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Solution of Team aladdin5 for FLARE22 Challenge

This repository provides the solution of team aladdin5 for MICCAI FLARE22 Challenge. For more information, please refer to The details of our method are described in our paper Cascade Dual-decoders Network for Abdominal Organs Segmentation. And our work are built upon nnU-Net, you can reproduce our method as follows step by step.

Environments and Requirements:

Firstly, please install nnU-Net as below.

git clone
cd nnUNet  
pip install -e . 

You should meet the requirements of nnUNet, our method does not need any additional requirements. For more details, please refer to

1. Generate Pseudo Labels

1.1 Dataset conversion

Following nnUNet, give a TaskID (e.g. Task201) to the 50 labeled data and organize them folowing the requirement of nnUNet.

put the into nnUNet\nnunet\dataset_conversion
then run

├── dataset.json
├── imagesTr
├── imagesTs
└── labelsTr

1.2 Data Preprocessing

Also, you should do some preprocessing. We use the default setting

nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 22 -pl3d ExperimentPlanner3D_v21 -pl2d None

1.3 Training a basic model

Now, you can train the basic model. In our work, we trained with the all labeled data, also you can train with 5-fold.

run_training 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2 -t 201 all -pl3d nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D -pl2d None

1.4 Test on the Validation Set

The validation set has 50 CTs, which are provided by FLARE22.

predict_simple -i valdir -o valpredict -t 201 -tr nnUNetTrainerV2  -m 3d_fullres  -p nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D  --all_in_gpu True 

Then you can submit the validation result to FLARE22 and should get a pretty good mean DSC, our model is about 0.86. The actually score is not important.

1.5 Predict the 2000 unlabeled data

Then we generate the pseudo labels for the 2000 unlabeled CT scans. That is a really time-consuming thing. It takes 5 days to predict the all cases on 2 powerful AI platforms each with a NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU.

predict_simple -i unlabeleddir -o pseudolabeldir -t 201 -tr nnUNetTrainerV2  -m 3d_fullres  -p nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D  --all_in_gpu True 

Now, we have 50 labeled cases and 2000 pseudo labeled cases. Then we can do supervised learning.

2. Cascade models

As described in our paper, we design a cascade framework to reduce the memory consume, which consists of a low-resolution localization model and a high-resolution segmentation model. You can download our pretrained models at

2.1 Localization model

The localization model is a default nnUNet model but preprocessing the data in low-resolution, please refer to In short, take the 13 organs as foreground(labeled 1) and make a new dataset, then train a new model like the basic model in low-resolution space. During inference time, we can extract rois using this model. This can be done by run extractROI, but do change the paths in the script.


2.2 Extract ROIs and build a new dataset

The abdomen is the ROI in this work. To train the new segmenation model, we should extract the ROIs and build a new abdomen dataset. Also, just change the paths and run extractROI. Then you should do some data preprocess again!


2.3 class-weighted Dual-decoders Segmentation model

We design a dual-decoders segmentation model and a class-weighted loss to improve the segmentation performance. In our original work, we did these in a gradually manner, however you can directly train a class-weighted segmentation model! Your should do these things to train our model:

replace the in nnUNet\nnunet\training\loss_functions with the provided
put the to nnUNet\nnunet\training\network_training
put the to nnUNet\nnunet\network_architecture

Here nnUNet is the basedir of your nnUNet. Then just train the model like the basic but with differenct trainer.

run_training 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2_MultiDecoder -t taskid all -pl3d nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D -pl2d None

Here taskid is assigned by yourself, we use 202.

2.4 post-processing

Connected component-based post-processing is commonly used in medical image segmentation. Here we do post-processing for liver, kidneys, spleen and aorta . You should change the path in


2.5 put the prediction back

Finally, you should put the prediction back to the original space. Change the paths in and run it.



Use and for docker only.


Our work is focus on the accurancy and we didn't modify nnunet source code for efficiency. A lot of optimization work can be done in the future.


A solution of aladdin5 for FLARE22







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