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Resource Pack Information

RadBuilder edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 1 revision


Due to the way emojis are created, we use Resource Packs to change characters of either the Chinese or Korean language. Because of this, you may experience emojis while chatting in one of those languages. To solve this, we have two Resource Pack variants that can be configured in the config with the pack-variant option.

Pack Variants

Pack variant 1 is default and recommended, which replaces characters in the Korean language. Pack variant 2 replaces characters in the Chinese language, and should only be used if you need to use the Korean language. Emojis display best when using pack variant 1. Because we replace characters of either the Korean or Chinese language, you won't be able to support use of both languages at once.
Be careful: changing the pack variant will ruin anything with emojis already on them, such as signs.

Resource Pack Downloading

The EmojiChat resource pack can be configured to automatically download with the download-resourcepack option in the config (default), or users can download it by using the /emojichat resourcepack command (see Commands).

Download Issues

The most common problem when downloading the Resource Pack is an issue with your Minecraft client's Resource Pack setting. If you're constantly asked to download the Resource Pack, make sure you have the Minecraft server in your server list, then change "Server Resource Packs" to enabled. If you can't get the Resource Pack to download, do the same: change "Server Resource Packs" to enabled for the Minecraft server in your server list (click server, then edit).

Lag When The Resource Pack Applies

Due to how Minecraft works, you may experience a lag spike when the Resource Pack is applied. This can be minimized by doing a few things. First, make sure "Server Resource Packs" is set to enabled for the server using EmojiChat (see above): this is where most of the lag comes from. Next, make sure you and the server are using a Minecraft/Spigot version that supports Resource Pack caching. This means if you join and have already downloaded the Resource Pack, a cached version will be applied and you won't have to download it again. Finally, if you're still getting too much lag when the Resource Pack is applied, try installing the pack manually outlined below.

Manual Install

If you can't get the pack to work at all, or you'd like to manually install it, they're available in the Releases page for this repository. Just make sure you select the right pack variant. Keep in mind that when EmojiChat is updated, you'll have to redownload the pack from the releases page again.
It is not recommended to have all of your users manually download the Resource Pack.