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SlintVox edited this page May 7, 2019 · 21 revisions


The skill tree offers a player unique skills to improve their gameplay. Each skill needs to be "trained" to level up. One player can only train one skill at a time. They can access the skill pane by pressing the L button.


Setup Information

Before testing these test cases, make sure to create a fresh new world using the JoshariasSurvival mod.

Skill Tree Pane

Part 1: All skills appear with correct information

  1. Click L
    Verify: (Reference image under About section)
    1. Skill pane opens
    2. These skill options appear: Swimming, Running, Crafting, Fitness, Assembling, Idle
  2. Click into each skill tree.
    1. Each skill shows the correct "Skill", "Progress", "Description", and "Start Training" bar.
    2. None of the skills are being trained.
      Note: Some skills will have the Start Training button grayed about due to required skills not being met.
  3. Press esc to exit.

Training Skills

Part 1: User is able to train a skill and level up.

  1. Open skill tree using L.
  2. Click on "Crafting" skill.
    Verify: Progress level contains current level and experience points.
  3. Click Start Training.
    Verify: experience points goes up over time.
  4. Click f1 to bring up command prompt
  5. Enter setTimeDilation 35 to speed up time
    Verify: Crafting skill is able to reach the next level after filling experience bar.
  6. Set time back to normal using setTimeDilation 1.

Part 2: Character cannot train more than 1 skill at a time.

  1. Open skill tree using L.
  2. Click on "Crafting" skill.
  3. Click Start Training.
    Verify: Crafting is being trained.
  4. Click "Fitness" skill
  5. Click Start Training
    Verify: Fitness skill is being trained.
  6. Click Back into "Crafting" skill
    Verify: Crafting skill is not being trained.

Part 3: Switching to a different skill pane or exiting out of skill tree does not stop training.

  1. Open skill tree using L.
  2. Select "Crafting". Keep track of current experience points.
  3. Select Start Training.
  4. Click a different skill.
  5. Wait a few seconds, then switch back to "Crafting".
    Verify: Experience points increased compared from before and is still increasing.
  6. Press esc to exit from skill tree.
  7. Wait a few seconds, then press L.
  8. View "Crafting" skill.
    Verify: Experience points increased compared from before and is still increasing.

Part 4: After selecting Stop Training on a skill, Idle will be trained automatically.

  1. Open skill tree using L
  2. Select "Crafting"
  3. Select Start training skill, then immediately stop.
  4. Click "Idle"
    Verify: The "Idle" skill is being trained.

Part 5: Character can unlock and train unlocked skills if requirements met.

  1. Open console commands pressing f1
  2. Type in giveSkillBook ManualLaborEventualSkills:FitnessSkill 3
  3. Use book that appears in inventory after using command
    Verify: Fitness skill is now level 3
  4. Select either "Swimming"/"Running"
    Verify: User is able to train swimming and running.

Skill Effects
(5/6/2019: Test cases are unable to be tested. Mod needs method to check character stats)

It is recommended to create a new world before testing these test cases

Part 1: Crafting

Part 2: Fitness

  1. Open console commands pressing f1
  2. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
  3. Type in giveSkillBook ManualLaborEventualSkills:FitnessSkill 2
    Verify: Fitness skill is now level 2
  4. Use skill book (found in inventory after using giveSkillcommand)
  5. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
    Verify: Swimming, Running, and Climbing speed improved

Part 3: Running

  1. Open console commands pressing f1
  2. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
  3. Type in giveSkillBook ManualLaborEventualSkills:RunningSkill 2
    Verify: Swimming skill is now level 2
  4. Use skill book (found in inventory after using giveSkillcommand)
  5. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
    Verify: Running speed improved

Part 4: Swimming

  1. Open console commands pressing f1
  2. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
  3. Type in giveSkillBook ManualLaborEventualSkills:SwimmingSkill 2
    Verify: Swimming skill is now level 2
  4. Use skill book (found in inventory after using giveSkillcommand)
  5. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
    Verify: Swimming speed improved

Part 5: Assembly

  1. Open console commands pressing f1
  2. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
  3. Type in giveSkillBook ManualLaborEventualSkills:AssemblySkill 2
    Verify: Assembly skill is now level 2
  4. Use skill book (found in inventory after using giveSkillcommand)
  5. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
    Verify: Assembly speed improved

Part 6: Idle

  1. Open console commands pressing f1
  2. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
  3. Type in giveSkillBook ManualLaborEventualSkills:IdleSkill 2
    Verify: Assembly skill is now level 2
  4. Use skill book (found in inventory after using giveSkillcommand)
  5. Get character skill stats using [not created yet]
    Verify: None of the stats have changed.