili, Ragnor, Boris
- Title work in Iberia, North Africa, Russia, Germany
- Added titular empires: Crescent Moon, Shadow Curtain, Ashina Khanagate
- Added Cairo Kingdom and new duchies for Egypt.
- Modified empire coat of arm frame model object designation to change frames so Koldun, Setites, etc... get dragon/wyrm frames. Fiefs of the Black Cross gets the HRE frame.
- Added a pulse and MTTH events that will make sure spawned courtiers get their world of darkness traits sooner rather than later.
- Empowering the primogen: by default council voting power law is enabled
- Expanded priscus and whip titles to more clans; localisation. Localisation for landed titles and jobs according to clan, sect and empire. Quality of life improvement on displaying minor titles.
- Removed embrace_mortal minor title. All player embraces of childer can be done through targetted decision or intrigue decision.
- Restored ghoul minor title, but made it ai only.
- "Of Enoch" dynasty created for Caine and the Antediluvians.
Version 0.3.4
- Blood Thirst mechanic added. When making certain decisions or certain events happen, blood thirst increases.
- Blood Thirst is represented by a group of red vials on a character record.
- There are four stages of blood thirst: blood thirst, severe blood thirst, dreadful blood thirst and dire blood thirst.
- Each stage of blood thirst decreases diplomacy, increases combat rating and increases negative opinion.
- When at dire blood thirst, there is a great risk of going into torpor or becoming an (unplayable) wight.
- Diabolists are more likely to enter torpor or become a wight from dire blood thirst.
- Decision to heal wounding, maiming, severe injury, one eyed, one leg, disfigured, eunuch and mangled with increase to blood thirst.
- Embracing a mortal into your vampire childe increases blood thirst.
- Your first five ghouls through title assignment are free. Other ghouls created increase blood thirst.
- Bloodbinding vampire prisoners increases blood thirst.
- Blood thirst decreases over time; taking longer for worse stages of blood thirst.
- Blood thirst can also be decreased by draining or diabolirizing prisoners.
- Maiming, Blinding and Wounding no longer encourage Vampire AI to enter torpor.
- Max Crown Law Changes now 5 rather than 1.
- Vampiric Disciplines, Werewolf Gifts and Mage Spheres & Arcanum are no longer leadership traits.
- NPC vampires now have a chance of increasing their disciplines.
- Mage spheres and arcanum now add combat rating
- Negative opinion for different vampiric ages reduced to -10.
- Default succession laws changed depending upon sect and clan.
- Default gender succesion is true cognatic.
- Characters in Torpor can no longer have councillor jobs.
- Andrelvis fix to societies without Grand Masters implemented.
- Coat of Arms for random Toreador, Ventrue, Tzimisce, Lasombra and Brujah.
- Dark Ages Vampire V20 colorized Coat of Arms for the clans.
- Tzimisce antediluvian is now of clan Tzimisce.
- Mithras sire is now Ventrue antediluvian.
- Vampiric disciplines localisation was improved.
- Opinion_count_wrong_gov_vs_liege now 0.
- Goratrix, everyone's favor diabolist eunuch usurper hedge mage with delusions of grandeur is now in bookmarks. Also other Tremere Inner Councillors: LeDuc, Calderon and Meerlinda.
- Voivodate will now not so quickly collapse.
- Wiki entry button now bright red.
Added generation lowering through diablerie
Lower generation now gives more combat rating
Negative opinion for different vampire generations added
Negative opinion for vampire ages increased
Positive opinion for same society reduced
Fixed player character joining societies
Removed obedient from societies to reduce spamming vassalization
Created bloodbound hidden trait, and added restriction to one bloodbind per thrall
Torpor set to never_marry and never_inherit
Removed Kingdom of Middle Francia from Fiefs of the Black Cross
Added Anda Empire
Added canon character: Joachim, Grand Marshall of the Twilight Order; Dobrul the Brave, Khan of the Anda and founder of Via Yasaq
Josef Zvi became leader of Order of St. Ladre
Lilith got her mage spheres and became founder of Derech Lilit
Ennoia became founder of Via Bestiae
Added more wikilinks
Added bookmark character descriptions to 1230 War of Princes
Australopitecus fixed a bug with gangrel discipline assignment in common\scripted_effects\POD_CWOD_vampire_disciplines_init_effect.txt
Known issues: some societies do not start with Grand Masters. The player character will not be able to join except via console command until such a time as one of the AI characters advances enough to become Grand Master. This primarily impacts the Tariqs.
- Nosferatu made in the rule designer/customizer now get graphical culture nosferatu a few days after start
- Fixed issue with neonate childer of female vampires not getting their disciplines and other supernatural traits
- Fixed issue where rule designer/customizer vampire in a werewolf religion province were being changed into werewolves but keep vampire traits
- Known issues: vampires do not lower generation through diablerizing a lower generation vampire. Player characters can not join societies.
- Fixed customizer/rule designer
- Modified vampire rule designer immortality fix to add caitiff clan, blood potency 1, 12th generation and low clans sect to player character if no such choices made in rule designer.
- Fixed graphic for caitiff trait
- really fixed drain_prisoner localisation--honest!
- Fixed society background for via paradoxi and via bestiae
- Fixed Tariq el-Shaitan black garb
Version 0.3.3
- Increased limits for joining societies.
- Added artifacts: Sword of Nul, Ankaran Sarcophagus ("Don't Open It!"), Tablet of Destiny, Eye of Hazimel, and the Sargon Fragment.
- Giovanni get Merchant clothing. Tariq el-Shaitan get black garb.
- DLC check added to Society Clothing
- Fixed localisation for Diablerize Vampire Prisoner and Drain Prisoner
- Changed a bunch of society portraits to DAV color coat of arms
- Greatly reduced the gold value of the Prague Necropolis (1 county trade route). Exploring using trade routes to represent a section of the city.
Version 0.3.2
- Added Scarletic's Nosferatu portraits!
- Added canon characers: Nasres, Guilelmo Aliprando and Alfonzo of Venice.
- Granted holdings to Hélène la Juste, Etienne de Poitiers, Isouda de Blaise, Regis of Marseille, Midian of Hamburg, Bela Rusenko of Sofia, changed holdings for Salianna
- Added society Cult of Mithras
- Solved issue with Canon characters not being in proper society by setting all startup_limit = 0. Initalize society membership through history/characters and custom scripted effect.
- Setup society inheritance
- Blooded Assamite/Via Sanguinis society clothing. Removed masks from society clothes for Via Peccati, Via Noctis and Via Hyron. Removed tonsure hair for vamire male religious societies.
- Added bookmark requirements to society activation
- Adjusted same and opposite opinions between supernatural types
Version 0.3.1
- Compatible with CK2 2.7.1
- 1230 War of Princes it the best bookmark. The most work has been done on this bookmark as per the majority opinion from polling. 1355 is a shattered world based on 1230; it should mostly work.
- Other bookmarks have been disabled for now.
- Added Roads: Via Humanitatis, Via Regalis, Via Peccati, Via Bestiae, Via Sanguinus, Via Ossium, Via Mutationis, Via Noctis, Via Paradoxi, Via Einherjar, Via Yasaq, Tariq el-Umma, Tariq el-Sama, Tariq el-Harb, Tariq el-Shaitan, Tariq el-Bedouin, Via Hyron, Via Serpentis, Derech Lilit
- Added Cainite Knightly Orders: Order of the Black Cross, Twilight Order, Order of the Sable Rose, Order of Bitter Ashes, Order of Saint Ladre
- Added Societes: Code of Tremere, Eternal Senate, Cainite Heresy, Order of St. Panteleimon
- Added capacity for Secret Sects (Religion)
- Characters get appropriate society clothes.
- Leaders of various societies/roads/orders should be assinged at startup. Not all societies/roads/orders start with a leader right now.
- Added canon characters: Jurgen von Verden, Julia Antasia
- Added Khazar culture to province sect (religion) initalization.
- Scarletic did a ton of localisation!
- Known issues: despite my efforts to the contrary, sometimes, Jurgen von Verden will not be in the Order of the Black Cross.
Version 0.3.0
- After the release of Monks & Mystics, we decided to use new code options like scripted_effects and scripted_triggers. This meant a substantial rewrite of some code to make it more modular. Startup is faster. Game play is faster thanks to on_action events and pre_triggers.
- Vampires, mummies, prometheans and geists no longer get illness or disease. We may add in some supernatural diseases for them in the future.
- Added darker colormapp.dds from Darker Map mod.
- Added back Caine and the Antediluvians to Masquerade bookmarks.
- Added back Classic World of Darkness Dark Ages Vampire Characters.
- Added back War of Princes 1230 Bookmark.
- Title History work for War of Princes 1230 Bookmark.
- Various code shenanigans to have AIs have dynasties other than "generic".
- Changes Giovanni Empire shield to DAV20 design.
- Disabled vanilla holy orders.
- Disabled vanilla crusades.
- Covenant (Holy) Wars are now called Jyhads.
- Iconnu and Oradea League now pacifist.
- Cappadocian dynasties.
- Big break happened. I broke my arm. Had to let that heal up, got distracted by life for awhile. I've brought this mod up to the latest vanilla baseline for Monks & Mystics.
- Modified many traits to increase combat_skill instead of martial. Vampires and werewolves are now beasts when it comes to duelling, but not as much Napolean.
- Added localization clean up from EvilCatInTheHat
- Added code cleanup by ngppgn. I wanted to add the suggested changes of moving super initalization from on_actions, but what was built that way was too unstable for play. Will revisit this possibility
- in the near future.
- Added decisions cleanup by ngppgn.
- Modified bookmarks for shattered world scenarios. Added bookmark art.
- Added vampire embrace mortal minor title again. Also decision to generate random vampire childe. The embrace mortal title may be causing crashes from succession conflicts; so might the random childe.
- So try either and see if one is better than the other. For generating a random childe, I may set it so ages are always sequential.
- At the moment, mage trait is hereditary trait with a 25% chance. In the future, I'd like to allow you to selected apprentices to awaken, designating an heir--but I'm word about succession related crashes.
- Made Vampire: the Masquerade clans available in customizer.
- Added supe_hunter and POD_vampire_RD_immortal_fix as opposites to various supernatural traits.
- Removed cultures file to return to vanilla.
- Changed the 24 opposite trait references to assasmite to assamite.
- Fixed religion_group and holy_order typo in POD_werewolf_merc_titles.
- Earlier bookmarks such as 767 and 1250 seem less table than later bookmarks like 1466 or 1506. I suspect the problem is conflict with vanilla events. I have added some blank event files for CM and HL.
- The earlier bookmarks seem to be running more stably now. If anyone knows particularly problematic events to be removed, let me know.
Version hot fix for Mage. Fixed POD_mage_commoner.2 and POD_CWOD_mage_commoner.2 so that game wouldn't get stuck with unclosable windows. Added holy_sites for all mage religions to landed_titles. Removed sphere_affinity_space from opposites in other spheres. There is no space sphere in MtAs
Version 0.2.1
Adds material for Mage: the Awakening and Mage: the Ascension
Spheres, Arcanum, Sphere Affinity, Diamond Orders, Seers of the Throne Pyramid, Order of Reason, Daedalans, Council of Nine Magical Traditions, Nephandi, Scelesti, Timori, Pharmakons and more.
Add three new bookmarks: Pax Hermetica 767 CD Mage: the Ascension, Sorcerer's Crusade 1466 CE and De Occult Philosophia 1533 Mage: the Awakening. All bookmarks are currently shattered worlds.
Mages will also start appearing in other bookmarks as commoners, just as other supernaturals will appear in Mage bookmarks as commoners.
After initial setup, new mages are created by inheriting the mage trait.
Fixed issue with new World of Darkness bookmarks not spawning supernatural or mortal traits for commoners
Returned troop sizes to vanilla for now and returned vanilla buildings. Took out the smaller size unit armies because AI was not sieging holdings or even moving during war.
Version 0.2
Compatible with CK2 Version 2.4.2
Compatible with all DLC including Way of Life, Charlemagne and Horse Lords
No DLC required
Had to make many changes to get things working after Way of Life.
For now, AI vampires spawn a random character to embrace, rather than choosing a spouse or councillor. I may revisit this for the AI later.
Player vampires still get to chose their childer.
Speculation is that set_mother/set_father/dynasty commands on pre-existing characters was causing crash at save.
Rewrote training vampire disciplines and werewolf gifts. This removed ngpgn's training disciplines for now. It will probably return with cleaner spacing.
For now, AI are not deciding on raising disciplines/gifts. In the future, AI will get a different set of events to manage discipline/gift/etc... growth; perhaps even an annual check.
Removed all previous versions custom /history/titles /history/provinces and /history/characters--more than 6000 files;
Baseline of cleared characters from Kingdoms Abound Titular Generator was causing crash.
Changed vampire prisoner decisions to targetted decisions that provide a timed character modifier upon draining.
Different modifiers for every different supernatural type drained.
Removed vitae code for now.
Created new storyteller scripts that change province religion based on bookmark.
Adapted CK2Plus shattered world decision for a bookmark event for 1250 NWOD shattered world bookmark.
Added abdication of child rulers.
Added Weihan Cynn and Fuil-Beannaithe vampire covenants for Saxon/English and Celtic pagans respectively.
Added supernatural government types.
Corrected spellings of Setite and Inconnu.
Revised conversion script to limit conversions to supernatural specific religions per supernatural type; and also
limit clans to join their particular Camarilla clan faction when joining the Camarilla.
I need to add an event that changes antitribu trait on conversion.
Removed custom red vampire character GUI.
Modified religion icon strip and edited covenants appropriately.
Updated defines.lua
Known issues:
Much localization needs to be done.
In Vampire: The Masquerade diablerie, blood potency does improve, but generation improvement is not in the code yet.
Norway likes to remain Catholic, the South Caspian area likes to remain Shia/Sunni.
Feudal government tends to reemerge over time, even though I have an event to stomp it out.
The King of Norway gives up their crown, but his counties don't split up to individual counts in the broken world scenarios.
Version hotfix
fixed rule designer to include clans and generation for Vampire: the Masquerade
fixed train discipline decision to add discipline traits
fixed ghoul minor titles
added minor titles for priscus and whip for Vampire: the Masquerade clans
removed vitae trigger_modifiers because of broken vanilla trigger modifiers
added train discipline decisions for indepdent clan disciplines for Vampire: the Masquerade
quick and dirty improvemenht to some Vampire: the Masquerade independent clan discipline state boosts
Version 0.1.7
Compatible with CK2 Version 2.2
Added "Storyteller" Character with id=9999999 for different game mechanics at different bookmarks (traits: bookmark232, bookmark412, bookmark1142, bookmark1230, bookmark1250, bookmark1500).
Storyteller is immortal, immune to disease and immune to plots. Emperor of Storytelling. Landless. Unknown Location.
Added storyteller event that removes characters from inappropriate bookmarks (it works by killing off the characters from the wrong bookmark)
Removed "Demand Religious Conversion" through editing defines.lua. Modified Lord Spiritual Job and conversion decisions to restrict conversions to type.
Werewolves should usually only convert to werewolf tribe, Vampires should usually only convert to vampire covenants, etc...
Removed Province Cultural Conversions.
Added War of Princess 1230 Bookmark for development by ngppgn. This is a Dark Ages: Vampire (Vampire the Masquerade/old World of Darkness) book mark.
Divided up the religion file by supernatural type to make maintenance and expansion easier.
Reduced cost of Controlled buildings/influence.
Adjusted starting influence/technology levels, and with it starting buildings.
Character Info screen redesigned by ngppgn to allow more space for traits, fixed placement of objectives and plots.
Modified GUI (red tint) for Character Info, Dynasty tree, religious patriarchs, etc...
Massive code cleanup by ngppgn
Finally exorcised the insiduous parsing errors in disciplines and gifts decisions. See comments on those files for more information.
Simplified allow clauses in vampire disciplines decisions.
Removed redundant conditions and commands in both vampires and werewolf training decision (the same condition need not be in both allow and potential, it two traits are opposites, adding one removes the other without needing a remove_trait command
The player will now have a toggleable "decision menu" for training decision, to reduce crowdedness in decisions tab
Number of Maximum Leadership Traits increased to 10
Added Vampire: the Masquerade/Dark Ages: Vampire clans, disciplines and covenants as well as expanding on a 1230 CE War of Princes (DAV) bookmark
Added Vampire: the Masquerade covenants from a 1505 CE Convention of Thorns (Camarilla vs. Sabbat) bookmark.
Added Vampire: the Masquerade generations, antediluvans, methesulahs and modified diablerie and embraces to include generation.
Added Requiem for Rome: Julii, Akhud, Roman covenants and expanded upon 232 CE Foundation of Lancea Sanctum and 412 CE Fall of the Camarilla Bookmarks.
Gained permission from Enlil to make use of 480 Migration mod common/cultures and history/provinces file for later fleshing out the Requiem for Rome bookmark.
Future development of Requiem for Rome bookmark will await release of the 480 Migration mod, which in turn is awaiting the release of the patch which accompanies the Charlemagne DLC.
Added vitae code by ngppgn. Unfortunately, the vitae events had to be removed as they were broken with 2.2
Removed gold cost to embrace childer.
Incorporated vitae changes for ghouldom and blood oath (-1 and -2, permanent). Also for draining mortal (replenish pool).
Separated opinion_blood_bond_to_domitor and opinion_blood_bond_to_domitor_ghoul for targeting purposes.
Vampire disciplines are now leadership traits.
Vampires, Mummies, Prometheans and Geists should no longer get diseases.
Vampires, Revenants and Ghouls should no longer become infirm or incapable.
Added Frenzy events.
Added new Revenant/Ghoul Family Mercenary Flags for: Basarab, Carcassonne, Danislaw, Enrathi, Grimaldi, Marijava, Premysl and Rafastio
Added Julii, Akhud clans
Added Camarilla (Republic!) and Ahrimanite empires
Added Aka Manah coveant
Added Wiki Links from White Wolf Wiki for Hardestadt, Michael, Odin, Baba Yaga, Vladimir Rustovitch, Mithras,
Esclarmonde, Montano, Regis, Icarius.
Added Wiki Link to White Wolf Wiki Prince (VTM) index for Bulscu, Salianna, Etienne, Helene and Isouda
Lord Mithras of the Baronies of Avalon is now Circle of the Crone. He is an unliving pagan god with his own cult.
Invictus provinces in England are now Circle of the Crone provinces.
Added three Invictus empire dukes to Greece. Armenia, Georgia and Armenia Minor are now independent of Adamantes Athanatoi empire.
Added many claimaints to Kingdom of Greece, Duchy of Thrace and County of Byzantion.
Added Afanso Corajoso as the Duke of Portugal
Added Alexander, Etienne, Helene, Isouda, Regis to the Courts of Love; granted claims on the Courts of Love.
Andaulsia is now independent of the Banu Shaitan Caliphate.
Minor adjustment to vampire special empire titles to make them less restrictive.
Added Dark Ages Vampire clans, disciplines, icons
Changes to history: characters, provinces, titles
Minor adjustments to Italian princes and dynasties for 1250 bookmark.
Reduced chance of revenant child spawn.
Added death event chance after age 230 for revenant and ghouls.
Werewolf gifts are now leadership traits
Fixed the opposites in auspices traits (I'd swear I had fixed those before!)
Minor adjustments to Italian princes and dynasties for 1250 bookmark.
Minor adjustments to werewolf special empire titles to make them less restrictive.
Added four more Russian werewolf dynasties.
Added Camarilla, Sabbat, antitribu, independent clans, Inconnu, Oradae League, etc...
Changes to history: characters, provinces, titles
Version 0.1.6
Mod greatly stabilized. Should now run many centuries before a crash.
Unit types & Retinues: Reverted 0.1.5 changes to unit types and retinues. Now like vanilla.
New Bookmark! 1142: Rise of the Invictus Empire
Unlike the 1250 shattered world bookmark, 1142 has several empires:
Das Heiligen Nacht Reich (Germany, Bavaria, Lotharinga and Magdeburg, Leipzig) led by the Imperator Hardestadt the Elder of Magdeburg (German Invictus Ventrue)
Adamantes Athanatoi (equivalent of the ERE) led by Basileus Michael of Byzantium (Greek Adamantes Athanatoi Daeva)
Ager Sanguinis (the Crusader states of Kingdom of Jersualem, Tripoli, Antioch, Edessa, Cilicia, Cyprus) led by Crusader Saint Baldwin (Frankish Lancea Sanctum Nosferatu)
Midgard (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) led by Odin the All-High of Uppland (Circle of the Crone Gangrel)
Duchy of Ireland led by Duke Palladius of Dublin (Irish Invictus Ventrue)
Kingdom of Hungary (Hungary, Slavonia, Dalmatia and Croatia) Monarch Bulscu (Hungarian Invictus Arpad dynasty Ventrue)
Voivodate (Wallachia, Bulgaria, Serbia) led by Voivode of Voivodes Vladimir Rustovitch (Vlach Circle of the Crone Tzimisce dynasty Ventrue)
Sea of Shadows (Sicily, Aragorn, Mediterranean Islands) led by Lord Montano, King of Sicily, Aragon, Cyprus, Sardina, Corsica and Crete (Italian Nameless Lasombra dynasty Ventrue)
Courts of Love (France, Aquataine) led by Queen Salianna of Paris (Frankish Lancea Sanctum Daeva)
Baronies of Avalon (England, Wales, Brittany) led by Lord Mithras of London (Saxon Invictus Ventrue)
al-Amin Caliphate led by Caliph Fadi, Sultan of Mespotamia, Syria and Arabia (Levantine al-Amin Ventrue)
Banu Shaitan Caliphate by Caliph Zubair, Sultan of Mauretania and Andalusia (Berber Banu Shaitan Mekhet)
Kingdom of Anatolia led by Sultan Tughril Ashina (Turkish al-Amin Gangrel wolf-blooded)
Kingdom of Egypt led by Sultana Nephthys (Egyptian Unaligned Mekhet Khaibit)
Kingdom of Volga Bulgaria led by Crone Baba Yaga (Russian Circle of the Crone Nosferatu Yagnatia)
Kingdom of Turkestan led by Sultana Ceylan (Turkish Ivory Claw Ashina)
Legend of the Bone Shadows, Illi (Berber Irraka Bone Shadows)
Legend of the Blood Talons, Freya Freki, Queen of Norway (Norse Rahu Blood Talon)
Legend of the Hunters in Darkness, Emir of Oman, Sanaa, Damman and Medina (Bedouin Hunters in Darkness)
Legend of the Iron Masters, King of Pomerania and Frisia (Pommeranian Iron Masters)
Legend of the Storm Lords, King of Rus and Ruthenia (Russian Storm Lords)
Legend of the Fire-Touched, King of Cumania and Turkestan (Cuman Fire-Touched)
Legend of the Ivory Claws, King of Malwa (Hindustanti Ivory Claws)
Legend of the Predator Kings, King of Perm and Finland (Predator Kings)
Legend of the Bale Hounds, King of Scotland, (Scottish Bale Hounds)
Most empires have some degree of centralization. Most empires have some variant of elective (a few have seniority or tanis). There is a new holder maintenance event which will cause a titular empire to be destroyed if held by the wrong supernatural type, religion or culture.
Note: in the 1142 bookmark, the recommended characters are largely the only playable characters. If you want to play a duke or count, select the 1250 bookmark; or start up at 1142, let the game run a few turns, save game, load save game and pick anywhere on the map.
Set all cultures to not use dynasty names for primary title. If you want to see dynasties, there is a map tab for that!
Made Hungary have Hungarian characters. Moved some Pencheng to former Hungarian territory, north of the Black Sea. Decreased Avar characters. All of dejure Wallachia is now Vlach and Circle of the Crone. Increased Invictus and Circle of the Crone vampires in Hungary, reduced Fire-Touched Werewolves. Added Hungarians to Ungvar, removed Croats. Removed some Bohemians for more Hungarians.
Add Seljuk/Turkish migration to Anatolia. Adjusted religion, culture accordingly. Lancea Sanctum now dominates the crusader states, while al-Amin and Ivory Claws followed the Turkish invasion. There is some character work left to do so that we don't have Greek al-Amin.
All Norse Storm Lords replaced with Norse Blood Talons. Dutch Lancea Sanctum replaced with Dutch Iron Masters. Blood Talons, Storm Lords in Scotland and Ireland replaced with Bale Hounds.
Created 5 holy sites for every religion to address 2.1.6 bug (too differentiate holy sites later).
If supernaturals convert to "innocent", they will subsequently become unaligned or ghost wolves. Werewolves should no longer be converted by liege to vampire religion and vampires should no longer be converted by liege to werewolf religion.
Forsworn/Belial's Brood: now a significant Covenant. Actually exists as religion group with various factions (Nameless, Mercy Seat, Roaring Serpent, Throne of Smokeness Fire, Pandaemonium) as religons. Djinn has been eliminated a separately religion, with holdings distributed to Smokeless Throne and Unaligned.
Increased county holding substantially. They are smaller than Lancea Sanctum or Invictus, about the size of the Circle of the Crone, al-Amin, Ivory Claws, Mara-Dharma--they are spread over a wide geographic area.
Forsworn unholy orders: The Hidden, Archons, Antinomians, Faustians, Djinn, and the Hyletics. Forsworn mercenaries: the Black Hand, Manus Nigrum, Talmahera, Baali, and the Sabbat.
Therion dynasty will appear for some Forswon.
Forsworn also have their own revenant families who are hireable as mercenaries and have ancesteral county holdings, the Duolosi: Androphonis, Anleemoni, Avigsonne, Carcassonne, D'habi, Diakonos, and Schiavari.
Revenants/Ghoul Families: Added all named revenant families from OWOD and NWOD. They exist as hireable mercenaries, dynasties, an as well as often claiming single counties for their ancesteral homelands.
The families: Asmundarson, Basarab, Bratovitch, Crassus, Cult of Nirriti, Danislaw, Enrathi, Grimaldi, Khazi, Krevcheski, Marijava, Narov, Obertus, Oprichniki, Premysl, Rafastio, Rustovitch, Ruthvenski, Szantovich (Zanatosa) and Vlaszy
Mercenaries: Some clan specific mercenaries added: The Carnival (Daeva), Larvae (Gangrel), Angustri (Mekhet), Noctuku (Nosferatu), and the Last State (Ventrue)
Added some Ashirra/Islamic/Arabic mercenaries: Assamites, Ashirra, Banu Haqim, Bay't Majnoon, Bay't Muirim, Bay't Mushakis, Bay't Mutasharid, Qabilat al-Khayal, Qabilat al-Mawt, Ray'een al-Fen, Wah'Sheenand the Walid Set.
Added some Dark Age Inquisitor supernatural hunter mercenaries: House Murnau, Oculi Dei, Sisters of Saint John,
The Red Order and the Order of the Poor Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre
Rebels: Rebel Dukes now are supernatural as appropriate; as are their courtiers.
Sped up Technology/Influence Level Increase
Massive building overhaul:
Bribed (Level 1): First stage of controlling a resource. Quick and cheap to do with small reward. 1 week, 10 gold. +1 light_infantry
Influenced (Level 2): Second stage of controlling a resource. Moderate time, moderate cost with moderate reward. 1 month, 50 gold. +10 light_infantry
Controlled (Level 3): Third stage of controlling a resource. Large time, large cost with large reward. 1 year, 500 gold. +100 light_infantry
Ghouled (Level 1.G): For vampires only and costs province blood. Quick and cheap to do with large reward. 1 week, 10 gold, +100 light_infantry. But costs 1 province blood every month, and has a trigger of a high provnice blood to do.
Conditioned (Level 2.C): For vampires with Dominate IV. Large time, moderate cost with a large reward. 6 months, 250 gold. +75 light_infantry. This will give Ventrue a subsantial edge over other vampires in influencing society.
Not all building/influence will have these options and paths; but most will.
Example of levels for a Brothel:
Bribed Whore (Level 1)
Influenced Pimp (Level 2)
Controlled Brothel (Level 3)
Ghouled Madam (Level 1.G)
Conditioned Whores (Level 2.C)
Kinds of buildings/influence:
Castle Guard: heavy infantry, pikemen, garrison
Knightly Order: knights, light cavalry
Militia: light infantry, archers, garrison
Inn: gold, blood
Bandits: light cavalry, gold
Brothel: gold, blood
Tavern: gold, blood
Night Watch of the City Guard: pikemen, heavy infantry, archers, helps masquerade, garrison
Street gang: light infantry, gold, influence spread, economic influence, garrison
Temple Guard: light infantry, heavy infantry, garrison
Monastery: gold, blood
Convent: gold, blood
Smugglers: ships, gold, light infantry
Haven: add fort level, garrison, 5 levels
Elysium: reduces vampire frenzy, helps masquerade
Hell Hound Kennels: fort level
Nosferatu Warrens: fort level
Kinfolk: special influence that adds light infantry for werewolves to balance vampire ghouls.
Version 0.1.5
Please be sure do delete your existing Princes_of_Darkness cache files if any (probably located at C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\Princes of Darkness * * *
Casus Belli Holy War restricted: nominal piety cost, many different traits will allow for holy war.
Also, you may find that a baron has an independent barony in your county that you will have a county claim upon that you can wage war and then grant to a more worthy vassal.
The levy and garrison sizes of castles, temples, cities, holy orders and mercenaries has been greatly reduced. Costs have been increased. Supernaturals of Princes of Darkness command very few mortals, but in the future will have powerful special unit retinues. Adventure unit spawns have also been nerfed. Combat should be short and sharp! Balance suggestions welcome!
Changed units: Light Infantry = Cut-Throats. Hireable only as retinues: Archers = Witch Hunters, Pikemen = Mages. This might changed based on play feedback. In the future, Merc/Holy Orders may have Special Troops.
Technology levelled to zero at start for all.
Modifed technology localisation: advances now influences, also individual techs being renamed (Criminal Underworld, Darkened Mortals, Supernaturals, Smuggling, Masons, Elysium, Renonwn, Legitmacy, etc...). "Technology" will become Influence and represent a supernatural's domain influence over supernatural and mortal society; not the ability of your Sheriff to design a better catapult. Vampires in particular lag behind technological trends, but they are vastly powerful when it comes to influence.
Mercenary hire distance reduced.
Buildings have been greatly reduced. More buildings to come in the future that more fitting with the theme.
Fixed bug with event/lorspiritual_job causing unhidden window spams.
Modified all covenants so that lords can_holtemples = yes
Removed tax penalty for wrong government type from defines.lua. Hold castles, temples or cities without tax penalty.
Fixed issue with failed Coat of Arms for random COAs. Expect improved colors for random COAs. In the future, expect custom graphics for random COAs, grouped by Religion/Covenant.
New Casus Belli: Clan War. Can only be used against independent lords who do not share your clan, but do share your religion group and culture.
Fixed misplaced } with vampire prisoner diablerie decision. Vampires will not go automatically to blood potency X upon diablorizing any vampire.
Changed monthly piety gain to 1 for cruac 5, theban 5 and coils 5.
Fixed FLAG_PORECENT_VAMPIRE_CHILDE reference in vampire_embrace_vassal_decisions to decrease embrace rate
Added Dammitic Creed to Deir (Nehardea). Perhaps make more Dammitic baronies in the future.
Increased Banu Shaitan at the expense of Al-Amin
Special buildings: Nosfeartu Warrens, Hellhound Kennels (Animalism), Elysium (Longinus and Abrahamic groups)
VII (The Betrayed) are now a trait rather than a covenant/religion. VII vampires will now be randomnly generated; with appropriate clan and culture combinations. They can also earn nicknames. They'll be hunting you. They can not use Casus Belli Clan War.
Gorgon dynasties (Euryale/Stheno) now start as Circle of the Crone with Cruac instead of Theban as appropriate.
Fixed Rule Designer Vampire Immortality issue.
Retinue: Ghoul (Heavy Infantry), Vampire (Knight)
Changed ratio of Independent Dynasties to Bloodline Dynasties to 50/50 on random landed characters at startup (ratio was 35/65). This should reduce the power of landed dynasties, yet still have them appear in cultures with few holdings.
Moved Bone Shadows to North Africa, at the expense of Banu Shaitan, Al-Amin and Ascending Ones
Moved Hunters in Darkness to Arabia, at the expense of Al-Amin, Ascending Ones and Banu Shaitan
Increased Storm Lord presence in Slavic Europe, at the expense of Hunters in Darkness and Bone Shadows
Fixed issue with location reverse_religion which was causing most noble werewolves to be ghost wolves. Now, they usually keep their default province religion.
Retinue: Werewolf (Light Cavalry)
Version 0.1.4
Used "Kingdoms (and Empires) Abound Titular Title Generator" to generate independent counts for all provinces.
Now you can start play anywhere on the map.
Adjusted Nicknames; vampires will not get normal nicknames just vampiric ones
Adjusted discipline training to allow player characters to learn out of clan general disciplines up to level V.
Adjusted discipline training to discourage AI to learn out of clan general disciplines level IV and V.
Adjusted health_events to add NOT trait = immortal and NOT trait = vampire to triggers (left madness vanilla)
Adjusted embrace minor title and vassal decision embrace to exclude other supernaturals
Adjusted vassal decision embrace spouse and embrace councillor to increase factor for FROM
Removed some prati-vasudeva-dharma from India
Added some Banu Shaitan to West Africa
Adjusted gift cost and factor of occurrence
Added werewolf dynasties from folklore (for culture groups: Altaic, Germanic, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Latin, Finno-Ugric, Baltic, Slavic); werewolves should blob more
Split werewolf traits file from vampire traits file
Removed all Predator Kings from West Africa
Added some Ivory Claws to India
Version 0.1.3
Compatible with Crusader Kings II patch 2.1.4
Code: Flint
2D Art: Dragonovith
Code: Buildings: Lexo
Modified event ids to pod.666### format
Checked that vampire aging events can properly be invoked by console
Divided Commoner and Noble setup events by supernatural race
Removed from supe traits same opinion and general opinion
Removed default opinion mallus for characters possessing a supernatural state
Replaced health traits from immortal characters with more martial or removed bonus entirely
Significantly increased Monthly prestige loss from each unlanded adult son
Localisation: piety is piety again (not humanity), wealth is wealth again (not blood)
Long reign years opinion bonus starts at year 500
Added hostile_within_group flag for certain religious groups: Pagan vampires, Abrahamic vampires, Dharmic vampires, Hunters, Mages, Demons, Changelings, the innocent
Added nicknames: the diabolist, the ancient, the majestic, the haunt, etc... more to do for these
train vampire disciplines now costs prestige, adjusted costs, modifiers
trait cruac, theban and coils now costs piety, adjusted costs, modifiers
fixed vampire noble event so all nobles don't get Theban Sorcery
added prestige to neonate, revenant and ghoul traits
modifed female titles in localisation
checked that ghoul modifier works correctly, it does
Gifts: Added Dragonovith's Trait Icons (gfx); Added Gift Traits (common, interface, decisions)
Gifts cost prestige
added prestige to werewolf and wolf-blooded traits
localisation for gift level descs to do
Version 0.1.2
fixed stargazers entry in landetitles; this corrects the county flag issue
added Black Spiral Dancers as Bale Hound Mercs
Localisation: Laibon
Coat of Arms: Fixed Banned Colors, hopefully reducing the number of failed COAs
Version 0.1.1
Set Opposites for most Traits
fixed mercenary_type compositions (no more modifiers)
fixed flags/coas
removed unneccessary landetitles
added Gallows Post for Irish Sea, Black Sea, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea
added werewolf mercenaries and holy orders
added Order of Sir Martin
Coat of Arms: adjusted coat of arms to reduce colors used. Added a Invictus "I" as test run of custom vamp coas.
Added Laibon Covenant
Added Vampire Dynasties:
Davea: Eupraxus, Toreador, Santiago, Nelapsi, Osebo, Anubi, Anvari, Ishtarri
Gangrel: Matasuntha, Taifa, Empusae, Mystikoi, Kinyonyi, Bruja, Moroi, Vedma, Akunese,
Mekhet: Csalad, Iltani, Khaibit, Tismanu, Angusti, Qedeshah, Andreas, Sangiovanni, Norvegi, Tismanu, Damballah
Nosferatu: Azerkatil, Usiri, Acteius, Galloi, Adroanzi, Mla Watu, Yagnatia, Calacas, Baddacelli, Telamones, Shango
Ventrue: Beni Murrahim, Stheno, Euryale, Geheim, Xi Dundu, Lasombra, Veracruz, Corajoso, Cassian, Rotgraten, Tzimisce, Guruhi
Increased Rate of Independent Vampire Dynasties, Decreased the Rate of Canon Dynasties
Removed time delay on embracing new childer for player.
Added Revenant/Ghoul Family babies
Version 0.1
Developmental Release
Patched for Crusader Kings 2.1.3 and Rajas of India DLC