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SlintVox edited this page May 7, 2019 · 5 revisions


Part 1.) Player is able to plant and grow berries.

  1. Open command prompt pressing f1.
  2. Get berry using give blueberry.
  3. Equip berry and right click on ground.
    Verify: Berry bush is planted where berry was placed.
  4. Wait a few seconds
    1. Berry bush eventually grows berries
    2. Berries that are grown are the same as the ones planted

Part 2.) Player is able to pick berries from berry bush.

  1. Plant berry bush. (Reference Part 1 of berries test plan)
  2. Press e on bush.
    1. Bush is not destroyed, and player successfully has picked the berries off the bush.
    2. Berries eventually grow back on bushes

Part 3.) If a full grown berry bush is destroyed, berries will drop from the bush and the player is able to pick them up.

  1. Plant berry bush and wait for berries to grow on bushes. (Reference Part 1 of Berries test plan to plant berries)
  2. Destroy bush by holding left click on bush.
    1. Berried bush is destroyed and berries fall from bush.
    2. Player can pick up berries from the ground and it wil appear in inventory.

Part 4.) Player is able to eat picked berries

  1. Equip any berry
  2. Hold right click
    Verify: User eats berry