You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 31
๐ฏ :100:
๐ข :1234:
๐ :grinning:
๐ฌ :grimacing:
๐ :grin:
๐ :joy:
๐คฃ :rofl:
๐ :smiley:
๐ :smile:
๐ :laughing:
๐ :innocent:
๐ :wink:
๐ :blush:
๐ :slightly_smiling_face:
๐ :upside_down_face:
๐ :yum:
๐ :relieved:
๐ :heart_eyes:
๐ :kissing_heart:
๐ :kissing:
๐ :kissing_smiling_eyes:
๐ :kissing_closed_eyes:
๐ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
๐ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
๐ค :money_mouth_face:
๐ค :nerd_face:
๐ :sunglasses:
๐คก :clown_face:
๐ค :cowboy_hat_face:
๐ค :hugs:
๐ :smirk:
๐ถ :no_mouth:
๐ :neutral_face:
๐ :expressionless:
๐ :unamused:
๐ :roll_eyes:
๐ค :thinking:
๐คฅ :lying_face:
๐ณ :flushed:
๐ :disappointed:
๐ :worried:
๐ :angry:
๐ก :rage:
๐ :pensive:
๐ :confused:
๐ :slightly_frowning_face:
๐ฃ :persevere:
๐ :confounded:
๐ซ :tired_face:
๐ฉ :weary:
๐ค :triumph:
๐ฎ :open_mouth:
๐ฑ :scream:
๐จ :fearful:
๐ฐ :cold_sweat:
๐ฏ :hushed:
๐ฆ :frowning:
๐ง :anguished:
๐ข :cry:
๐ฅ :disappointed_relieved:
๐คค :drooling_face:
๐ช :sleepy:
๐ :sweat:
๐ญ :sob:
๐ต :dizzy_face:
๐ฒ :astonished:
๐ค :zipper_mouth_face:
๐คข :nauseated_face:
๐คง :sneezing_face:
๐ท :mask:
๐ค :face_with_thermometer:
๐ค :face_with_head_bandage:
๐ด :sleeping:
๐ค :zzz:
๐ฉ :poop:
๐ :smiling_imp:
๐ฟ :imp:
๐น :japanese_ogre:
๐บ :japanese_goblin:
๐ :skull:
๐ป :ghost:
๐ฝ :alien:
๐ค :robot:
๐บ :smiley_cat:
๐ธ :smile_cat:
๐น :joy_cat:
๐ป :heart_eyes_cat:
๐ผ :smirk_cat:
๐ฝ :kissing_cat:
๐ :scream_cat:
๐ฟ :crying_cat_face:
๐พ :pouting_cat:
๐ :raised_hands:
๐ :clap:
๐ :wave:
๐ค :call_me_hand:
๐ :+1:
๐ :-1:
๐ :facepunch:
โ :fist:
๐ค :fist_left:
๐ค :fist_right:
โ๏ธ :v:
๐ :ok_hand:
โ :raised_hand:
๐ค :raised_back_of_hand:
๐ :open_hands:
๐ช :muscle:
๐ :pray:
๐ค :handshake:
โ๏ธ :point_up:
๐ :point_up_2:
๐ :point_down:
๐ :point_left:
๐ :point_right:
๐๏ธ :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
๐ค :metal:
๐ค :crossed_fingers:
๐ :vulcan_salute:
โ๏ธ :writing_hand:
๐คณ :selfie:
๐ :ear:
๐ :nose:
๐๏ธ :eye:
๐ :eyes:
๐ :womans_clothes:
๐ :tshirt:
๐ :jeans:
๐ :necktie:
๐ :dress:
๐ :kimono:
๐ :lipstick:
๐ฃ :footprints:
๐ :high_heel:
๐ก :sandal:
๐ข :boot:
๐ :mans_shoe:
๐ :athletic_shoe:
๐ :womans_hat:
๐ฉ :tophat:
โ๏ธ :rescue_worker_helmet:
๐ :mortar_board:
๐ :crown:
๐ :school_satchel:
๐ :pouch:
๐ :purse:
๐ :handbag:
๐ผ :briefcase:
๐ :eyeglasses:
๐ถ๏ธ :dark_sunglasses:
๐ :ring:
๐ :closed_umbrella:
๐ถ :dog:
๐ฑ :cat:
๐ญ :mouse:
๐น :hamster:
๐ฐ :rabbit:
๐ฆ :fox_face:
๐ป :bear:
๐ผ :panda_face:
๐จ :koala:
๐ฏ :tiger:
๐ฆ :lion:
๐ฎ :cow:
๐ท :pig:
๐ฝ :pig_nose:
๐ธ :frog:
๐ฆ :squid:
๐ :octopus:
๐ฆ :shrimp:
๐ต :monkey_face:
๐ฆ :gorilla:
๐ :see_no_evil:
๐ :hear_no_evil:
๐ :speak_no_evil:
๐ :monkey:
๐ :chicken:
๐ง :penguin:
๐ฆ :bird:
๐ค :baby_chick:
๐ฃ :hatching_chick:
๐ฅ :hatched_chick:
๐ฆ :duck:
๐ฆ :owl:
๐ฆ :bat:
๐บ :wolf:
๐ :boar:
๐ด :horse:
๐ฆ :unicorn:
๐ :honeybee:
๐ :bug:
๐ฆ :butterfly:
๐ :snail:
๐ชฒ :beetle:
๐ :ant:
๐ท๏ธ :spider:
๐ฆ :scorpion:
๐ฆ :crab:
๐ :snake:
๐ฆ :lizard:
๐ข :turtle:
๐ :tropical_fish:
๐ :fish:
๐ก :blowfish:
๐ฌ :dolphin:
๐ฆ :shark:
๐ณ :whale:
๐ :whale2:
๐ :crocodile:
๐ :leopard:
๐ :water_buffalo:
๐ :ox:
๐ :cow2:
๐ฆ :deer:
๐ช :dromedary_camel:
๐ซ :camel:
๐ :elephant:
๐ฆ :rhinoceros:
๐ :goat:
๐ :ram:
๐ :sheep:
๐ :racehorse:
๐ :pig2:
๐ :rat:
๐ :mouse2:
๐ :rooster:
๐ฆ :turkey:
๐๏ธ :dove:
๐ :dog2:
๐ฉ :poodle:
๐ :cat2:
๐ :rabbit2:
๐ฟ๏ธ :chipmunk:
๐พ :paw_prints:
๐ :dragon:
๐ฒ :dragon_face:
๐ต :cactus:
๐ :christmas_tree:
๐ฒ :evergreen_tree:
๐ณ :deciduous_tree:
๐ด :palm_tree:
๐ฑ :seedling:
๐ฟ :herb:
โ๏ธ :shamrock:
๐ :four_leaf_clover:
๐ :bamboo:
๐ :tanabata_tree:
๐ :leaves:
๐ :fallen_leaf:
๐ :maple_leaf:
๐พ :ear_of_rice:
๐บ :hibiscus:
๐ป :sunflower:
๐น :rose:
๐ฅ :wilted_flower:
๐ท :tulip:
๐ผ :blossom:
๐ธ :cherry_blossom:
๐ :bouquet:
๐ :mushroom:
๐ฐ :chestnut:
๐ :jack_o_lantern:
๐ :shell:
๐ธ๏ธ :spider_web:
๐ :earth_americas:
๐ :earth_africa:
๐ :earth_asia:
๐ :full_moon:
๐ :waning_gibbous_moon:
๐ :last_quarter_moon:
๐ :waning_crescent_moon:
๐ :new_moon:
๐ :waxing_crescent_moon:
๐ :first_quarter_moon:
๐ :waxing_gibbous_moon:
๐ :new_moon_with_face:
๐ :full_moon_with_face:
๐ :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
๐ :last_quarter_moon_with_face:
๐ :sun_with_face:
๐ :crescent_moon:
โญ :star:
๐ :star2:
๐ซ :dizzy:
โจ :sparkles:
โ๏ธ :comet:
โ๏ธ :sunny:
๐ค๏ธ :sun_behind_small_cloud:
๐ฅ๏ธ :sun_behind_large_cloud:
๐ฆ๏ธ :sun_behind_rain_cloud:
โ๏ธ :cloud:
๐ง๏ธ :cloud_with_rain:
โ๏ธ :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
๐ฉ๏ธ :cloud_with_lightning:
โก :zap:
๐ฅ :fire:
๐ฅ :boom:
โ๏ธ :snowflake:
๐จ๏ธ :cloud_with_snow:
โ :snowman:
โ๏ธ :snowman_with_snow:
๐ฌ๏ธ :wind_face:
๐จ :dash:
๐ช๏ธ :tornado:
๐ซ๏ธ :fog:
โ๏ธ :open_umbrella:
โ :umbrella:
๐ง :droplet:
๐ :fu:
(disabled by default)
๐ :lips:
(disabled by default)
(disabled by default)
๐ :bikini:
(disabled by default)
๐ :kiss:
(disabled by default)
๐ฆ :sweat_drops:
(disabled by default)
๐ :ocean:
๐ :green_apple:
๐ :apple:
๐ :pear:
๐ :tangerine:
๐ :lemon:
๐ :banana:
(disabled by default)
๐ :watermelon:
๐ :grapes:
๐ :strawberry:
๐ :melon:
๐ :cherries:
(disabled by default)
๐ :peach:
(disabled by default)
๐ :pineapple:
๐ฅ :kiwi_fruit:
๐ฅ :avocado:
(disabled by default)
๐ :eggplant:
(disabled by default)
๐ฅ :cucumber:
(disabled by default)
๐ฅ :carrot:
๐ถ๏ธ :hot_pepper:
๐ฅ :potato:
๐ฝ :corn:
๐ :sweet_potato:
๐ฅ :peanuts:
๐ฏ :honey_pot:
๐ฅ :croissant:
๐ :bread:
๐ฅ :baguette_bread:
๐ง :cheese:
๐ฅ :egg:
๐ฅ :bacon:
๐ฅ :pancakes:
๐ :poultry_leg:
๐ :meat_on_bone:
๐ค :fried_shrimp:
๐ณ :fried_egg:
๐ :hamburger:
๐ :fries:
๐ฅ :stuffed_flatbread:
๐ญ :hotdog:
๐ :pizza:
๐ :spaghetti:
๐ฎ :taco:
๐ฏ :burrito:
๐ฅ :green_salad:
๐ฅ :shallow_pan_of_food:
๐ :ramen:
๐ฒ :stew:
๐ฅ :fish_cake:
๐ฃ :sushi:
๐ฑ :bento:
๐ :curry:
๐ :rice_ball:
๐ :rice:
๐ :rice_cracker:
๐ข :oden:
๐ก :dango:
๐ง :shaved_ice:
๐จ :ice_cream:
๐ฆ :icecream:
๐ฐ :cake:
๐ :birthday:
๐ฎ :custard:
๐ฌ :candy:
๐ญ :lollipop:
๐ซ :chocolate_bar:
๐ฟ :popcorn:
๐ฉ :doughnut:
๐ช :cookie:
๐ฅ :milk_glass:
๐บ :beer:
(disabled by default)
๐ป :beers:
(disabled by default)
๐ฅ :clinking_glasses:
(disabled by default)
๐ท :wine_glass:
(disabled by default)
๐ฅ :tumbler_glass:
(disabled by default)
๐ธ :cocktail:
(disabled by default)
๐น :tropical_drink:
๐พ :champagne:
๐ถ :sake:
๐ต :tea:
โ :coffee:
:crazy_face: :crazy_face:
:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
๐คซ :shushing_face:
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
(disabled by default)
๐คฉ :star_struck:
๐คฏ :exploding_head:
:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:
(disabled by default)
โฝ :soccer:
๐ :basketball:
๐ :football:
โพ :baseball:
๐พ :tennis:
๐ :volleyball:
๐ :rugby_football:
๐ฑ :8ball:
โณ :golf:
๐ :ping_pong:
๐ธ :badminton:
๐ :ice_hockey:
๐ :field_hockey:
๐ฆ :cricket:
โธ๏ธ :ice_skate:
๐น :bow_and_arrow:
๐ฅ :boxing_glove:
๐ฅ :martial_arts_uniform:
๐ :trophy:
๐๏ธ :medal_military:
๐ฅ :1st_place_medal:
๐ฅ :2nd_place_medal:
๐ฅ :3rd_place_medal:
๐๏ธ :reminder_ribbon:
๐ต๏ธ :rosette:
๐ซ :ticket:
๐๏ธ :tickets:
๐ญ :performing_arts:
๐จ :art:
๐ช :circus_tent:
๐ค :microphone:
๐ง :headphones:
๐ผ :musical_score:
๐น :musical_keyboard:
๐ฅ :drum:
๐ท :saxophone:
๐บ :trumpet:
๐ธ :guitar:
๐ป :violin:
๐ฌ :clapper:
๐ฎ :video_game:
๐พ :space_invader:
๐ฏ :dart:
๐ฒ :game_die:
๐ฐ :slot_machine:
๐ณ :bowling:
โค๏ธ :heart:
๐ :broken_heart:
๐ :ok:
๐ :up:
๐ :cool:
๐ :new:
๐ :free:
0๏ธโฃ :zero:
1๏ธโฃ :one:
2๏ธโฃ :two:
3๏ธโฃ :three:
4๏ธโฃ :four:
5๏ธโฃ :five:
6๏ธโฃ :six:
7๏ธโฃ :seven:
8๏ธโฃ :eight:
9๏ธโฃ :nine:
๐ :keycap_ten:
*๏ธโฃ :asterisk:
๐จ :rotating_light:
๐ :rocket:
๐ฐ๏ธ :artificial_satellite:
โ :anchor:
๐ง :construction:
๐ฆ :vertical_traffic_light:
๐ฅ :traffic_light:
๐ :checkered_flag:
๐ผ :tokyo_tower:
โฒ :fountain:
โฐ๏ธ :mountain:
๐๏ธ :mountain_snow:
๐ป :mount_fuji:
๐ :volcano:
โบ :tent:
๐ค๏ธ :railway_track:
๐ :sunrise_over_mountains:
๐๏ธ :desert:
๐๏ธ :beach_umbrella:
๐๏ธ :desert_island:
๐๏ธ :cityscape:
๐ :night_with_stars:
๐ :bridge_at_night:
๐ :city_sunrise:
๐ :city_sunset:
โ :watch:
โ๏ธ :phone:
๐ป :computer:
โจ๏ธ :keyboard:
๐ฅ๏ธ :desktop_computer:
๐จ๏ธ :printer: