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Update makefile (#73)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* docs and setup: updating Makefile to work
* makefile update: move scripts to osism subdirectory, adapt makefile to contain osism sepcific commands and more general commands
* fix: reset requirement.txt to normal version
* feat: reorganise menu, fix: add dependencies to commands, feat: add menu for container related commands
* fix: remove duplicate script
* fix: change name of get configs file

Signed-off-by: Boekhorst <>
boekhorstb1 authored Oct 23, 2024
1 parent 1dfe578 commit 7c82cef
Showing 3 changed files with 58 additions and 24 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .envrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
53 changes: 29 additions & 24 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ help: ## Display this help message
@echo -e '\n${COLOUR_RED}Usage: make <command>${COLOUR_END}'
@cat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep '^[a-zA-Z]' | \
awk -F ':.*?## ' 'NF==2 {printf " %-26s%s\n\n", $$1, "${COLOUR_GREEN}"$$2"${COLOUR_END}"}'
@echo -e '${COLOUR_RED}OSISM helperscript usage: make <command>${COLOUR_END}'
@echo -e '${COLOUR_RED}Container related commands${COLOUR_END}'
@cat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep '^[a-zA-Z]' | \
awk -F ':.*?#container# ' 'NF==2 {printf " %-26s%s\n\n", $$1, "${COLOUR_GREEN}"$$2"${COLOUR_END}"}'
@echo -e '${COLOUR_RED}OSISM helperscripts${COLOUR_END}'
@cat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep '^[a-zA-Z]' | \
awk -F ':.*?#osism# ' 'NF==2 {printf " %-26s%s\n\n", $$1, "${COLOUR_GREEN}"$$2"${COLOUR_END}"}'

@@ -66,53 +69,55 @@ check-radoslib: ## Checks if radoslib is installed and if it contains the right
./scripts/ ${RADOSLIB_VERSION}

.PHONY: build-local-rookify
build-local-rookify: ## This builds rookify into .venv/bin/rookify
build-local-rookify: setup ## This builds rookify into .venv/bin/rookify
source .venv/bin/activate && pip install -e .

.PHONY: build-container
build-container: ## Build container from Dockerfile, add e.g. ROOKIFY_VERSION=0.0.1 to specify the version. Default value is 0.0.0.dev1
${CONTAINERCMD} build --build-arg ROOKIFY_VERSION=$(ROOKIFY_VERSION) --target rookify -t rookify:latest -f Dockerfile .

.PHONY: run-local-rookify
run-local-rookify: ## Runs rookify in the local development environment (requires setup-venv)
source ./.venv/bin/activate && pip install -e . && rookify

.PHONY: run-rookify
run-rookify: ## Runs rookify in the container
docker exec -it rookify-dev /app/rookify/.venv/bin/rookify

.PHONY: get-testbed-configs-for-rookify-testing
get-testbed-configs-for-rookify-testing: ## Gets the needed config (like .kube, /etc/ceph and so on) from the testbed
bash ./scripts/
run-local-rookify: build-local-rookify ## Runs rookify in the local development environment (requires setup-venv)

.PHONY: run-tests-locally
run-tests-locally: ## Runs the tests in the tests directory. NB: check that your local setup is connected through vpn to the testbed!
run-tests-locally: setup-venv ## Runs the tests in the tests directory. NB: check that your local setup is connected through vpn to the testbed!
.venv/bin/python -m pytest

# Add container related commands here (so they appear below the container header)
# Note: use #container# so command appear under header in menu

.PHONY: run-tests
run-tests: up ## Runs the tests in the container
run-tests: up #container# Runs the tests in the container
${CONTAINERCMD} exec -it rookify-dev bash -c "/app/rookify/.venv/bin/python -m pytest"

.PHONY: run-rookify
run-rookify: up #container# Runs rookify in the container
${CONTAINERCMD} exec -it rookify-dev /app/rookify/.venv/bin/rookify

.PHONY: enter
enter: ## Enter the container
enter: up #container# Enter the container
${CONTAINERCMD} exec -it rookify-dev bash

.PHONY: logs
logs: ## Logs the container
logs: #container# Logs the container
${CONTAINERCMD} logs -f rookify-dev

.PHONY: down
down: ## Remove the containers as setup by docker-compose.yml
down: #container# Remove the containers as setup by docker-compose.yml
${CONTAINERCMD} compose down

.PHONY: up
up: ## Sets up the container as specified in docker-compose.yml and opens a bash terminal
up: #container# Sets up the container as specified in docker-compose.yml and opens a bash terminal
${CONTAINERCMD} compose up -d

.PHONY: build-container
build-container: #container# Build container from Dockerfile only, add e.g. ROOKIFY_VERSION=0.0.1 to specify the version. Default value is 0.0.0.dev1
${CONTAINERCMD} build --build-arg ROOKIFY_VERSION=$(ROOKIFY_VERSION) --target rookify -t rookify:latest -f Dockerfile .

# Add osism specific scripts below here (so they appear below helper header)
# Add osism specific scripts below here
# Note: use #osism# so command appear under header in menu

.PHONY: get-config
get-config: #osism# Gets configuration files from the OSISM testbed
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions scripts/osism/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Helperscript: Gets configs from testbed
# NOTE: this is for test purposes and specific for the OISISM testbed
# it requires .ssh/config to be set accordingly, e.g.:
# Host testbed-*
# StrictHostKeyChecking no
# IdentityFile <id_rsa of testbed>
# IdentitiesOnly yes
# user dragon
# Host testbed-manager
# Hostname <ip of manager of testbed>
# Host testbed-node-0
# Hostname
# Host testbed-node-1
# Hostname
# Host testbed-node-2
# Hostname

# copy .kube to ./.k8s
scp -r testbed-manager:.kube ./.k8s

# copy /etc/ceph/ from node1 to ./.k8s
ssh testbed-manager "docker cp cephclient:/etc/ceph /tmp/cephclientconfig" && scp -r testbed-manager:/tmp/cephclientconfig ./.ceph && ssh testbed-manager "rm -rf /tmp/cephclientconfig"

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